Origins Awards

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Gli Origins Awards (Premi Origins) sono premi assegnati dalla statunitense Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design durante l'Origins Game Fair ai migliori lavori nell'industria del gioco. Sono considerati Origin Award anche gli H. G. Wells Award (assegnati dal 1978 al 1987) e i Charles S. Roberts Award fino al 1989 (assegnati per l'anno 1987)[1].

Sono considerati per il premio i giochi pubblicati nell'anno precedente, quindi, ad esempio, il premio del 1979 fu assegnato nella cerimonia tenuta durante Origins 1980.[1]



L'Origins Award ha avuto origine dal Charles S. Roberts Award assegnato a partire dalla prima edizione dell'Origin Game Expo nel 1975 nelle categorie Best Professional Game ("Miglior gioco professionale"), Best Amateur Game ("Miglior gioco amatoriale"), Best Professional Magazine ("Migliore rivista Professionale") e Best Amateur Magazine ("Miglior rivista amatoriale")[2] e dal H.G. Wells Award assegnato a partire dal 1978 (per l'anno 1977) con categorie dedicate alle miniature e al gioco di ruolo[3]. Poiché i due premi erano consegnati congiuntamente nella stessa cerimonia ci si è riferiti collettivamente a essi come Origin Award[1].

A partire dal 1988 la gestione dei due premi diviene separata: il Charles S. Roberts Award è gestito da Rodger B. MacGowan su incarico di Charles S. Roberts (che desidera che il suo nome sia usato in maniera indipendente da entità commerciali e libero da conflitti di interessi)[4], mentre l'Origins Award è formalmente costituito sotto la gestione dell'Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design, un comitato della Game Manufacturers Association[5]

Dall'epoca della prima cerimonia, le categorie sono state allargate per includere tra gli altri Board games (Traditional, Historical and Abstract) ("Giochi da tavolo (tradizionali, storici e astratti)"), Card games (Traditional and Trading) ("Giochi di carte (tradizionali e collezionabili"), Miniature wargaming (Historical, Science Fiction and Fantasy) (Wargame tridimensionale (storico, fantascientifico e fantasy)"), Roleplaying games ("giochi di ruolo")", Play by mail games ("giochi postali")". Esistono categorie aggiuntive per il graphic design, dedicate adr espansioni ed accessori per giochi e per opere di narrativa correlata al gioco. Durante le edizioni degli anni ottanta novanta furono assegnati premi anche per categorie dedicate a videogiochi.


