Андреас Каплан (род. 5 октября 1977 года в Мюнхене, Германия) — профессор немецкого университета, специализирующийся на искусственном интеллекте и социальных сетях.[2][3] Написал несколько часто цитируемых статей и книг[4], имеет более 26 000 упоминаний в Google Scholar[5]. Каплан является одним из основателей Европейского центра цифровой конкурентоспособности[6], а также членом исполнительного совета Франко-германского экономического круга.[7]. Доктора Каплана особенно интересует будущее высшего образования в свете его цифровой трансформации (MOOC, SPOC, AI, EdTech)[8][9].
Краткие факты Андреас Каплан, Дата рождения ...
Андреас Каплан |
Andreas Kaplan |
Дата рождения |
5 октября 1977(1977-10-05) (47 лет) |
Место рождения |
Мюнхен |
Страна |
Род деятельности |
экономист, математик, преподаватель университета |
Научная сфера |
экономика |
Альма-матер |
Кёльнский университет, Высшая школа коммерции, Национальная школа администрации, Мюнхенский университет, Университет Париж 1 Пантеон-Сорбонна, Парижский университет, HEC Paris, INSEAD |
Учёная степень |
докторская степень[вд][1], агреже по истории[вд] и хабилатационная диссертация[вд] |
Известен как |
Социальные медиа, Искусственный интеллект, Высшее образование |
Сайт |
andreaskaplan.eu |
Медиафайлы на Викискладе |
- Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Michael (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media, Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68
- Kaplan Andreas M. (2012) If you love something, let it go mobile: Mobile marketing and mobile social media 4x4, Business Horizons, 55(2), 129—139
- Kaplan Andreas M. (2014) European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools, European Management Journal, 32(4), 529—534.
- Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Michael (2016) Higher education and the digital revolution: About MOOCs, SPOCs, social media, and the Cookie Monster, Business Horizons, Volume 59.
- Kaplan, Andreas, Haenlein, Michael (2019), «Siri, Siri in my Hand, who’s the Fairest in the Land? On the Interpretations, Illustrations and Implications of Artificial Intelligence», Business Horizons, 62: 15-25, doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2018.08.004
- Kaplan A.M. (2015) European business and management, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- Kaplan, Andreas (2020) Universities, Be Aware: Start-Ups Strip Away Your Glory; About EdTech’s potential take-over of the higher education sector; efmdglobal.org, May 11, 2020.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2019), «Rulers of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence», Business Horizons, doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2019.09.003
- Libai B., Bart Y., Gensler S., Hofacker C., Kaplan A., Köttenheinrich K., Kroll E. (2020) A Brave New World? On AI and the Management of Customer Relationships, Journal of Interactive Marketing.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Impact on Universities, Corporations and Governments, International Marketing Trends Conference, International Marketing Trends Conference, January 17-19, Venise, Italy.
- Pucciarelli, Francesca; Kaplan, Andreas (2016) Navigating Complex Waters: Strategizing in the Higher Education Sector, in Proceedings of the 15th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2011) The Parting of the Ways: Emotional and Behavioral Reactions in Response to Alternative Customer Divestment Strategies, American Marketing Association, August 5-7, San Francisco, USA.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) The abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships: An analysis of emotional reactions, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) Les enjeux émotionnels liés à la mise à l’écart des clients non-profitables : compassion ou auto-satisfaction ?, in Actes du 26ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 6-7 mai, Le Mans, France.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) The emotional consequences of unprofitable customer abandonment: Feeling sorry for the other or good about yourself?, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers‘ exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: An empirical analysis, in Proceedings of the Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 19 — 22, New Orleans, USA.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael. (2010) The impact of unprofitbale customer abandonment on current customers‘ emotions: Negative other-focused vs. positive ego-focused, in Proceedings of the Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 13-16, Boston, USA.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) Investigation of differences in diffusion between positive and negative Word-of-Mouth, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael. (2010) The birds are tweeting — and so am I: An essay on the use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging, in Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Marketing, 5-8 July, Athens, Greece.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2010) The use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging for marketing strategy: A qualitative case study approach, in Proceedings of the 9th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2009) Living online: Consumer behavior in Second Life, in Proceedings of American Marketing Association (AMA Winter), Tampa, Florida.
- Kaplan, Andreas (2009) Failure is the stepping stone to success: Insights into virtual worlds, in Proceedings of the Marketing 2.0 Conference, Paris, France.
- Kaplan, Andreas (2009) Les mondes virtuels et pourquoi quelques entreprises y échouent ?, in Actes de l’Atelier de Recherche Appliquée de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 8 avril, Paris, France.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2009) Beyond online advertising: The influence of virtual flagship stores on real life consumption behavior, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, May 26-29, * Nantes, France.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2009) Stratégies de marque au sein des mondes virtuels, in Actes du Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 13-15 mai, Londres, Royaume-Uni.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2008) Analyzing the feasibility of compensating the negative consequences of abandoning unprofitable customers, in Proceedings of Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 8-11, San Diego, USA.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2008) Consumer use and business potential of virtual hyperrealities: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in ‚Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought‘, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, May 27-30, Brighton, UK.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2008) Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2008, San Francisco, California.
- Kaplan, Andreas (2008) Second life and customer relationship management, in Proceedings of the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Università Ca‘ Foscari, January 17-19, Venice, Italy.
- Kaplan, Andreas (2007) Rapprochement entre le marketing et l’administration publique. Quel avenir pour ce domaine de recherche ?, in Actes de Colloque de ESCP Europe, Paris, France, Paris, France.
- Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2006) Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value", in Proceedings of Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 18-20, St. Petersburg, USA.