Bibliografia lui H. P. Lovecraft
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Aceasta este lista completă a operelor lui H. P. Lovecraft
Titlu | Data scrierii | Data publicării | Forma literară |
The Tomb (Cavoul) | Jun 1917 | Mar 1922 | povestire |
Dagon | iul. 1917 | nov. 1919 | povestire |
A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson | începutul verii 1917 | sept. 1917 | povestire |
Polaris | primăvara-vara 1918 | dec. 1920 | povestire |
Beyond the Wall of Sleep (Dincolo de zidul somnului) | primăvara 1919 | oct. 1919 | povestire |
Memory | primăvara 1919 | iun. 1919 | Flash Ficțiune |
Old Bugs | c.iulie 1919 | 1959 | povestire |
The Transition of Juan Romero (Tranziția lui Juan Romero) | 16 sept. 1919 | 1944 | povestire |
The White Ship (Corabia albă) | c.oct. 1919 | nov. 1919 | povestire |
The Doom that Came to Sarnath (Blestemul din Sarnath) | 3 dec. 1919 | iun. 1920 | povestire |
The Statement of Randolph Carter | Dec 1919 | mai 1920 | povestire |
The Street (Strada) | late 1919 | Dec 1920 | povestire |
The Terrible Old Man | 28 Jan 1920 | Jul 1921 | povestire |
The Cats of Ulthar (Pisicile din Ulthar) | 15 Jun 1920 | Nov 1920 | povestire |
The Tree (Copacul) | Jan-Jun 1920 | Oct 1921 | povestire |
Celephaïs | începutul lui Nov 1920 | mai 1922 | povestire |
From Beyond (Lumea de dincolo) | 16 Nov 1920 | Jun 1934 | povestire |
The Temple (Templul) | c. Jun-Nov 1920 | Sep 1925 | povestire |
Nyarlathotep | c.Nov 1920 | Nov 1920 | povestire |
The Picture in the House (Ilustrația din carte) | 12 Dec 1920 | Sum 1921 | povestire |
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family (Fapte privitoare la defunctul Arthur Jermyn și familia lui) | Fall 1920 | Mar & Jun 1921 | povestire |
The Nameless City | Jan 1921 | Nov 1921 | povestire |
The Quest of Iranon (Căutarea lui Iranon) | 28 Feb 1921 | Jul-Aug 1935 | povestire |
The Moon-Bog | 10 Mar 1921 | Jun 1926 | povestire |
Ex Oblivione | 1920-Mar 1921 (unclear) | Mar 1921 | povestire |
The Other Gods (Zeii ceilalți) | 14 Aug 1921 | Nov 1933 | povestire |
The Outsider | Spr-Sum 1921 | Apr 1926 | povestire |
The Music of Erich Zann | Dec 1921 | Mar 1922 | povestire |
Sweet Ermengarde | c.1919-21? | 1943 | povestire |
Hypnos | Mar 1922 | mai 1923 | povestire |
What the Moon Brings | 5 Jun 1922 | mai 1923 | povestire |
Azathoth | Fragment Jun 1922 | Jun 1938 | roman Fragment |
Herbert West–Reanimator (Herbert West Reanimatorul) | Oct 1921-Jun 1922 | Feb-Jul 1922 | povestire |
The Hound (Dulăul) | Oct 1922 | Feb 1924 | povestire |
The Lurking Fear | Nov 1922 | Jan-Apr 1923 | povestire |
The Rats in the Walls (Șobolanii din ziduri) | Aug-Sep 1923 | Mar 1924 | povestire |
The Unnamable | Sep 1923 | Jul 1925 | povestire |
The Festival | Oct 1923 | Jan 1925 | povestire |
The Shunned House | Oct 1924 | 1937 | povestire |
The Horror at Red Hook (Oroarea de la Red Hook) | 1-2 Aug 1925 | Jan 1927 | povestire |
He | 11 Aug 1925 | Sep 1926 | povestire |
In the Vault | 18 Sep 1925 | Nov 1925 | povestire |
Cool Air (Aer rece) | Feb 1926 | Mar 1928 | povestire |
The Call of Cthulhu (Chemarea lui Cthulhu) | Aug-Sep 1926 | Feb 1928 | povestire |
Pickman's Model | Sep 1926 | Oct 1927 | povestire |
The Strange High House in the Mist (Cabana din ceață) | 9 Nov 1926 | Oct 1931 | povestire |
The Silver Key (Cheia de argint) | Nov 1926 | Jan 1929 | povestire |
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (În căutarea cetății Kadath) | Oct 1926-22 Jan 1927 | 1943 | nuvelă |
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward | Jan-1 Mar 1927 | mai & Jul 1941 | roman |
The Colour Out of Space | Mar 1927 | Sep 1927 | povestire |
The Descendant (Descendentul) | Fragment începutul lui 1927 | 1938 | povestire Fragment |
The Very Old Folk | 3 Nov 1927 | Sum 1940 | povestire |
History of the Necronomicon | sketch Fall 1927 | 1938 | Scurtă pseudo-istorie |
The Dunwich Horror | Aug 1928 | Apr 1929 | povestire |
Ibid | Sum 1928 | Jan 1938 | povestire |
The Whisperer in Darkness (Cel care șușotea în întuneric) | 24 Feb-26 Sep 1930 | Aug 1931 | povestire |
At the Mountains of Madness | 24 Feb-22 Mar 1931 | Feb-Apr 1936 | nuvelă |
The Shadow Over Innsmouth (Coșmarul din Innsmouth) | Nov-3 Dec 1931 | Apr 1936 | nuvelă |
