Abū Hurayra

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Abū Hurayramap

Abū Hurayra (nomine Arabico pleniori تل أبو هريرة‎‎ Tall Abū Hurayra) est locus archaeologicus media Syria situs, hodie sub aquis Lacus Assad reconditus, ubi homines duobus aevis habitabant, scilicet Epipalaeolithico (cultu humano Natufio) et Neolithico.

Abū Hurayra
Abū Hurayra
Situs Abū Hurayra in Syria

E stratis aevi Epipalaeolithici ossa reportantur Gazella subgutturosa (animalium migratoriorum quotannis vere ineunte interfectorum) et Equus hemionus. Vestigia torrefacta plantarum Polygonum corrigioloides, Scirpus maritimus sive et S. tuberosus, Suaeda fruticosa, Draba sp., Lepidium perfoliatum, Triticum sp., Secale sp., Trifolium vel sim., Erodium sp., Boraginacearum aliqua, Stipa sp., Zygophyllum sp., Capparis sp., Glycyrrhiza sp., Pistacia atlantica, Atriplex sp., Prosopis sp., Aellenia sp., Milium vel sim., Chenopodium sp., Chenolea arabica reperta sunt.

Vide etiam


  • Amaia Arranz Otaegui, Juan José Ibañez, Lydia Zapata, "Hunter-gatherer plant use in southwest Asia: The path to agriculture" in Karen Hardy, Lucy Kubiak-Martens, edd., Wild harvest : Plants in the hominin and pre-agrarian human worlds (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2016) pp. 91-110 Epitome
  • G. C. Hillman, Susan Colledge, D. R. Harris, "Plant-food economy during the Epipalaeolithic period at Tell Aby Hureyra, Syria: dietary diversity, seasonality and modes of exploitation" in D. R. Harris, G. C. Hillman, edd., Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation (Londinii: Unwin, 1989) pp. 240-268 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Gordon Hillman, Robert Hedges, Andrew Moore, Susan Colledge, Paul Pettitt, "New evidence of Lateglacial cereal cultivation at Abu Hureyra on the Euphrates" in The Holocene vol. 11 (2001) pp. 383-393 Epitome
  • Gordon C. Hillman, Anthony J. Legge, P. A. Rowley-Conwy, "On the Charred Seeds from Epipalaeolithic Abu Hureyra: Food or Fuel?" in Current Anthropology vol. 38 (1997) pp. 651–655
  • Naomi F. Miller, "On the Charred Seeds from Epipalaeolithic Abu Hureyra: Food or Fuel?" in Current Anthropology vol. 38 (1997) pp. 655-659
  • T. I. Molleson, "The eloquent bones of Abu-Hureyra" in Scientific American vol. 271 (1994) pp. 70-75 Situs venalis
  • Andrew M. T. Moore, "The excavation of Tell Abu Hureyra in Syria: a preliminary report" in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society vol. 41 (1975) pp. 50-77
  • Andrew M. T. Moore, Gordon C. Hillman, Anthony J. Legge, Village on the Euphrates: From Foraging to Farming at Abu Hureyra. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-19-510806-X Documenta supplementaria
  • Katherine I. Wright, "The Social Origins of Cooking and Dining in Early Villages of Western Asia" in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society vol. 66 (2000) pp. 89–121

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