경안경안(輕安, 산스크리트어: praśrabdhi, 팔리어: passaddhi, 영어: pliancy, alertness, flexibility) 또는 안(安)은 설일체유부의 5위 75법에서 심소법(心所法: 46가지) 중 대선지법(大善地法: 10가지) 가운데 하나이며, 유식유가행파와
희수Its proximate cause is consciousness without zest.71 69 Tranquility (passaddhi), it seems, is the proximate cause only for joyful feeling that arises
낙수 (불교)Its proximate cause is consciousness without zest.71 69 Tranquility (passaddhi), it seems, is the proximate cause only for joyful feeling that arises
고수 (불교)Its proximate cause is consciousness without zest.71 69 Tranquility (passaddhi), it seems, is the proximate cause only for joyful feeling that arises