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The biological subfaimily Bovinae includes a diverse group o 10 genera o middlin tae muckle ungulates, includin domestic cattle, bison, African buffalo, the watter buffalo, the yak, an the fower-horned an spiral-horned antelopes.

Quick Facts Bovines Temporal range: Miocene tae present, Scientific classification ...
Temporal range: Miocene tae present
African buffalo
(Syncerus caffer)
Scientific classification e
Kinrick: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Cless: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Faimily: Bovidae
Subfaimily: Bovinae
Gray, 1821
  • Boselaphini (Knottnerus-Meyer, 1907)
  • Tragelaphini (Blyth, 1863 sensu Sokolov, 1953)
  • Bovini (Gray, 1821)

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