view through the gateways of MedinetHabu temple Dutch Luxor (Egypte): doorkijk door de poorten van de tempel van MedinetHabu French Louxor (Égypte) : vue
image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Medinet_Habu_Ramses_III._Tempel_16.JPG licensed with Cc-by-3.0, GFDL 2011-07-14T16:56:27Z Oltau
pylon of Ramses III temple at MedinetHabu Dutch Luxor (Egypte): de eerste pyloon van de Ramses III-tempel in MedinetHabu French Louxor (Égypte) : le premier
courtyard of Ramses III temple at MedinetHabu Dutch Luxor (Egypte): eerste binnenplaats van de Ramses III-tempel in MedinetHabu French Louxor (Égypte) : première