英語のtheyを三人称単数代名詞として使用すること ウィキペディアから
- "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Could you please let them know where they can get it?"[1]
- "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay."[2]
- "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources."[2]
![]() | このページ名「単数のthey」は暫定的なものです。(2021年3月) |
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- "This is my friend, Jay. I met them at work. They are a talented artist."
代名詞 | 主格 | 目的格(対格) | 所有格 | 所有代名詞 | 再帰代名詞 |
He | He is my son. | When my son cries, I hug him. | My son tells me his age. | If I lose my phone, my son lends me his. | My son dresses himself. |
She | She is my daughter. | When my daughter cries, I hug her. | My daughter tells me her age. | If I lose my phone, my daughter lends me hers. | My daughter dresses herself. |
複数のthey | They are my children. | When my children cry, I hug them. | My children tell me their ages. | If I lose my phone, my children lend me theirs. | My children dress themselves. |
単数のthey | They are my child. | When my child cries, I hug them. | My child tells me their age. | If I lose my phone, my child lends me theirs. | My child dresses themself [あるいは themselves]. |
総称のhe | He is my child. | When my child cries, I hug him. | My child tells me his age. | If I lose my phone, my child lends me his. | My child dresses himself. |
2002年の時点では、ペインとハドルストンは『ケンブリッジ版 英語文法』の中で、標準語における Themself の使用について「稀でありこれを受け入れる話者は少数派である」が「単数の代名詞としてのtheyの受容が進むにつれ、増加する可能性が高い」としている[28]。性別が確かでない単数の人物を指す時にはThemselfは有用である。というのも、以下の例のような場合themselvesでは違和感を与えうるためである。
- "It is not an actor pretending to be Reagan or Thatcher, it is, in grotesque form, the person themself." —イアン・ヒスロップ (1984);[32] quoted in Fowler's[33]
- "Where a recipient of an allowance under section 4 absents themself from Canada ..." — War Veterans Allowance Act(退役軍人手当法), section 14.[35]
- "... the following conditions are imposed on a person or group of persons in respect of whom a deposit is required: ... to present themself or themselves at the time and place that an officer or the Immigration Division requires them to appear to comply with any obligation imposed on them under the Act." — Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations(カナダ移民法施行規則), section 48.[36]
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