DescriptionChestX-rayininfluenzaandHaemophilusinfluenzae - annotated.jpg English: edit AP chestX-ray of a 76 year old woman, who developed cough and labored
DescriptionChestX-rayininfluenzaandHaemophilusinfluenzae, lateral.jpg English: edit AP chestX-ray of a 76 year old woman, who developed cough and labored
DescriptionChestX-rayininfluenzaandHaemophilusinfluenzae.jpg English: edit AP chestX-ray of a 76 year old woman, who developed cough and labored breathing
fatigue and mild coughing. Lab tests detected both Influenza A virus andHaemophilusinfluenzae. It shows multifocal, patchy consolidation, mainly in the