defined by way of a selection of mental concomitants called its “jhāna factors” (jhānanga). From among the many mentalfactors contained in each jhāna consciousness
5주지번뇌(五住地煩惱, 영어: five entrenchments of affliction, five entrenchments of mental disturbances)는 다음의 분류, 그룹 또는 체계의 한 요소이다. 대승불교에서 널리 사용하고 있는 여러 번뇌 분류법 가운데
of the ten pervasive mentalfactors 大地法 presented in the Abhidharmakośa-bhāṣya, and one of the five omnipresent mentalfactors 五遍行 presented in the Cheng
all those karmical volitions (kamma-cetanā) and the consciousness and mentalfactors associated therewith, which are accompanied by 2 or 3 wholesome roots