The Dreams in the Witch House | Feb 1932 | Jul 1933 | povestire |
The Thing on the Doorstep (Monstrul din prag) | 21-24 Aug 1933 | Jan 1937 | povestire |
The Book (Cartea) | Fragment c.Oct 1933 | 1938 | Unfinished povestire |
The Evil Clergyman (Clericul blestemat) | Letter extract Fall 1933 | Apr 1939 | Extras dintr-o scrisoare |
The Shadow Out of Time | 10 Nov 1934- 22 Feb 1935 | Jun 1936 | nuvelă |
The Haunter of the Dark (Cel ce bântuia în bezne) | 5-9 Nov 1935 | Dec 1936 | povestire |
Colaborări, revizuiri
Titlu | Data scrierii | Data publicării | Collaborator(i) (sau echivalent) |
The Battle that Ended the Century | Jun 1934 | Jun 1934 | R. H. Barlow |
Bothon | 1946 | 1946 | Henry S. Whitehead |
The Challenge from Beyond | Aug 1935 | Sep 1935 | C.L. Moore, A. Merritt, Robert E. Howard și Frank Belknap Long |
Collapsing Cosmoses | 1938 | 1938 | R. H. Barlow |
The Crawling Chaos | c. Dec 1920 | Apr 1921 | Winifred V. Jackson |
The Curse of Yig | Spring 1928 | Nov 1929 | Zealia Bishop |
The Diary of Alonzo Typer | Oct 1935 | Feb 1938 | William Lumley |
The Disinterment | Sep 1935 | Jan 1937 | Duane W. Rimel |
The Electric Executioner | Jul 1929 | Aug 1930 | Adolphe de Castro |
The Green Meadow | c. 1918-1919 | Spring 1927 | Winifred V. Jackson |
Four o'clock | 1922 | 1922 | Sonia Greene |
The Hoard of the Wizard-Beast | 1933 | 1933 | R. H. Barlow |
The Horror at Martin’s Beach | Jun 1922 | Nov 1923 | Sonia Greene |
The Horror in the Burying-Ground | c. 1933-1934 | mai 1937 | Hazel Heald |
The Horror in the Museum | Oct 1932 | Jul 1933 | Hazel Heald |
The Last Test | c. Oct-Nov 1927 | Nov 1928 | Adolphe de Castro |
The Man of Stone | Summer 1932 | Oct 1932 | Hazel Heald |
Medusa's Coil | c. May-Aug 1930 | Jan 1939 | Zealia Bishop |
The Mound (povestire) | c. Dec 1929-Jan 1930 | Nov 1940 | Zealia Bishop |
The Night Ocean | Summer 1936 | Winter 1939 | R. H. Barlow |
Out of the Aeons | c. Aug 1933 | Apr 1935 | Hazel Heald |
Poetry and the Gods | c. Summer 1920 | Sep 1920 | Anna Helen Crofts |
Relic of a Forgotten World | 1934 | 1934 | Hazel Heald |
The Slaying of the Monster | 1933 | 1933 | R. H. Barlow |
The Sorcery of Aphlar | 1934 | 1934 | Duane W. Rimel |
The Thing in the Moonlight | Nov 1927 | Jan 1941 | J. Chapman Miske |
Through the Gates of the Silver Key | Oct 1932-Apr 1933 | Jul 1934 | Edgar Hoffmann Price |
Till A’the Seas | Jan 1935 | Summer 1935 | R. H. Barlow |
The Trap | c. Summer 1931 | Mar 1932 | Henry S. Whitehead |
The Tree on the Hill | mai 1934 | Sep 1940 | Duane W. Rimel |
Two Black Bottles | Jun-oct 1926 | Aug 1927 | Wilfred Blanch Talman |
Under the Pyramids | Feb 1924 | May-Jul 1924 | Harry Houdini |
In the Walls of Eryx (Între zidurile din Eryx) | Jan 1936 | Oct 1939 | Kenneth Sterling |
Winged Death | c. Summer 1932 | Mar 1934 | Hazel Heald |
Opere de tinerețe
- "The Alchemist" (1908 / Nov 1916)
- "The Beast in the Cave" (Spr 1904-21 Apr 1905 / Jun 1918)
- "The Haunted House" (<1902; nepublicat, nonextant)
- "John, the Detective" (<1902; nepublicat, nonextant)
- "The Little Glass Bottle" (c.1898-9 / 1959)
- "The Mysterious Ship" (1902 / 1959)
- "The Mystery of the Grave-Yard" (c.1898-9 / 1959)
- "The Noble Eavesdropper" (1897; nepublicat, nonextant)
- "The Picture" (1907; nepublicat, nonextant)
- "The Secret of the Grave" (<1902; nepublicat, nonextant, mai simply be 'The Mystery of the Grave-Yard')
- "The Secret Cave, or John Lees Adventure" (c.1898-9 / 1959)
- The Poem of Ulysses, or The Odyssey [8 November 1897]
- Ovid's Metamorphoses [1898-1902]
- H. Lovecraft's Attempted Journey betwixt Providence & Fall River on the N.Y.N.H. & H.R.R. [1901]
- Poemata Minora, Volume II [1902]
- Ode to Selene or Diana
- To the Old Pagan Religion
- On the Ruin of Rome
- To Pan
- On the Vanity of Human Ambition
- C.S.A. 1861-1865: To the Starry Cross of the SOUTH [1902]
- De Triumpho Naturae [July 1905]
- The Members of the Men's Club of the First Universalist Church of Providence, R.I., to Its President, About to Leave for Florida on Account of His Health [c. 1908-12]
- To His Mother on Thanksgiving [30 November 1911]
- To Mr. Terhune, on His Historical Ficțiune [c. 1911-13]
- Providence in 2000 A.D. [4 March 1912]
- New-England Fallen [April 1912]
- On the Creation of Niggers [1912]
