左翼共産主義(さよくきょうさんしゅぎ、英: Left communism)または左派共産主義とは、共産主義の思想や勢力の1つであり、第二インターナショナル以後のレーニン主義よりも、更に正統的なマルクス主義やプロレタリアートの立場から、ボリシェヴィキの政治思想を批判する。
ローザ・ルクセンブルクは左翼共産主義よりも以前の人物だが、多くの左翼共産主義者に政治的・理論的に大きな影響を与えた。左翼共産主義の支持者には、アマデオ・ボルディガやニコライ・ブハーリン、Herman Gorter、アントン・パンネクーク、オットー・ルーレ、カール・コルシュ、Sylvia Pankhurst、ポール・マティックなどがいる。
有名な現在の左翼共産主義グループには、国際共産主義潮流、Internationalist Communist Tendency(2009年に、革命党のための国際ビューロー、International Bureau for the Revolutionary Partyより改名)などがある。また国際主義共産党(International Communist Party)の諸分派も左翼共産主義の組織とされる。
左翼共産主義は主にイタリア・ドイツ・オランダで生まれた。主張の特徴には、労働組合などの改良主義を資本主義の道具として否定する、反議会主義と反社会民主主義、評議会共産主義によるプロレタリア独裁の強調、レーニン主義などの民族解放闘争を国家主義として否定し、その後継のスターリン主義による既存の社会主義国もブルジョワ国家であり資本主義の手先とする。この「ソ連 = 国家資本主義」論はイギリス社会党 (SPGB)が早い時期から主張した。日本では労働の解放をめざす労働者党(旧社会主義労働者党、マルクス主義同志会)が「ソ連を含む既存の社会主義国家=国家資本主義」論を主張している。
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- Non-Leninist Marxism: Writings on the Workers Councils (includes texts by Gorter, Pannekoek, Pankhurst and Rühle), Red and Black Publishers, St Petersburg, Florida, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9791813-6-8
- The International Communist Current, itself a Left Communist grouping, has produced a series of studies of what it views as its own antecedents. The book on the German-Dutch current, which is by Philippe Bourrinet (who later left the ICC), in particular contains an exhaustive bibliography.
- The Italian Communist Left 1926–1945 (ISBN 1897980132)
- The Dutch-German Communist Left (ISBN 1899438378)
- The Russian Communist Left, 1918–1930 (ISBN 1897980108)
- The British Communist Left, 1914–1945 (ISBN 1897980116)
- Also of interest is volume 5 number 4 of Spring 1995 of the journal Revolutionary History : "Through Fascism, War and Revolution: Trotskyism and Left Communism in Italy".
- In addition, there is a good deal of material published on the Internet in various languages. A useful starting point is the Left Communism collection published on the Marxists Internet Archive.
- A book on the Dutch-German Left was published by Philippe Bourrinet.
![]() | この節の外部リンクはウィキペディアの方針やガイドラインに違反しているおそれがあります。 |
- http://www.broadleft.org/leftcomm.htm List of Left Communist Parties/Groups
- http://www.anarkismo.net/newswire.php?story_id=7162 Anarchist-communist critique of Left Communism
- http://www.internationalism.org/ - International Communist Current
- http://www.ibrp.org/ - International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party
- http://gci-icg.org/ - Internationalist Communist Group
- http://eks.internationalist-forum.org/ - Left Communist Internationalist Communist Left group from Turkey. Has dissolved and joined the International Communist Current.
- http://www.che-fare.org/ - Internationalist Communist Organisation (Italy)
- http://www.riff-raff.se/en/ - Communist theoretical magazine riff-raff from Sweden.
- http://www.plusloin.org/plusloin/ - Plus loin
- http://www.mondialisme.org/ - Includes texts by Echanges et Mouvements
- http://democom.alice.red/ - Démocratie Communiste (Luxemburgiste)
- http://revsoc.org/ http://revsoc.org/english/ - Alliance of the Revolutionary Socialists
- http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/kolinko/ - kolinko German communist webpage
- http://www.wildcat-www.de/index.htm - German magazine with revolutionary theory and discussion
- http://www.mouvement-communiste.com/ - the French group Mouvement Communiste (Communist Mouvement)
- http://www.simaiesocialism.com/ - Iranian communist website also known as Komonist-e-emrooz
- http://www.kavoshgar.org/ - Group translating communist texts into Persian
- http://www.prol-position.net/ - Prol-position Newsletter "The newsletter is an open project discussing and circulating articles from different regions, translated from different languages, and reporting on different spheres of exploitation and proletarian struggle around the world."
- http://internationalist-perspective.org - Internationalist Perspective
- http://www.prole.info/ - Modern communist theory, left communism meets post anarchism
- http://www.prole.info/introduction/intro_0.html - Easy introduction to an anti-political insurrectionist communism
- International Luxemburgist Network
- http://www.protikapitalu.org - Kolektivně proti kapitálu (Collectivelly Against Capital) Czech/Slovak group
- http://tridnivalka.tk - Třídní válka (Class War Group) - Czech group
- http://www.tapaidiatisgalarias.org - TPTG
- http://www.infoshop.org/page/LoveandTreason - San Francisco, California - based anti-state communist actions and analysis
- http://www.kurasje.org/ - Kurasje - The Council Communist Archive
- http://www.sinistra.net/ - Sinistra.net texts of the left communist movement, the so-called Italian Left
- http://www.marxists.org/ - Archive of Marxist writers
- https://web.archive.org/web/20010404085207/http://www.geocities.com/~johngray/ - For communism, communist archive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20051211121016/http://libcom.org/library/ - Archive of Libertarian and Left Communist texts
- http://www.kurasje.org/ - Kurasje - The Council Communist Archive
- http://www.sinistra.net/ - Sinistra.net texts of the left communist movement, the so-called Italian Left
- http://www.marxists.org/ - Archive of Marxist writers
- https://web.archive.org/web/20010404085207/http://www.geocities.com/~johngray/ - For communism, communist archive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20051211121016/http://libcom.org/library/ - Archive of Libertarian and Left Communist texts
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