homeland...from forefathers on Look after its concord, its glory keep Throughpeace and love and heart's devotion deep God bless our country, our island
Finding peace (Toronto: House of Anansi Press. 2003). 『정의 없는 평화 없고, 용서 없는 정의 없다』(제병영 옮김, 다른우리, 2013) Drawn into the mystery of Jesus through the Gospel
most extreme evaluations" (p. 42). Le Gro, p. 28. “Vietnam War : US Troop Strength”. Historycentral.com. 2010년 11월 25일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 10월 17일에 확인함
(Parallel English translation) Injuries inflicted to the German national strengththrough the enemy blockade. Memorial of the German Board of Public Health,