黄金の鳥The Nine Peahens and the Golden Apples) 金の頭をもったさかな(The Golden-Headed Fish) 小さな緑のカエル(小さなみどりいろのかえる)(The Little Green Frog) Prâslea the Brave and the Golden
ベトナムの野鳥一覧Fish-Eagle, コウオクイワシ, Near threatened Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, w:Grey-headed Fish-Eagle, ウオクイワシ, Near threatened Gyps bengalensis, w:White-rumped Vulture
スリランカの野鳥一覧シロガシラトビ Haliaeetus leucogaster, w:White-bellied Fish-Eagle, シロハラウミワシ Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, w:Grey-headed Fish-Eagle, ウオクイワシ, Near threatened Neophron percnopterus
タイの野鳥一覧threatened Ichthyophaga humilis, w:Lesser Fish-Eagle, コウオクイワシ, Near threatened Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, w:Grey-headed Fish-Eagle, ウオクイワシ, Near threatened Gyps
中国の野鳥一覧シロガシラクロヒヨドリ Cisticola juncidis, Zitting Cisticola, セッカ Cisticola exilis, Golden-headed Cisticola, タイワンセッカ Rhopophilus pekinensis, White-browed Chinese Warbler