- Fragment on Whitman [c. 1912]
- On Robert Browning [c. 1912]
- On a New-England Village Seen by Moonlight [7 septembrie 1913]
- Quinsnicket Park [1913]
- To Mr. Munroe, on His Instructive and Entertaining Account of Switzerland [1 January 1914]
- Ad Criticos [January-May? 1914]
- Frustra Praemunitus [June? 1914]
- De Scriptore Mulieroso [June? 1914]
- To General Villa [Summer 1914]
- On a Modern Lothario [July-August 1914]
- The End of the Jackson War [October 1914]
- To the Members of the Pin-Feathers on the Merits of Their Organisation, and of Their New Publication, The Pinfeather [November 1914]
- To the Rev. James Pyke [November 1914]
- To an Accomplished Young Gentlewoman on Her Birthday, Decr. 2, 1914 [2 December? 1914]
- Regner Lodbrog's Epicedium [c. December 1914]
- The Power of Wine: A Satire [c. 8 December 1914]
- The Teuton's Battle-Song [c. 17 December 1914]
- New England [18 December 1914]
- Gryphus in Asinum Mutatus [1914?]
- To the Members of the United Amateur Press Association from the Providence Amateur Press Club [c. 1 January 1915]
- March [March 1915]
- 1914 [March 1915]
- The Simple Speller's Tale [April 1915]
- On Slang [April 1915]
- An Elegy on Franklin Chase Clark, M.D. [29 April 1915]
- The Bay-Stater's Policy [June 1915]
- The Crime of Crimes [July 1915]
- Ye Ballade of Patrick von Flynn [c. 23 august 1915]
- The Issacsonio-Mortoniad [c. 14 septembrie 1915]
- On Receiving a Picture of Swans [c. 14 septembrie 1915]
- Unda; or, The Bride of the Sea [c. 30 septembrie 1915]
- [On "Unda; or, The Bride of the Sea"] [c. 30 septembrie 1915]
- To Charlie of the Comics [c. 30 septembrie 1915]
- Gems from In a Minor Key [October 1915]
- The State of Poetry [October 1915]
- The Magazine Poet [October 1915]
- A Mississippi Autumn [December 1915]
- On the Cowboys of the West [December 1915]
- To Samuel Loveman, Esquire, on His Poetry and Drama, Writ in the Elizabethan Style [December 1915]
- An American to Mother England [January 1916]
- The Bookstall [January 1916]
- A Rural Summer Eve [January 1916]
- To the Late John H. Fowler, Esq. [March 1916]
- R. Kleiner, Laureatus, in Heliconem [April 1916]
- Temperance Song [Spring 1916]
- Lines on Gen. Robert Edward Lee [c. 18 mai 1916]
- Content [June 1916]
- My Lost Love [c. 10 June 1916]
- The Beauties of Peace [27 June 1916]
- The Smile [July 1916]
- Epitaph on ye Letterr Rrr........ [29 august 1916]
- The Dead Bookworm [c. 29 august 1916]
- [On Phillips Gamwell] [1 septembrie 1916]
- Inspiration [October 1916]
- Respite [October 1916]
- The Rose of England [October 1916]
- The Unknown [October 1916]
- Ad Balneum [c. October 1916]
- [On Kelso the Poet] [October? 1916]
- Providence Amateur Press Club (Deceased) to the Athenaeum Club of Journalism [24 November 1916]
- Brotherhood [December 1916]
- Brumalia [December 1916]
- The Poe-et's Nightmare [1916]
- Futurist Art [January 1917]
- On Receiving a Picture of the Marshes of Ipswich [January 1917]
- The Rutted Road [January 1917]
- An Elegy on Phillips Gamwell, Esq. [5 January 1917]
- Lines on Graduation from the R.I. Hospital's School of Nurses [c. 13 January 1917]
- Fact and Fancy [February 1917]
- The Nymph's Reply to the Modern Business Man [February 1917]
- Pacifist War Song—1917 [March 1917]
- Percival Lowell [March 1917]
- To Mr. Lockhart, on His Poetry [March 1917]
- Britannia Victura [April 1917]
- Spring [April 1917]
- A Garden [April 1917]
- Sonnet on Myself [April 1917]
- April [24 April 1917]
- Iterum Conjunctae [mai 1917]
- The Peace Advocate [mai 1917]
- To Greece, 1917 [May? 1917]
- On Receiving a Picture of ye Towne of Templeton, in the Colonie of Massachusetts-Bay, with Mount Monadnock, in New-Hampshire, Shewn in the Distance [June 1917]
- The Poet of Passion [June 1917]
- Earth and Sky [July 1917]
- Ode for July Fourth, 1917 [July 1917]
- On the Death of a Rhyming Critic [July 1917]
- Prologue to "Fragments from an Hour of Inspiration" by Jonathan E. Hoag [July 1917]
- To M.W.M. [July 1917]
- To the Incomparable Clorinda [July 1917]
- To Saccharissa, Fairest of Her Sex [July 1917]
- To Rhodoclia—Peerless among Maidens [July 1917]
- To Belinda, Favourite of the Graces [July 1917]
- To Heliodora—Sister of Cytheraea [July 1917]
- To Mistress Sophia Simple, Queen of the Cinema [August 1917]
