Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Location of the territory of Yukon within Canada author name string: MapGrid URL:
gov/pub/data/paleo/insecta/chironomidae/northamerica/canada/yt/hanging2009.txt Hanging Lake, Yukon 17KYr Midge-Inferred July Temperature World Data Center
gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/northamerica/canada/yukon/trout2012.txt NAME OF DATA SET: Trout Lake, Yukon 14,400 Year Midge-Inferred July Temperature
of your choice. English Animated map showing changes to the borders of Canadian provinces and territories over time author name string: Golbez URL: https://commons
Occupied Canadian Provinces of British Columbia, Western portion of Alberta and the Yukon Territory, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala fall, Mexico in revolution