サンフランシスコ統一学区(サンフランシスコとういつがっく、San Francisco Unified School District, SFUSD)は、1851年に設立された、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ唯一の公立学校統一学区である。日本語ではサンフランシスコ統合学区ともいう。1851年に設立された、カリフォルニア州で最初の公立学校区でもある[1]。現在の学区長(Superintendent)は、Richard A. Carranzaである。
サンフランシスコ統一学区は、サンフランシスコ教育委員会が管理していて、55,500名の生徒に対して160の学校施設のサービスを行っている[2]。SFUSDには、その区域内の学校を選択するシステムがあり、入学希望者は学校選択出願書(即ち、入学願書)を提出する。毎年秋になるとSFUSDはその区域のすべての学校について生徒の家族が理解できるような学校博覧会(入学フェア)を開催する。2012年-2013年の入学フェアは2011年11月5日に開催された[3]。Calfee School Guideは最初のカリキュラムに基づいた非営利的なプログラムであり、生徒はそれで自分の高校を選択することができる。
1999年に終了する5年の期間にSFUSDの中ではアジア系、ラテン系の生徒は最大の人種であった。1994年には、数名の中国系の生徒があまりにも多いというので入学を拒否されたので、中国系の父母はこのシステムは人種差別を助長すると訴えた。1998年5月15日に中国系米国人は連邦にこのシステムは人種差別を助長するので止めるべきだと訴えた[5] On Wednesday April 15, 1998, the Chinese-American group asked a federal appeals court to end the admissions practice.[6]。このシステムの下で、サンフランシスコで最も名声が高いローウェル高等学校(Lowell High School)へ入学するためには、中国系の生徒は他の民族集団の生徒よりも高得点をとらなければならなかった[6][7]。
"SCHOOL'S RACE QUOTAS UNDER FIRE." Contra Costa Times. April 16, 1998. News p. A10. Retrieved on August 24, 2013. "SAN FRANCISCO - A Chinese-American group asked a federal appeals court Wednesday to end a 15-year-old, judge-approved racial admissions system in San Francisco schools that requires Chinese students to score higher than others to get into the top high school. The students are entitled to "the right to attend the public schools of San Francisco without being subject to a system of race and ethnic quotas," Daniel Girard, lawyer for Chinese-American students and parents challenging the... "
"CHALLENGING RACE-BASED ADMISSIONS." Los Angeles Daily News. July 19, 1994. Retrieved on August 24, 2013. "To this country's great shame, there was a time when an American child who studied hard and earned good grades nonetheless was held back from the best public school classes because of the color of his skin. That young child was punished because he was black. Oddly, school districts across America have determined that the best way to atone for such racial injustice is more skin-color and ethnic discrimination. In the San Francisco Unified School District, children wishing to attend Lowell[...]"
"COURT ALLOWS RACE-BASED ADMISSIONS S.F. SCHOOLS: THE DISTRICT MUST RETURN IN SEPTEMBER TO PROVE ITS CASE." San Jose Mercury News. June 5, 1998. California News p. 3B. Retrieved on August 25, 2013. "With misgivings, a federal appeals court refused Thursday to end a 15-year-old system of racial admissions to San Francisco public schools, but said SFUSD must justify its requirement of higher test scores for Chinese-Americans to get into the top high school. The San Francisco Unified School District must prove, at a trial in time for the 1999-2000 school year, that segregation persists in the schools and can be remedied only by limiting the representation of each ethnic group at[...]"
"JUDGE TELLS S.F. SCHOOLS TO REDO ADMISSIONS PLAN." San Jose Mercury News. December 18, 1999. Local Section p. 3B. Retrieved on August 25, 2013. "A federal judge Friday rejected as unconstitutional a plan by San Francisco schools to implement a diversity index that would consider race and ethnicity in the admissions process. U.S. District Judge William Orrick ordered San Francisco Unified School District officials by Jan. 7 to either resubmit the plan without race and ethnicity as factors or resubmit the plan being implemented this year under a settlement between the district and Chinese-American students. The settlement,[...]"
"SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS NOT BASED ON RACE." San Jose Mercury News. January 9, 2000. California News p. 3B. Retrieved on August 24, 2013. "In compliance with a judge's order, the San Francisco Unified School District has decided to abandon its effort to use race as a factor inassigning students to schools. The school district informed U.S. District Judge William Orrick on Friday of its plan to continue using its current race-neutral plan, which was implemented last spring. Orrick had ruled the district could not use a proposed diversity index that would have used race as one of the factors for assigning students to[...]"