Geologie is the science or studie o the Yird, its chemical upmak, morphologie, development an historie. Petrologie (the studie o stanes), mineralogie (the studie o minerals), geophysics, paleontologie (the studie o auncient life), an planetarie geologie (the studie o ither planets) is jist sum o the airts o geologie.

Geologists haes helpit calculate the eild o the Yird at aboot 4.6 thoosand million yeir.

The origin o the wird "geologie" is: "geo"="gaya" in Greek leird an logie=logos in Greek, science.

Scots Geologists

Important lowps forrit in geologie haes been made bi Scots geologists. Amang the maist weil-kent is:

  • James Hutton - kent as "the faither o modren geology"
  • Charles Lyell

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