William. “The Ancestors of Tom Daschle”. November 6, 2007閲覧。 ^ “Famous Germans from Russia”. March 5, 2008時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。November 6, 2007閲覧。 ^ "Senator Thomas
the Oppression of the German Minority in the Soviet Union", (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2015) pages 121,159
Abel Arboretum) ロシアからのドイツ人社会歴史博物館 (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Museum) リンカーン子供博物館 (Lincoln Children's Museum) ヘイマーケット・パーク (Haymarket
Germany, Stalin's Russia, p58-9 ISBN 0-393-02030-4 ^ Michael Balfour, Propaganda in War 1939-1945: Organisation, Policies and Publics in Britain and Germany