Податотека:Cold War Map 1980.png Image:World map worlds first second third.GIF, a world distribution map led by economic growth level. English determination method or standard: SHA-1
Податотека:Cold War Map 1980.svgattack Australia File:Cold War Map 1959.svg - 1959 Cold War map English German World map with alliances in 1980, during the Cold War determination method
Податотека:Cold–War Africa 1980.PNGwikipedia:en. The original description was: Part of of the wikipedia world map: Cold War 1980 This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Податотека:Cold War Map 1959.svglicense of your choice. File:Cold War Map 1980.svg - 1980 Cold War map English World map with alliances in 1959, during the Cold War Greek Παγκόσμιος χάρτης