Charles S. Roberts Awards

Ulteriori informazioni Anno, Categoria ...
Anno Categoria Vincitore Editore
1974[6][7] Best Professional GameThird ReichAvalon Hill
Best Amateur GameManassasHistorical Simulations
Best Professional MagazineStrategy & TacticsSPI
Best Amateur MagazineAlbion
1975[8][9] Best Professional GameKingmakerPhilmar/AH
Best Amateur GameLa Bataille de la MoscowaMartial
Best Professional MagazineStrategy & TacticsSPI
Best Amateur MagazineJagdpanther
1976[10][11] Best Strategic GameThe Russian CampaignAvalon Hill
Best Tactical GameTerrible Swift SwordSPI
Best GraphicsAvalanche: The Salerno LandingsGDW
Best Professional MagazineStrategy & TacticsSPI
Best Amateur MagazineJagdpanther/Battlefield
1977[12][13] Best Strategic GameVictory in the PacificAvalon Hill
Best Tactical GameSquad LeaderAvalon Hill
Best Fantasy Board GameWar of the RingSPI
Best Professional MagazineStrategy & TacticsSPI
Best Amateur MagazineThe Space GamerMetagaming
1978[14][15] Best Pre-20th Century GameSource of the NileDiscovery
Best 20th Century GameTo the Green Fields BeyondSPI
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction WargameMaydayGDW
Best Wargame GraphicsCross of IronAvalon Hill
Best Amateur GameSource of the NileDiscovery
Best Professional MagazineFire & MovementBaron Publishing
Best Amateur MagazinePerfidious Albion
1979[16][17] Best Pre-20th Century GameNapoleon at LeipzigOSG
Best 20th Century GameCity FightSPI
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction GameThe Creature That Ate SheboyganSPI
Best Initial ReleaseThe IroncladsYaquinto
Best Professional MagazineFire & MovementBaron Publishing
Best Amateur MagazinePerfidious Albion
1980[18][19] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameEmpires of the Middle AgesSPI
Best 20th Century BoardgameCrescendo of DoomAvalon Hill
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameAzhanti High LightningGDW
Best Computer GameTemple of ApshaiAutomated Simulations
Best Initial Release of a BoardgameStreets of StalingradPhoenix
Best Professional Magazine Covering BoardgamesFire & MovementBaron Publishing
Best Amateur Magazine Covering the Hobby in GeneralHMS Review
Gamers choiceAce of AcesNova Games
1981[20][21] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameA House DividedGDW
Best 20th Century BoardgameWings
Best Science Fiction BoardgameCar WarsSteve Jackson Games
Best Fantasy BoardgameBarbarian PrinceHeritage Models
Best Initial Release of a BoardgameIronbottom Sound
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineFire & MovementBaron Publishing
Best Adventure Game for Home ComputerEastern Front
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineJournal of WWII Wargaming
1982[22][23] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameCivilizationAvalon Hill
Best 20th Century BoardgameStorm Over ArnhemAvalon Hill
Best Science Fiction BoardgameIlluminatiSteve Jackson Games
Best Fantasy BoardgameSherlock Holmes consulente investigativoSleuth Publications
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineFire & MovementSteve Jackson Games
Best Adventure Game for Home ComputerWizardry II: The Knight of DiamondsSir-Tech
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineJournal of 20th Century Wargaming
1983[24][25] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameThe Civil WarVictory Games
Best 20th Century BoardgameAmbush!Victory Games
Best Science Fiction BoardgameNuclear EscalationFlying Buffalo
Best Fantasy BoardgameLost WorldsNova
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineFire & Movement
Best Adventure Game for Home ComputerKnights of the DesertSSI
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineJournal of 20th Century Wargaming
1984[26][27] Best Science Fiction BoardgameWeb & StarshipWest End Games
Best Fantasy BoardgameThe Lonely MountainIron Crown Enterprises
Best Play-by-Mail GameStarwebFlying Buffalo
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineDragonTSR
Best Graphic PresentationVietnamVictory Games
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameSouth MountainWest End Games
Best 20th Century BoardgameVietnamVictory Games
Best Adventure Game for Home ComputerCarriers at WarStrategic Studies Group
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineWargamer
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineAlarums and Excursions
1985[28][29] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgamePax BritannicaVictory Games
Best 20th Century BoardgameWorld in FlamesAustralian Design Group
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameWabbit WampagePacesetter
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineThe WargamerWorld Wide Wargaming
Best Adventure Game for Home ComputerSilent ServiceMicroProse
Best Graphic PresentationPax BritannicaVictory Games
Best Amateur MagazineVIP of Gaming
1986[30][31] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameChickamaugaWest End Games
Best 20th Century BoardgameFortress AmericaMilton Bradley Company
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameKings & ThingsWest End Games
Best Professional Boardgaming MagazineThe WargamerWorld Wide Wargaming
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameGettysburg: The Turning PointStrategic Simulations
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineThe Midwest Wargamers Association Newsletter
Best Graphic PresentationKorean WarVictory Games

