Рейнджеры Армии СШАForefathers of the Special Forces (англ.). — Ballantine Books[англ.], 2006. — ISBN 978-0-7394-6504-2. Birth of the United States Army Rangers (неопр
8-я армия (США)(Army Special Operations Forces Liaison Element, Korea) Объединенная группа США по военным вопросам (Joint United States Military Affairs Group , Korea)
Родела, Хосеcompany commander, Detachment B-36, Company A, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces during combat operations against an armed enemy
Эдкинс, Бенни Джинgreat credit upon himself, Detachment A-102, 5th Special Forces Group , 1st Special Forces and the United States Army. — Эдкинс получил следующие награды и
Даффи, Джон Джозефintrepidity above and beyond the call of duty, while assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group and serving as a senior advisor to the 11th Airborne Battalion