Strategies in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis》. 80쪽. ISBN 9780470749050. unhindered amine such as methylamine Debacker, Marc G.; Mkadmi, El Bachir; Sauvage
산스크리트어: apratigha, 티베트어: thogs pa med pa, 영어: unobstructed, unopposed, unhindered, non-resistance)은 줄여서 무대(無對)라고도 한다. 문자 그대로의 뜻은 '대(對)함이 없다'는 것으로, '대(對)'는
Unopposed, unhindered; non-resistance. Here 對 is equivalent in meaning to 礙 or 障, and the specific reference in the Yogâcāra context is to unhindered phenomena
commanders to form joint committee to elaborate DDR, agree to facilitate unhindered humanitarian access, movement of humanitarian aid workers”. 《Addis Standard》