H. G. Wells Awards

Ulteriori informazioni Anno, Categoria ...
Anno Categoria Vincitore Editore
1977[12][13] Best Historical Figure SeriesHinchliffeHinchliffe
Best Fantasy Figure SeriesRal ParthaRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesGHQ MicroarmorGHQ
All Time Best Napoleonic RulesEmpireEmpire Games
All Time Best Roleplaying RulesDungeons & DragonsTSR
Best Professional RPG or Miniatures MagazineThe DragonTSR
Greatest Contribution to the Hobby 1967-77Dungeons & DragonsTSR
1978[14][15] Best Historical Figure SeriesDays of the EmpireRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesFantasy Collectors SeriesRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesModern Micro ArmorGHQ
Best Miniatures RulesFire & SteelGDW
1979[16][17] Best Historical Figure SeriesSystem Seven NapoleonicsGDW
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesCollectablesRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesOGRE seriesMartian Metals
Best Miniatures RulesSystem Seven NapoleonicsGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesCommandoSPI
Best Roleplaying AdventureKinunirGDW
Best Magazine Covering MiniaturesThe Courier
Best Magazine Covering RoleplayingJournal of the Travellers Aid SocietyGDW
All Time Best 20th Century Naval RulesGeneral QuartersBrookhurst
All Time Best Ancient Medieval RulesChivalry and SorceryFantasy Games Unlimited
1980[18][19] Best Historical Figure SeriesCondottieriRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesPersonalitiesRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesMicro ArmorGHQ
Best Miniatures RulesTacforceGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesDragonQuestSPI
Best Roleplaying AdventureTwilights PeakGDW
Best Professional Magazine Covering MiniaturesThe Courier
Best Professional Magazine Covering RoleplayingJournal of the Travellers Aid SocietyGDW
All Time Best Pre-Napoleonic Gunpowder Miniatures RulesRenaissance RulesWRG
All Time Best Air Combat Miniatures RulesBasic/Advanced FighterLou Zocchi
1981[20][21] Best Historical Figure SeriesCondottieriRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesDragonslayers & TravellersMartian Metals
Best Vehicular Model SeriesMicro ArmorGHQ
Best Miniatures RulesHarpoonAdventure Games
Best Roleplaying RulesIl richiamo di CthulhuChaosium
Best Roleplaying AdventureThieves' WorldChaosium
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe Courier
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineJournal of the Travellers Aid SocietyGDW
All Time Best Miniatures Rules for 20th Century Land BattlesTacforce
All Time Best Miniatures Rules for Pre-20th Century Naval BattlesShip O' The Line
1982[22][23] Best Historical Figure SeriesSiege EquipmentRAFM
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesPersonalities and Things that Go Bump in the NightRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesMicro ArmorGHQ
Best Miniatures RulesStrikerGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesBehind Enemy LinesFASA
Best Roleplaying AdventureCitybook IFlying Buffalo
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe Courier
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineThe Space GamerSteve Jackson Games
All Time Best Miniatures Rules for American Civil War Land BattlesRally Round the FlagIron Brigade Miniatures
All Time Best Miniatures Rules for Science Fiction BattlesStrikerGDW
1983[24][25] Best Historical Figure SeriesSiege EquipmentRAFM
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesCall of CthulhuGrenadier Models
Best Vehicular Model SeriesDwarf Steam CannonRal Partha
Best Miniatures RulesJohnny RebAdventure Games
Best Roleplaying RulesJames Bond 007Victory Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureStormhavenFlying Buffalo
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe Courier
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineDragonTSR
1984[26][27] Best Historical Figure SeriesColonials Ral Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesPersonalitiesRal Partha
Best Vehicular Model SeriesStar Trek StarshipsFASA
Best Miniatures RulesThe Sword and the FlameGreenfield Hobby
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe Courier
Best Roleplaying Rules (ex aequo)Twilight: 2000GDW
ParanoiaWest End Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureLive and Let DieVictory Games
1985[28][29] Best Historical Figure SeriesSamuraiRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesDragon of the MonthGrenadier Models
Best Vehicular/Accessory SeriesStarship MiniaturesFASA
Best Miniatures RulesBattlesystemTSR
Best Roleplaying RulesDC HeroesMayfair Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureYellow Clearance Black Box BluesWest End Games
Best Roleplaying SupplementThe Pendragon CampaignChaosium
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineDragonTSR
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe CourierCourier Publishing
Best Play-by-Mail GameIlluminatiAdventure Systems
1986[30][31] Best Historical Figure SeriesAmerican Civil WarStone Mountain Miniatures
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesFantasy LordsGrenadier Models
Best Vehicular/Accessory SeriesBattle Tech MechRal Partha
Best Miniatures RulesCommand DecisionGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesGhostbustersWest End Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureGoing HomeGDW
Best Roleplaying Supplement (ex aequo)BattleTech Technical ReadoutFASA
Cthulhu by GaslightChaosium
Best Professional Roleplaying MagazineDragonTSR
Best Professional Miniatures MagazineThe CourierCourier Publishing
Best Play-by-Mail GameIt's a CrimeAdventures By Mail
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameBard's Tale IIElectronic Arts
Best Screen Graphics in a Home Computer GameGunshipMicroProse

