Chromosome 2
Found in articles
frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroup O2b-SRY465 lineages in Korea: a genetic perspective on the peopling of Korea”. Investigative genetics (Springer) 2: 1-11.
Sexes ^ a b c d Wood, Elizabeth T et al 2005 Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA variation in Africa: evidence for sex-biased demographic processes;
frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroup O2b-SRY465 lineages in Korea: a genetic perspective on the peopling of Korea." Investigative Genetics 2011, 2:10. http://www
Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz)によって Chromosom と名づけられた(英語では chromosome)。Chromo- はギリシア語 χρῶμα (chroma)「色、色素」に、-some は同じく σῶμα (soma)「体」に由来する。
![ハプログループQ (Y染色体)](
frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroup O2b-SRY465 lineages in Korea: a genetic perspective on the peopling of Korea." Investigative Genetics 2011, 2:10. http://www