The Iraq War[nb 1] wis an airmed conflict in Iraq that consisted o twa phases.[41] The first wis an invasion o Iraq stairtin on 20 Mairch 2003 bi an invasion force led bi the Unitit States.[42][43][44][45] It wis follaed bi a langer phase o fichtin, in which an insurgency emerged tae oppone the occupyin forces an the newly furmed Iraqi govrenment.[41] The U.S. completit its widrawal o militar personnel in December 2011.[46][47] Houiver, the Iraqi insurgency continues tae cause thoosands o fatalities.

Quick Facts Date, Location ...
Iraq War
Pairt o the War on Terror
Clockwise frae tap: Delta Force o Task Force 20 alangside truips o 3rd Battalion, 327t Infantry Regiment, at Uday Hussain an Qusay Hussein's hideoot.; Insurgents in northren Iraq; an Iraqi insurgent firin a MANPADS; the topplin o the Saddam Hussein statue in Firdos Square.
Date20 Mairch 2003 (2003-03-20) – 15 December 2011 (2011-12-15)
(8 years, 8 months, 3 weeks and 4 days)[1][dubious ]

Coalition victory

  • Invasion an occupation o Iraq
  • Owerthrow o Ba'ath Pairty govrenment an execution o Saddam Hussein
  • Insurgency, foreign terrorist operations, an sectarian violence[2]
  • Subsequent depletion o Iraqi insurgency,[3] improvements in public security[4]
  • Establishment o democratic elections an furmation o new govrenment
  • U.S.-Iraq Status o Forces Agreement
  • Widrawal o U.S. forces frae Iraq
  • Ongangin insurgency

Invasion phase (2003)
 Unitit States o Americae
 Unitit Kinrick

Iraqi Kurdistan Peshmerga

Invasion phase (2003)

Ba'athist Iraq

Post-invasion (2003–11)

  • Iraqi Airmed Forces
  • Peshmerga
  • Awakening Council

Multi-National Force – Iraq

30 ither kintras

Supported By:
 Saudi Arabie


Post-invasion (2003–11)
Ba'ath Pairty lyalists

  • Supreme Command for Jihad an Liberation
  • Airmy o the Men o the Naqshbandi Order

Supportit Bi:

Sunni insurgents

  • Islamic State o Iraq
  • Islamic Airmy o Iraq
  • Ansar al-Sunnah

Shia insurgents

  • Mahdi Airmy
  • Special Groups
  • Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq
  • Ithers

Supportit Bi:

For fichtin atween insurgent groups, see Ceevil war in Iraq.

Commanders an leaders

Iraq Ayad Allawi
Iraq Ibrahim al-Jaafari
Iraq Nouri al-Maliki
Ricardo Sanchez
George W. Casey, Jr.
David Petraeus
Raymond T. Odierno
Lloyd Austin
United States George W. Bush
United States General Tommy Franks
United States Barack Obama
Unitit Kinrick Tony Blair
Unitit Kinrick Gordon Brown
Unitit Kinrick David Cameron
Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Denmark Soeren Gade
Denmark Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Australie John Howard
Australie Kevin Rudd
Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Poland Lech Kaczyński
Ukraine Yevhen Marchuk

Ukraine Oleksandr Kuzmuk

Ba'ath Pairty
Saddam Hussein  (POW)
Qusay Hussein 
Uday Hussein 
Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri

Sunni insurgency
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi 
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 
Abu Ayyub al-Masri 
Al-Nasser Lideen Allah Abu Suleiman 
Abu Dua
Ishmael Jubouri
Abu Abdullah al-Shafi'i  (POW)

Shia insurgency
Muqtada al-Sadr

Abu Deraa
Qais al-Khazali
Akram al-Kabi

Invasion Forces (2003–2004)

Coalition forces (2004–2009)
176,000 at peak
United States Forces – Iraq (2010–2011)
112,000 at activation
Security contractors 6,000–7,000 (estimate)[5]
Iraqi Security Forces
805,269 (militar an paramilitar: 578,269,[6] polis: 227,000)
Awakenin militias
~103,000 (2008)[7]

Iraqi Kurdistan
~400,000 (Kurdish Border Guard: 30,000,[8] Peshmerga 375,000)

Iraqi Airmy: 375,000 (disbaundit in 2003)

Sunni Insurgents
~70,000 (2007)[9]
Mahdi Airmy
~60,000 (2007)[10]
~1,300 (2006)[11]

Islamic State o Iraq
~1,000 (2008)
Airmy o the Men o the Naqshbandi Order
~500–1,000 (2007)
Casualties an losses

Iraqi Security Forces (post-Saddam)
Killed: 16,623[12]
Woondit: 40,000+[13]

Coalition Forces
Killed: 4,805[14][15] (4,487 U.S.,[16] 179 UK,[17] 139 ither)
Missin/captured (U.S.): 8 (aw rescued)[18] Woondit: 32,753+ (32,226 U.S.,[19] 315 UK, 212+ ither[20])[21][22][23][24] Injured/diseased/ither medical*: 51,139 (47,541 U.S.,[25] 3,598 UK)[21][23][24]

Killed: 1,554[26][27]
Woondit & injured: 43,880[26][27]
Awakenin Cooncils
Killed: 1,002+[28]
Woondit: 500+ (2007),[29] 828 (2008)[30]

Tot dead: 24,219
Tot woondit: 117,961

Iraqi combatant deid (invasion period): 7,600–11,000[31][32] Insurgents (post-Saddam)
Killed: 21,221–26,405 (2003-2011)[33]
Detainees: 12,000 (Iraqi-held)[34]

Tot dead: 28,821–37,405

Documented civilian daiths frae violence, Iraq Body Coont (2003 – 14 December 2011): 103,160–113,728 recordit[35] an 12,438 new daiths addit frae the Iraq War Logs[36] Estimatit violent daiths:
Lancet survey (Mairch 2003 – Julie 2006): 601,027 (95% CI: 426,369–793,663)[37][38]
Associated Press (Mairch 2003 – Aprile 2009): 110,600[39]
Iraq Faimily Health Survey (Mairch 2003 – Julie 2006): 151,000 (95% CI: 104,000–223,000)[40]

For mair information see: Casualties o the Iraq War
* "injured, diseased, or ither medical": required medical air transport. UK nummer includes "aeromed evacuations"
** Tot daiths include aw addeetional daiths due tae increased lawlessness, degradit infrastructur, puirer healthcare, etc.


  1. The conflict is an aa known as the War in Iraq, the Occupation o Iraq, an the Seicont Gulf War (Gulf War II). It wis referred tae as Operation Iraqi Freedom bi the Unitit States militar, frae 2003 tae 2010.


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