E・W・スクリップス・カンパニー"United Feature Syndicate," in Comics through Time: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas (ABC-CLIO(英語版), 2014), p. 399. ^ "United Feature Syndicate Buys
コミック・ストリップのシンジケート配信Keith. "United Feature Syndicate," in Comics through Time: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas (ABC-CLIO, 2014), p. 399. ^ "United Feature Syndicate Buys
ハーベイ賞(ユニバーサルプレス・シンジケート) 1997 『ディルバート』(作:スコット・アダムス) (United Feature) 1998 『Mutts』(作:Patrick McDonnell)(King Feature Syndicate) 1999 『For Better or For Worse』(作:Lynn
ニューヨーク・ワールドshtml November 4, 2009閲覧。 ^ Booker, M. Keith. "United Feature Syndicate," in Comics through Time: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas
ドリュー・ピアソン (ジャーナリスト)to Discuss Second Front in France. Washington Merry-Go-Round. United Feature Syndicate. ^ Pearson, Drew (August 26, 1943). Jimmy Dunn as Hull's Advisor