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DescriçãoTokyo-Kanto definitions, National Capital Region.png
Map of the National Capital Region (首都圏) of Japan, one of the various definitions of Tokyo/Kanto. The definition is according to the National Capital Region Planning Act (首都圏整備法). It should be noted that in informal occasions, the word National Capital Region (首都圏) often means much smaller area (Greater Tokyo).
File:Tokyo-Kanto definitions, Tokyo Metropolis.png Map of the Tokyo Metropolis, one of the various definitions of Tokyo/Kanto. The map omits Izu/Ogasawara Islands, which is also the part of the metropolis.
File:Tokyo-Kanto definitions, Kanto MMA.png Map of the Kanto Major Metropolitan Area, one of the various definitions of Tokyo/Kanto. The definition is from Japan Statistic Bureau official website. [1]
File:Tokyo-Kanto definitions, National Capital Region.png Map of the National Capital Region (首都圏) of Japan, one of the various definitions of Tokyo/Kanto. The definition is according to the National Capital Region Planning Act (首都圏整備法). It should be noted that in informal occasions, the word National Capital Region (首都圏) often means much smaller area (Greater Tokyo).
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{{Information |Description=Map of the National Capital Region (首都圏) of Japan, one of the various definitions of Tokyo/Kanto. The definition is according to the National Capital Region Planning Act (首都圏整備法). It should be noted that in inf
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Ficheiro:Tokyo-Kanto definitions, National Capital Region.png