DescriptionUnitedStates1912-08-1959-01-ar.png العربية: خريطة ولايات وأقاليم الولايات المُتحدة الأمريكيَّة كما كانت ما بين شهريّ آب (أغسطس) 1912 وكانون الثاني
DescriptionUnitedStates1959-01-1959-08.png Map of the states and territories of the UnitedStates as it was from January 1959 to August 1959. On January
DescriptionUnitedStates1912-02-1912-08.png Map of the states and territories of the UnitedStates as it was from Febriary 1912 to August 1912. On February
DescriptionUnitedStates1959-08-present.png Map of the states and territories of the UnitedStates as it has been since August 21 1959, when Hawaii Territory