- An American to the British Flag [November 1917]
- Autumn [November 1917]
- Nemesis [1 November 1917]
- Astrophobos [c. 25 November 1917]
- Lines on the 25th. Anniversary of the Providence Evening News, 1892-1917 [December 1917]
- Sunset [December 1917]
- Old Christmas [late 1917]
- To the Arcadian [late 1917]
- To the Nurses of the Red Cross [1917]
- The Introduction [1917?]
- A Summer Sunset and Evening [1917?]
- A Winter Wish [2 January 1918]
- Laeta; a Lament [February 1918]
- To Jonathan E. Hoag, Esq. [February 1918]
- The Volunteer [February 1918]
- Ad Britannos—1918 [April 1918]
- Ver Rusticum [1 April 1918]
- To Mr. Kleiner, on Receiving from Him the Poetical Works of Addison, Gay, and Somerville [10 April 1918]
- A Pastoral Tragedy of Appleton, Wisconsin [c. 27 mai 1918]
- On a Battlefield in Picardy [30 mai 1918]
- Psychopompos: A Tale in Rhyme [late 1917-summer 1918]
- A June Afternoon [June 1918]
- The Spirit of Summer [27 June 1918]
- Grace [July 1918]
- The Link [July 1918]
- To Alan Seeger [July 1918]
- August [August 1918]
- Damon and Delia, a Pastoral [August 1918]
- Phaeton [August 1918]
- To Arthur Goodenough, Esq. [20 august 1918]
- Hellas [septembrie 1918]
- To Delia, Avoiding Damon [septembrie 1918]
- Alfredo; a Tragedy [14 septembrie 1918]
- The Eidolon [October 1918]
- Monos: An Ode [October 1918]
- Germania—1918 [November 1918]
- To Col. Linkaby Didd [1 November 1918]
- Ambition [December 1918]
- A Cycle of Verse [November-December 1918]
- Oceanus
- Clouds
- Mother Earth
- To the Eighth of November [13 December 1918]
- To the A.H.S.P.C., on Receipt of the Christmas Pippin [December? 1918]
- The Conscript [1918?]
- Greetings [January 1919]
- Theodore Roosevelt [January 1919]
- To Maj.-Gen. Omar Bundy, U.S.A. [January 1919]
- To Jonathan Hoag, Esq. [February 1919]
- Despair [c. 19 February 1919]
- In Memoriam: J.E.T.D. [March 1919]
- Revelation [March 1919]
- April Dawn [10 April 1919]
- Amissa Minerva [mai 1919]
- Damon: A Monody [mai 1919]
- Hylas and Myrrha: A Tale [mai 1919]
- North and South Britons [mai 1919]
- To the A.H.S.P.C., on Receipt of the mai Pippin [May? 1919]
- Helene Hoffman Cole: 1893-1919 [June 1919]
- John Oldham: A Defence [June 1919]
- [On Prohibition] [30 June 1919]
- Myrrha and Strephon [July 1919]
- The House [c. 16 July 1919]
- Monody on the Late King Alcohol [August 1919]
- The Pensive Swain [October 1919]
- The City [October 1919]
- Oct. 17, 1919 [October 1919]
- On Collaboration [20 October 1919]
- To Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Eighteenth Baron Dunsany [November 1919]
- Wisdom [November 1919]
- Birthday Lines to Margfred Galbraham [November 1919]
- The Nightmare Lake [December 1919]
- Bells [11 December 1919]
- January [January 1920]
- To Phillis [January 1920]
- Tryout's Lament for the Vanished Spider [January 1920]
- Ad Scribam [February 1920]
- On Reading Lord Dunsany's Book of Wonder [March 1920]
- To a Dreamer [25 April 1920]
- Cindy: Scrub Lady in a State Street Skyscraper [June 1920]
- The Poet's Rash Excuse [July 1920]
- With a Copy of Wilde's Fairy Tales [July 1920]
- Ex-Poet's Reply [July? 1920]
- To Two Epgephi [July? 1920]
- On Religion [August 1920]
- The Voice [August 1920]
- On a Grecian Colonnade in a Park [20 august 1920]
- The Dream [septembrie 1920]
- October [1] [October 1920]
- To S.S.L.—Oct. 17, 1920 [October 1920]
- Christmas [November 1920]
- To Alfred Galpin, Esq. [November? 1920]
- Theobaldian Aestivation [11 November 1920]
- S.S.L.: Christmas 1920 [December? 1920]
- On Receiving a Portraiture of Mrs. Berkeley, ye Poetess [25 December 1920]
- The Prophecy of Capys Secundus [11 January 1921]
- To a Youth [February 1921]
- To Mr. Hoag [February 1921]
- The Pathetick History of Sir Wilful Wildrake [Spring? 1921]
- On the Return of Maurice Winter Moe, Esq., to the Pedagogical Profession [June 1921]
- Medusa: A Portrait [29 November 1921]
- To Mr. Galpin [December 1921]
- Sir Thomas Tryout [December 1921]
- On a Poet's Ninety-first Birthday [10 February 1922]
- Simplicity: A Poem [c. 18 mai 1922]
- To Saml: Loveman, Gent. [Summer? 1922]
- Plaster-All [August? 1922]
- To Zara [31 august 1922]
- To Damon [November? 1922]
- Waste Paper [late 1922? începutul lui 1923?]