Origins Awards

Ulteriori informazioni Anno, Categoria ...
Anno Categoria Vincitore Editore
1987[32][33] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameShogunMilton Bradley Company
Best Boardgame Covering the Period 1900-1946Scorched EarthGDW
Best Boardgame Covering the Period 1947-Modern DayTeam YankeeGDW
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameArkham HorrorChaosium
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameShogunMilton Bradley Company
Best Play-by-Mail GameAlamazePegasus Productions
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GamePirates!MicroProse
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameProject Stealth FighterMicroProse
Best Screen Graphics in a Home Computer GamePirates!MicroProse
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineComputer Gaming WorldGolden Empire Publishing
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazinePolyhedronTSR
Best Historical Figure SeriesThe New Samurai Ral Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesJulie Guthrie's Fantasy LineGrenadier Models
Best Vehicular or Accessory SeriesStar Trek MiniaturesFASA
Best Miniatures RulesHarpoonGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesGuerre stellariWest End Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureTournament of Dreams (per Pendragon)Chaosium
Best Roleplaying SupplementStar Wars Sourcebook (per Guerre stellari)West End Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementMiskatonic University Kit (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
1988[34][35] Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameGettysburgAvalon Hill
Best Boardgame Covering the Period 1900-1946KremlinAvalon Hill
Best Boardgame Covering the Period 1947-Modern DayThe Hunt for Red OctoberTSR
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameSky Galleons of MarsGDW
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameSky Galleons of MarsGDW
Best Play-by-Mail GameKings & ThingsAndon Games
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GamePool of RadianceStrategic Simulations
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameF-19 Stealth FighterMicroProse
Best Screen Graphics in a Home Computer GameF-19 Stealth FighterMicroProse
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineStrategy & TacticsWorld Wide Wargames
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineSorcerer’s ScrollTori Berquist
Best Historical Figure Series1200AD Line - The Aztec ArmyRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesTSR’s AD&D SeriesRal Partha
Best Vehicular or Accessory SeriesBattle Tech MechsRal Partha
Best Miniatures RulesTo the Sound of the GunsGDW
Best Roleplaying RulesGURPS Basic Set, 3rd EditionSteve Jackson Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureBattle for the Golden Sun (per Guerre stellari)West End Games
Best Roleplaying SupplementGURPS SpaceSteve Jackson Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementPetersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
1989[36][37] Best Historical Figure SeriesAztecs, 25mmFalcon Miniatures
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesDragonlance Heroes LineRal Partha
Best Vehicular Miniatures SeriesBattle Tech Mechs and VehiclesRal Partha
Best Accessory Figure SeriesMighty FortressGames Workshop
Best Miniatures RulesBattlesystem Miniatures RulesTSR
Best Roleplaying RulesAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionTSR
Best Roleplaying AdventureThe Great Old Ones (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Roleplaying SupplementCreatures of the Dreamlands (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementCreatures of the Dreamlands (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameA House DividedGame Designers' Workshop
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameRed Storm RisingTSR
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameSpace HulkGames Workshop
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameRed Storm RisingTSR
Best Play-by-Mail GameIt's a CrimeAdventures By Mail
Best New Play-by-Mail GameBeyond the Stellar Empire: The New SystemAdventures By Mail
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameCurse of the Azure BondsStrategic Simulations
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameSimCityMaxis
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineDragonTSR
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineThe Canadian Wargaming JournalThe Canadian Wargamers Group
1990[38][39] Best Historical Figure Series25mm AncientsRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesAD&D MonstersRal Partha
Best Vehicular Miniatures SeriesSpace Ork Battle WagonGames Workshop / Citadel Miniatures
Best Accessory Figure SeriesCastles Boxed SetTSR
Best Miniatures RulesBattleTech CompendiumFASA
Best Roleplaying RulesKing Arthur Pendragon, 3rd EditionChaosium
Best Roleplaying AdventureHarlequin (per Shadowrun)FASA
Best Roleplaying SupplementForgotten Realms Adventure Book (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or Supplement (ex aequo)Ravenloft Box Set (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Seattle Source Book (per Shadowrun)FASA
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameRepublic of RomeAvalon Hill
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameEurorailsMayfair Games
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameGenestealerGames Workshop
Best Play-by-Mail GameIlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Best New Play-by-Mail GameMonster IslandAdventures By Mail
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameWing CommanderOrigin Systems
Best Military or Strategy Computer GamePopulousElectronic Arts
