トルコ憲法裁判所(トルコ語版、英語版) - About the constitution Article on the Kanûn-ı Esâsî Copies of the constitution Original Ottoman Turkish version (basis of translation into languages
ambition weighs on hopes for new Turkishconstitution”. Stratejik Boyut. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-constitution-idUSBRE91H0C220130218 9 July
referendum on new constitution as coronavirus concerns grow ロイター 2020年3月19日配信 2020年4月17日閲覧 ^ Sefik Dzaferovic is Chairman of Bosnian Presidency as of Today Sarajevo
Hugh Dalton – Chancellor of the Exchequer (LSE) Joseph B. Dauda – Sierra Leonean Finance Minister (KCL) Kemal Derviş – Turkish politician and senior UN