- To Rheinhart Kleiner, Esq. [January 1923]
- Chloris and Damon [January 1923]
- To Mr. Hoag [February? 1923]
- To Endymion [April? 1923]
- The Feast [mai 1923]
- [On Marblehead] [10 July 1923]
- To Mr. Baldwin, on Receiving a Picture of Him in a Rural Bower [29 septembrie 1923]
- Lines for Poets' Night at the Scribblers' Club [October? 1923]
- [On a Scene in Rural Rhode Island] [8 November 1923]
- Damon and Lycë [13 December 1923]
- To Mr. Hoag [c. 3 February 1924]
- [On the Pyramids] [c. February 1924]
- [Stanzas on Samarkand I-III] [February-March 1924]
- Providence [26 septembrie 1924]
- [On The Thing in the Woods by Harper Williams] [c. 29 November 1924]
- Solstice [25 December 1924]
- To Saml Loveman, Esq. [c. 14 January 1925]
- To George Kirk, Esq. [18 January 1925]
- My Favourite Character [31 January 1925]
- [On the Double-R Coffee House] [1 February 1925]
- To Mr. Hoag [c. 10 February 1925]
- The Cats [15 February 1925]
- [On Rheinhart Kleiner Being Hit by an Automobile] [c. 16 February 1925]
- To Xanthippe, on Her Birthday—March 16, 1925 [March 1925]
- Primavera [April 1925]
- [To Frank Belknap Long on His Birthday] [April? 1925]
- A Year Off [24 July 1925]
- To an Infant [26 august 1925]
- [On a Politician] [c. 24-27 October 1925]
- [On a Room for Rent] [c. 24-27 October 1925]
- October [2] [30 October 1925]
- To George Willard Kirk, Gent., of Chelsea-Village, in New-York, upon His Birthday, Novr. 25, 1925 [24 November 1925]
- [On Old Grimes by Albert Gorton Greene] [December 1925]
- Festival [December 1925]
- To Jonathan Hoag [10 February 1926]
- Hallowe'en in a Suburb [March 1926]
- In Memoriam: Oscar Incoul Verelst of Manhattan: 1920-1926 [c. 28 June 1926]
- The Return [December 1926]
- Εις Σφιγγην [December 1926]
- Hedone [3 January 1927]
- To Miss Beryl Hoyt [February 1927]
- To Jonathan E. Hoag, Esq. [February? 1927]
- [On J.F. Roy Erford] [18 June 1927]
- [On Ambrose Bierce] [c. June 1927]
- [On Cheating the Post Office] [c. 14 august 1927]
- [On Newport, Rhode Island] [17 septembrie 1927]
- The Absent Leader [12 October 1927]
- Ave atque Vale [18 October 1927]
- To a Sophisticated Young Gentleman [15 December 1928]
- The Wood [January 1929]
- An Epistle to the Rt. Honble Maurce Winter Moe, Esq. [July 1929]
- [Stanzas on Samarkand IV] [8 November 1929]
- Lines upon the Magnates of the Pulp [November 1929]
- The Outpost [26 November 1929]
- The Ancient Track [26 November 1929]
- The Messenger [30 November 1929]
- The East India Brick Row [12 December 1929]
- The Fungi From Yuggoth [27 December 1929-4 January 30]
- I. The Book
- II. Pursuit
- III. The Key
- IV. Recognition
- V. Homecoming
- VI. The Lamp
- VII. Zaman's Hill
- VIII. The Port
- IX. The Courtyard
- X. The Pigeon-Flyers
- XI. The Well
- XII. The Howler
- XIII. Hesperia
- XIV. Star-Winds
- XV. Antarktos
- XVI. The Window
- XVII. A Memory
- XVIII. The Gardens of Yin
- XIX. The Bells
- XX. Night-Gaunts
- XXI. Nyarlathotep
- XXII. Azathoth
- XXIII. Mirage
- XXIV. The Canal
- XXV. St. Toad's
- XXVI. The Familiars
- XXVII. The Elder Pharos
- XXVIII. Expectancy
- XXIX. Nostalgia
- XXX. Background
- XXXI. The Dweller
- XXXII. Alienation
- XXXIII. Harbour Whistles
- XXXIV. Recapture [November 1929]
- XXXV. Evening Star
- XXXVI. Continuity
- Veteropinguis Redivivus [Summer 1930?]
