レボリューション (ビートルズの曲)ISBN 978-0-8108-8626-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=WqiDBQAAQBAJ Quantick, David (2002). Revolution: The Making of the Beatles' White Album. Chicago
ヘルター・スケルター (ビートルズの曲)Volume 1: The Beatles Years. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-8308-9 Quantick, David (2002). Revolution: The Making of the Beatles' White Album. Chicago
サークルズ (ジョージ・ハリスンの曲)Volume 1: The Beatles Years. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-8308-9 Quantick, David (2002). Revolution: The Making of the Beatles' White Album. Chicago
ディア・プルーデンスSecrets of the Beatles. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 978-0-7119-8167-6 Quantick, David (2002). Revolution: The Making of the Beatles' White Album. Chicago
ワイルド・ハニー・パイISBN 0-8050-5249-6. https://archive.org/details/paulmccartneyman00mile Quantick, David (2002). Revolution: The Making of the Beatles' White Album. Chicago