ジョン・ハーマン・ハーツ(John Herman Herz、1908年9月23日 - 2005年12月26日[1])は、ドイツ出身の国際政治学者・法学者。
ハンス・ヘルマン・ヘルツ(Hans Hermann Herz)としてデュッセルドルフのユダヤ系ドイツ人家庭に生まれ、ケルン大学で国際法学者ハンス・ケルゼンに師事した[2]。ナチ党政権成立後にスイスそしてアメリカに移住し、ハンス・モーゲンソウ、アーノルド・ウォルファーズ、カール・ドイッチュなど他の亡命知識人とともに、アメリカで国際政治学の基礎を築いた。
- 1931年:ケルン大学から法学博士号(Dr. jur.)を取得、デュッセルドルフの裁判所書記官に就任
- 1933年:ナチ党政権の法律によって書記官職から追放され、弁護士秘書になる
- 1935年:学生ビザを使ってスイスに移住
- 1938年:ジュネーブの国際研究大学院大学を卒業、アメリカに移住しプリンストン高等研究所に在籍(~1941年)
- 1941年:ハワード大学行政学部教授(~1952年)
- 1943年:米軍の戦略事務局(OSS)中欧課で政治分析官を務める(~1945年)
- 1944年:米国籍取得
- 1945年:ニュルンベルク裁判で米国の検察補佐官を務める
- 1946年:国務省情報調査課で政治分析官を務める(~1948年)
- 1951年:著書『政治的現実主義と政治的理想主義』でアメリカ政治学会のウッドロウ・ウィルソン財団図書賞を受賞
- 1952年:ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジ政治学部に移籍
- 1974年:西ドイツ政府から一等功労十字章を受賞
- 1977年:同大学を退職し名誉教授
- Die Völkerrechtslehre des Nationalsozialismus, (Europa-verlag, 1938).
- Political Realism and Political Idealism: A Study in Theories and Realities, (University of Chicago Press, 1951).
- International Politics in the Atomic Age, (Columbia University Press, 1959).
- The Government of Germany, (Harcourt, Brace & World, 1972).
- The Nation-State and the Crisis of World Politics: Essays on International Politics in the Twentieth Century, (D. McKay, 1976).
- Major Foreign Powers: the Governments of Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and Germany, with Gwendolen M. Carter and John C. Ranney, (Harcourt, Brace, 1949, rev. ed., 1952, 3rd ed., 1957, 4th ed., 1962, 5th ed., 1967, 6th ed., 1972).
- Government and Politics in the Twentieth Century, with Gwendolen Margaret Carter, (Praeger, 1961, rev. ed., 1965, 3rd ed., 1973).
- 稲本国雄訳『20世紀の政府と政治(上・下)』(時事通信社, 1967年)
- From Dictatorship to Democracy: Coping with the Legacies of Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism, (Greenwood Press, 1982).
- Documents of Major Foreign Powers: A Sourcebook on Great Britain, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union, co-edited with Louise W. Holborn and Gwendolen M. Carter, (Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968).
- German Constitutional Documents since 1871: Selected Texts and Commentary, co-edited with Louise W. Holborn and Gwendolen M. Carter, (Praeger, 1970).
- "The National Socialist Doctrine of International Law and the Problems of International Organization," Political Science Quarterly 54(4), 1939, pp. 536-554.
- "Expropriation of Alien Property: An Inquiry into the Sociology of International Law," Social Research 8(1), 1941, pp. 63-78.
- "Expropriation of Foreign Property," The American Journal of International Law 35(2), 1941, pp. 243-262.
- "Power Politics and World Organization," The American Political Science Review 36(6), 1942, pp. 1039-1052.
- "German Administration Under the Nazi Regime," The American Political Science Review 40(4), 1946, pp. 682-702.
- "The Fiasco of Denazification in Germany," Political Science Quarterly 63(4), 1948, pp. 569-594.
- "Idealist Internationalism and the Security Dilemma," World Politics 2(2), 1950, pp. 157-180.
- "The Problem of Successorship in Dictatorial Régimes; A Study in Comparative Law and Institutions," The Journal of Politics 14(1), 1952, pp. 19-40.
- "German Officialdom Revisited: Political Views and Attitudes of the West German Civil Service," World Politics 7(1), 1954, pp. 63-83.
- "Rise and Demise of the Territorial State," World Politics 9(4), 1957, pp. 473-493.
- "The Relevancy and Irrelevancy of Appeasement," Social Research 31(3), 1964, pp. 296-320.
- "The Territorial State Revisited: Reflections on the Future of the Nation-State," Polity 1(1), 1968, pp. 11-34.
- "Relevancies & Irrelevancies in the Study of International Relations," Polity 4(1), 1971, pp. 25-47.
- "Korea and Germany as Divided Nations: The Systemic Impact," Asian Survey 15(11), 1975, pp. 957-970.
- "Technology, Ethics, and International Relations," Social Research 43(1), 1976, pp. 98-113.
- "Legitimacy: Can We Retrieve It?" Comparative Politics 10(3), 1978, pp. 317-343.
- "On Reestablishing Democracy after the Downfall of Authoritarian or Dictatorial Regimes," Comparative Politics 10(4), 1978, pp. 559-562.
- "Political Realism Revisited," International Studies Quarterly 25(2), 1981, pp. 182-197.
- "Looking at Carl Schmitt from the Vantage Point of the 1990s," Interpretation 19(3), 1992, pp. 307-314.
- "The Security Dilemma in International Relations: Background and Present Problems," International Relations 17(4), 2003, pp. 411-416.
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