- To a Young Poet in Dunedin [c. 29 mai 1931]
- FUNGI from YUGGOTH, 6.Nyarlathotep and 7. Azathoth. Verses printed in Jan. 1931 WEIRD TALES.
- On an Unspoil'd Rural Prospect [30 august 1931]
- Bouts Rimés [23 mai 1934]
- Beyond Zimbabwe
- The White Elephant
- [Anthem of the Kappa Alpha Tau] [c. 7 august 1934]
- Edith Miniter [10 septembrie 1934]
- [Little Sam Perkins] [c. 17 septembrie 1934]
- [Metrical Example] [27 February 1935]
- Dead Passion's Flame [Summer 1935]
- Arcadia [Summer 1935]
- Lullaby for the Dionne Quintuplets [Summer 1935]
- The Odes of Horace: Book III, ix [22 January 1936]
- In a Sequester'd Providence Churchyard Where Once Poe Walk'd [8 august 1936]
- To Mr. Finlay, upon His Drawing for Mr. Bloch's Tale, "The Faceless God" [c. 30 November 1936]
- To Clark Ashton Smith, Esq., upon His Phantastick Tales, Verses, Pictures, and Sculptures [c. 11 December 1936]
- The Decline and Fall of a Man of the World [n.d.]
- [Epigrams] [n.d.]
- Gaudeamus [n.d.]
- The Greatest Law [n.d.]
- Life's Mystery [n.d.]
- On Mr. L. Phillips Howard's Profound Poem EnTitlud "Life's Mystery" [n.d.]
- Nathicana [n.d.]
- On an Accomplished Young Linguist [n.d.]
- "The Poetical Punch" Pushed from His Pedestal [n.d.]
- The Road to Ruin [n.d.]
- Saturnalia [n.d.]
- Sonnet Study [n.d.]
- Sors Poetae [n.d.]
- To Samuel Loveman, Esq. [n.d.]
- To "The Scribblers" [n.d.]
- Verses Designed to Be Sent by a Friend of the Author to His Brother-in-Law on New Year's Day [n.d.]
- [Christmas Greetings] [n.d.]
- To Eugene B. Kuntz et al.
- To Laurie A. Sawyer
- To Sonia H. Greene
- To Rheinhart Kleiner
- To Felis (Frank Belknap Long's Cat)
- To Annie E.P. Gamwell
- To Felis (Frank Belknap Long's Cat)
Lucrări filosofice
- The Crime of the Century (1915)
- The Renaissance of Manhood (1915)
- Liquor and Its Friends (1915)
- More Chain Lightning (1915)
- Old England and the "Hyphen" (1916)
- Revolutionary Mythology (1916)
- The Symphonic Ideal (1916)
- Editors Note to McGavacks "Genesis of the Revolutionary War" (1917)
- A Remarkable Document (1917)
- At the Root (1918)
- Merlinus Redivivus (1918)
- Time and Space (1918)
- Anglo Saxondom (1918)
- Americanism (1919)
- The League (1919)
- Bolshevism (1919)
- Idealism and Materialism – A Reflection (1919)
- Life for Humanity's Sake (1920)
- In Defence of "Dagon" (1921)
- Nietzscheism and Realism (1922)
- East and West Harvard Conservatism (1922)
- The Materialist Today (1926)
- Some Causes of Self-Immolation (1931)
- Some Repetitions on the Times (1933)
- Heritage or Modernism: Common Sense in Art Forms (1935)
- Objections to Orthodox Communism (1936)
Lucrări științifice
- The Art of Fusion, Melting Pudling & Casting (1899)
- Chemistry, 4 volumes (1899)
- A Good Anaesthetic (1899)
- The Railroad Review (1901)
- The Moon (1903)
- The Scientific Gazette (1903-4)
- Astronomy/The Monthly Almanack (1903-4)
- The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy (1903-7)
- Annals of the Providence Observatory (1904)
- Providence Observatory Forecast (1904)
- The Science Library, 3 volumes (1904)
- Astronomy articles for The Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner (1906)
- Astronomy articles for The Providence Tribune (1906-8)
- Third Annual Report of the Providence Meteorological Station (1906)
- Celestial Objects for All (1907)
- Astronomical Notebook (1909-15)
- Astronomy articles for The Providence Evening News (1914-8)
- "Bickerstaffe" articles from The Providence Evening News (1914)
- "Science versus Charlatanry" (9 septembrie 1914)
- "The Falsity of Astrology" (10 October 1914)
- "Astrology and the Future" (13 October 1914)
- "Delavan's Comet and Astrology" (26 October 1914)
- "The Fall of Astrology" (17 December 1914)
- Astronomy articles for The Asheville Gazette-News (1915)
- Editor's Note to MacManus' "The Irish and the Fairies" (1916)
- The Truth about Mars (1917)
- The Cancer of Superstition (1926)
Scrieri diverse
