Файл:GMT globe.png This map was created with GMT. English Lingua Franca Nova iowreglp][re9gh-0eta8;k\[i-97=g908;f][er0gaw89r determination method or standard: SHA-1
Файл:Colombia Topography 2.png|Description=Topographic map of Colombia. Created with GMT from publicly released GLOBE data.[http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/globe.html] |Source=self-made |Date=June 11
Файл:Germany general map.pngCreating the background with Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) archive copy at the Wayback Machine and Globe xyz2grd c10g -R0/90/50/90 -I30c -N-500 -F -ZTLh -Gc10g
Файл:Chaines montagneuses du Maroc.png{{Information |Description=Topographic map of Morocco. Created with GMT from publicly available GLOBE data. |Source=self-made |Date=June 22, 2007 |Author=
Файл:Congo historical regions.png{{Information |Description=Topographic map of Congo (Kinshasa). Created with GMT from GLOBE data. |Source=self-made |Date=June 22, 2007 |Author= [[User:Sadalmelik|Sadalmelik]]