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineDragonTSR
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineWargamers InformationRick Loomis
1991[40][41] Best Historical Figure SeriesPendragon Knight & Lady SetsLance & Laser
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure Series (ex aequo)Call of CthulhuRAFM
ShadowrunRal Partha
Best Vehicular Miniatures SeriesBattleTech Mechs & VehiclesRal Partha
Best Accessory Figure SeriesBattlescapesGeo Hex
Best Miniatures RulesStar Wars Miniatures RulesWest End Games
Best Roleplaying RulesVampiri: la masqueradeWhite Wolf
Best Roleplaying AdventureHorror on the Orient Express (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Roleplaying SupplementGURPS Time TravelSteve Jackson Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementHorror on the Orient Express (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Play-by-Mail GameIlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Best New Play-by-Mail GameMiddle EarthGame Systems
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameBlackbeardAvalon Hill
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameEast FrontColumbia
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameCosmic EncounterMayfair Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameHero QuestMilton Bradley Company
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameWing Commander IIOrigin Systems
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameSid Meier's CivilizationMicroProse
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineWhite WolfWhite Wolf
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineMidwest Wargamers Association NewsletterHal Thinglum
1992[42][43] Best Historical Figure SeriesHyksos Ancient BiblicalRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesRavenloftRal Partha
Best Vehicular Miniatures SeriesBattleTech Mechs & VehiclesRal Partha
Ogre MiniaturesRal Partha
Best Accessory Figure SeriesTiny Terrain 15mm FantasySimtac
Best Miniatures RulesOgre MiniaturesSteve Jackson Games
Best Roleplaying RulesShadowrun, 2nd EditionFASA
Best Roleplaying AdventureGURPS Cyberpunk AdventuresSteve Jackson Games
Best Roleplaying SupplementGURPS IlluminatiSteve Jackson Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or Supplement (ex aequo)Cthulhu for President Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Chaosium
Best Play-by-Mail Game (ex aequo)IlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Middle EarthGame Systems
Best New Play-by-Mail GameLords of DestinyMaelstrom
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameSPQRGMT
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameHackerSteve Jackson Games
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameNuclear ProliferationFlying Buffalo
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameBattletech, 3rd EditionFASA
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameUltima UnderworldOrigin Systems
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameV for VictoryThree-Sixty Pacific
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineWhite WolfWhite Wolf
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineBerg's Review of GamesRichard Berg
1993[44][45] Best Historical Figure SeriesMedievals 15mmSoldiers & Swords
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesAdvanced Dungeons & DragonsRal Partha
Best Vehicular SeriesBattle TechRal Partha
Best Game AccessoryDestiny DeckStellar Games
Best Miniatures RulesWarhammer 40.000 2nd EditionGames Workshop
Best Roleplaying RulesTraveller: The New EraGame Designers' Workshop
Best Roleplaying AdventureDragon MountainTSR
Best Roleplaying SupplementGURPS Vampire: The MasqueradeSteve Jackson Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementUndergroundMayfair Games
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameHistory of the WorldAvalon Hill
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameHacker IISteve Jackson Games
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameMagic: l'AdunanzaWizards of the Coast
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameMagic: l'AdunanzaWizards of the Coast
Best Play-by-Mail GameIlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Best New Play-by-Mail GameQuest: The World of KharneAdventures By Mail
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameX-WingLucas Arts
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameSeven Cities of Gold, Commemorative EditionElectronic Arts
Best Professional Adventure Gaming MagazineDragonTSR
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineBerg's Review of GamesRichard Berg
1994[46][47] Best Historical Figure SeriesDaimyo Samurai FiguresReaper Miniatures
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons PersonalitiesRal Partha
Best Vehicular SeriesBattleTech: Vehicles & 'MechsRal Partha
Best Miniatures Accessory SeriesMountainscapeGeo-Hex
Best Miniatures RulesBlood Bowl 3rd EditionGames Workshop
Best Game AccessoryLeggende (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Best Roleplaying RulesCastle FalkensteinR. Talsorian Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureCouncil of Wyrms (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Best Roleplaying SupplementThe Encyclopedia Magica, Volume 1 (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementPlanescape Campaign Setting (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Best Pre-20th Century BoardgameRoads to GettysburgAvalon Hill
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameAustralian RailsMayfair Games
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameRoboRallyWizards of the Coast