- A Task for Amateur Journalists (1914)
- Departments of Public Criticism (1914-19)
- What Is Amateur Journalism? (1915)
- Consolidations Autopsy (1915)
- Consolidation's Autopsy (1915)
- The Amateur Press (1915)
- The Morris Faction (1915)
- For President – Leo Fritter(1915)
- Introducing Mr. Chester Pierce Munroe (1915)
- The Question of the Day (1915)
- [Random Notes], from The Conservative (1915)
- Editorials, from The Conservative (1915)
- Finale (1915)
- New Department Proposed: Instruction for the New Recruit (1915)
- Amateur Notes (1915)
- Some Political Phases (1915)
- Introducing Mr. John Russell (1915)
- In a Major Key (1915)
- The Conservative and His Critics (1915)
- The Dignity of Journalism (1915)
- The Youth of Today (1915)
- An Imparitial Spectator (1915)
- Symphony and Stress (1915)
- Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs [biography of A.F. Lockhart] (1915)
- Reports of the First Vice-President (1915-16)
- Systematic Instruction in the United (1915-16)
- Introducing Mr. James T. Pyke (1916)
- Editorial, from The Providence Amateur (1916)
- United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism (1916)
- Among the New-Comers (1916)
- Among the Amateurs (1916)
- Concerning "Persia – In Europe" (1917)
- Amateur Standards (1917)
- A Request (1917)
- A Reply to The Lingerer (1917)
- Editorially (1917)
- News Notes (1917)
- The United's Problem (1917)
- Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs [biography of E.J. Barnhart] (1917)
- President's Messages, from The United Amateur (1917-8)
- Comment (1918)
- Les Mouches Fantastiques (1918)
- Amateur Criticism (1918)
- The United: 1917-1918 (1918)
- The Amateur Press Club (1918)
- Helene Hoffman Cole – Littérateur (1919)
- Trimmings (1919)
- For Official Editor – Anne Tillery Renshaw (1919)
- Amateurdom (1919)
- Looking Backward (1920)
- For What Does the United Stand? (1920)
- [UnTitlud], from The Tryout (1920)
- Editor's Note to Loveman's "A Scene for Macbeth" (1920)
- Amateur Journalism – Its Possible Needs and Betterment (1920) *The Pseudo-United (1920)
- [UnTitlud fragments], from The United Amateur (1920-1)
- Editorials, from The United Amateur (1920-5)
- News Notes (1920-5)
- What Amateur Journalism and I Have Done for Each Other (1921)
- Lucubrations Lovecraftian (1921)
- The Vivisector (1921-3)
- The Haverhill Convention (1921-3)
- The Convention Banquet (1921-3)
- "Rainbow" Called Best First Issue (1922)
- President's Messages, from The National Amateur (1922-3)
- Rursus Adsumus (1923)
- Bureau of Critics (1923)
- [Random Notes], from The Conservative (1923)
- The President's Annual Report (1923)
- A Matter of Uniteds (1927)
- The Convention (1930)
- Bureau of Critics (1932-6)
- Mrs. Miniter – Estimates and Recollections (1934)
- Dr. Eugene B. Kuntz (1935)
- Some Current Motives and Practices (1936)
- [Literary Review] (1936)
- Defining the "Ideal" Paper (1936)
- Report of the Executive Judges (1936)
- Metrical Regularity (1915)
- The Allowable Rhyme (1915)
- The Proposed Authors Union (1916)
- The Vers Libre Epidemic (1917)
- Poesy (1918)
- The Despised Pastoral (1918)
- The Literature of Rome (1918)
- The Simple Spelling Mania (1918)
- The Case for Classicism (1919)
- Literary Composition (1919)
- Winifred Virginia Jackson: A Different Poetess (1921)
- Ars Gratia Artis (1921)
- The Poetry of Lilian Middleton (1922)
- Lord Dunsany and His Work (1922)
- Rudis Indigestaque Moles (1923)
- Introduction to Hoags Poetical Works (1923)
- In the Editors Study (1923)
- [Random Notes On Philistine-Grecian controversy] (1923)
- Review of Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith (1923)
- The Professional Incubus (1924)
- The Omnipresent Philistine (1924)
- "The Work of Frank Belknap Long, Jr." (1924)
- Supernatural Horror in Literature (1925-1927)
- Preface to Bullens White Fire (1927)
- Preface to Symmes Old World Footprints (1928)
- Notes on Alias Peter Marchall by A. F. Lorenz (1929?)
