バーモント州People of Vermont , Together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly , and the Laws
グランドアイル郡 (バーモント州)People of Vermont , Together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly , and the Laws
ワシントン郡 (バーモント州)People of Vermont , Together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly , and the Laws
フランクリン郡 (バーモント州)People of Vermont , Together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly , and the Laws
コーネル大学George W. Bush. Philip H. Hoff (1951) - The first Democratic Governor of Vermont since the Civil War Jerome H. Holland (B.S. 1939, M.S. 1941) - businessman;