- Notes on Verse Technique (1932)
- Foreword to Kuntzs Thoughts and Pictures (1932)
- [Notes on Weird Ficțiune] (1933)
- Weird Story Plots (1933)
- Notes on Writing Weird Ficțiune (1934)
- Some Notes on Interplanetary Ficțiune (1935)
- What Belongs in Verse (1935)
- Suggestions for a Reading Guide (1936)
- The Trip of Theobald (1927)
- Vermont – A First Impression (1927)
- Observations on Several Parts of America (1928)
- An Account of a Trip to the Fairbanks House (1929)
- Travels in the Provinces of America (1929)
- An Account of a Visit to Charleston (1930)
- An Account of Charleston (1930)
- A Description of the Town of Quebeck (1930-31)
- European Glimpses (1932) (revision of a Sonia Greene's journey report)
- Some Dutch Footprints in New England (1933)
- Homes and Shrines of Poe (1934)
- The Unknown City in the Ocean (1934)
- Charleston (1936)
- The Brief Autobiography of an Inconsequential Scribbler (1919)
- Within the Gates (1921)
- A Confession of Unfaith (1922)
- Diary (1925)
- Commercial Blurbs (1925)
- Cats and Dogs (1926)
- Notes on Hudson Valley History (1929)
- Autobiography of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1930- )
- Correspondence between Wilson Shepherd and R. H. Barlow (1932)
- In Memoriam: Henry St. Claire Whitehead (1932)
- Some Notes on a Nonentity (1933)
- In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard (1936)
- Commonplace Book (1919-1935)
- [Death Diary] (1937)
Retipăriri și colecții
Următoarele sunt retipăriri moderne și culegeri ale lucrărilor lui Lovecraft. Această listă include numai edițiile unor editorii selectați, prin urmare, această listă nu este exhaustivă:
- Din Arkham House
- cu texte corectate de către S. T. Joshi:
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other romans (a 7-a ediție & corectată), S. T. Joshi (ed.), 1985. (ISBN 0-87054-038-6)
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, S. T. Joshi (ed.), 1987. (ISBN 0-87054-039-4)
- The Dunwich Horror and Others (a 9-a ediție & corectată), S. T. Joshi (ed.), 1984. (ISBN 0-87054-037-8)
- The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions, S.T. Joshi (ed.), 1989. (ISBN 0-87054-040-8)
- Miscellaneous Writings (ISBN 0-87054-168-4)
- cu texte corectate de către S. T. Joshi:
- Din Ballantine/Del Rey:
- The Tomb and Other Tales (ISBN 0-345-33661-5)
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (ISBN 0-345-42204-X)
- The Doom That Came to Sarnath and Other Stories (ISBN 0-345-33105-2)
- The Lurking Fear and Other Stories (ISBN 0-345-32604-0)
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (ISBN 0-345-33779-4)
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (ISBN 0-345-35490-7)
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror (ISBN 0-345-32945-7)
- The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre (ISBN 0-345-35080-4)
- The Road to Madness (ISBN 0-345-38422-9)
- Dreams of Terror and Death: The Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft (ISBN 0-345-38421-0)
- Waking Up Screaming: Haunting Tales of Terror (ISBN 0-345-45829-X)
- Din Classic CD Books:
- începutul lui Horror Works (ISBN 978-0-9764805-2-5)
- More începutul lui Horror Works (ISBN 978-0-9764805-6-3)
- Din Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc.:
- To Quebec and the Stars
- Din Ecco Press:
- Tales of H.P. Lovecraft (cu o introducere de Joyce Carol Oates) (ISBN 0-88001-541-1)
- Din Gollancz:
- Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft: Commemorative Edition (editat cu o postfață de Stephen Jones) ISBN 978-0-575-08156-7 Cased; 978-0-575081-574 Produs pentru export.
- Din Harper Collins:
- Omnibus 1: At the Mountains of Madness (ISBN 0-586-06322-6)
- Omnibus 2: Dagon and other Macabre Tales (ISBN 0-586-06324-2)
- Omnibus 3: The Haunter of the Dark (ISBN 0-586-06323-4)
- Din Hippocampus Press:
- The Shadow out of Time (ISBN 0-9673215-3-0)
- From the Pest Zone: The New York Stories (ISBN 0-9673215-8-1)
- The Annotated Fungi From Yuggoth (ISBN 0-9721644-7-2)
- Collected Essays (ISBN 0-9721644-1-3)
- Volume 1. Amateur Journalism
- Volume 2. Literary Criticism
- Volume 3. Science
- Volume 4. Travel
- Volume 5: Philosophy; Autobiography and Miscellany (December 2006)
- CD-ROM (2007)
- The Annotated Supernatural Horror in Literature (ISBN 0-9673215-0-6 )
- H. P. Lovecraft: Letters to Alfred Galpin (ISBN 0-9673215-9-X)
- H. P. Lovecraft: Letters To Rheinhart Kleiner (ISBN 0-9748789-5-2)
- Din The Library of America
- H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Peter Straub, editor) (ISBN 978-1-931082-72-3)
- Din Night Shade Books:
- The Ancient Track: The Complete Poetical Works of H. P. Lovecraft (ISBN 1-892389-16-9)
- Mysteries of Time and Spirit: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Donald Wandrei (ISBN 1-892389-49-5)
- Din Ohio University Press:
- H. P. Lovecraft: Lord of a Visible World An Autobiography in Letters edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz (ISBN 0-8214-1333-3)
- Din Penguin Classics:
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (ISBN 0-14-118234-2)
- The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories (ISBN 0-14-218003-3)
- The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories (ISBN 0-14-243795-6)
- Din Sporting Gentlemen:
- Against Religion (ISBN 978-0-578-05248-9)
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