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameRoboRallyWizards of the Coast
Best Card GameIlluminati: New World OrderSteve Jackson Games
Best New Play-by-Mail GameForgotten RealmsReality Simulations
Best Play-by-Mail GameIlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameDoom IIid Software
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameSimCity 2000Maxis
Best Game-Related FictionCthulhu's Heirs, Call of Cthulhu AnthologyChaosium
Best Professional Gaming Magazine (ex aequo)DragonTSR
The DuelistWizards of the Coast
ShadisAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming Magazine'MechAWOL Productions
1995[48][49] Best Historical Figure SeriesCelts 25mmMirilton
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure SeriesStar WarsWest End Games
Best Vehicular SeriesBattleTech: Vehicles & 'MechsRal Partha
Best Miniatures Accessory SeriesAmerican Civil War Buildings 15mmStone Mountain Miniatures
Best Miniatures RulesWarzoneHeartbreaker Hobbies & Games
Best Game Accessory (ex aequo)Tech Readout 3058 (per BattleTech)FASA
Mage: The Ascension Tarot Deck (per Mage: The Ascension)White Wolf
Best Roleplaying RulesMage: The Ascension 2nd EditionWhite Wolf
Best Roleplaying AdventureGiovanni Chronicle: The Last SupperWhite Wolf
Best Roleplaying SupplementBirthright (per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)TSR
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementBug City (per Shadowrun)FASA
Best Pre-20th Century Boardgame (ex aequo)Colonial DiplomacyAvalon Hill
Three Days of GettysburgGMT Games
Best Best Modern-Day BoardgameEmpire of the Rising SunAvalon Hill
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction BoardgameDragon DiceTSR
Best Graphic Presentation of a BoardgameRoboRally: Armed and DangerousWizards of the Coast
Best Card GameMiddle-earth: The WizardsIron Crown Enterprises
Best New Play-by-Mail GameSwords of Pelarn, Legends 2Midnight Games
Best Play-by-Mail Game (ex aequo)IlluminatiFlying Buffalo
Middle-earthGame Systems
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameMechWarrior IIActivision
Best Military or Strategy Computer GamePanzer GeneralStrategic Simulations
Best Game-Related FictionTactics of Duty (da BattleTech)FASA
Best Professional Gaming MagazineShadisAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineBerg's Review of Games
1996[50][51] Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure Miniatures SeriesWarhammer 40.000: ChaosGames Workshop
Best Vehicular Miniatures SeriesBattletech: Mechs & VehiclesRal Partha
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Miniatures RulesWarhammer Fantasy BattleGames Workshop
Best Pre-20th Century Board GameAge of RenaissanceAvalon Hill
Best Best Modern-Day Board GameHarpoon4Clash of Arms
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Board GameI coloni di CatanMayfair Games
Best Card Game (ex aequo)Legend of Five Rings: Battle of Beiden PassFive Rings Publishing
Lunch MoneyAtlas Games
Best Roleplaying RulesDeadlandsPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Roleplaying AdventureThe Complete Masks of NyarlathotepChaosium
Best Roleplaying SupplementSix-Guns & SorceryR. Talsorian Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementDeadlandsPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Game AccessoryCthulhu for PresidentChaosium
Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer GameMaster of Orion II: Battle at AntaresMicroProse
Best Game-Related FictionThe Cthulhu CycleChaosium
Best Professional Gaming MagazineShadisAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Amateur Adventure Gaming MagazineMechforce QuarterlyMech Force
Best Historical Figure Miniatures SeriesDaimyo 25mmReaper Miniatures
Best Historical Miniatures RulesHostile Aircraft, 2nd EditionGoblintooth Enterprises
Best Miniatures Accessory SeriesWild West Hollow 25mm HouseTactical Conflict Systems
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameBattleTech, 4th EditionFASA
Best Play-by-Mail GameMiddle EarthGame Systems
Best New Play-by-Mail GameStarship CommandElite Simulations
Best Military or Strategy Computer GameWooden Ships and Iron MenAvalon Hill
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card Game or ExpansionMiddle Earth: The DragonsIron Crown Enterprises
1997[52][53] Best Abstract Board GameKill Doctor LuckyCheapass Games
Best Historical Board GameSuccessorsAvalon Hill
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameRoborally Grand PrixWizards of the Coast
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameWadjet: A Family Adventure GameTimbuk II
Best Action Computer GameTomb RaiderSquare Software
Best Roleplaying Computer GameFinal Fantasy VIIEidos Interactive
Best Strategy Computer GameSid Meier's Gettysburg!Firaxis Games
Best Amateur Game MagazineStarry WisdomChaosium
Best Professional Game MagazineKnights of the Dinner TableKenzer & Company
Best Trading Card GameShadowrun Trading Card Game Limited EditionFASA
Best Traditional Card GameGive Me the BrainCheapass Games
Best Card Game Expansion or SupplementLegends of the Five Rings: Time of the VoidFive Rings Publishing
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card GameShadowrun Trading Card Game Limited EditionFASA
Best Game-Related NovelPlanar PowersTSR
Best Game-Related Short WorkA Forty Share in InnsmouthChaosium
Best Roleplaying AdventureIndependence DayPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Roleplaying Supplement Delta GreenPagan Publishing
Best Roleplaying GameLa leggenda dei cinque anelliAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementIn NomineSteve Jackson Games
Best Historical Figure Miniatures SeriesCharlie Company U.S. Army FiguresRAFM
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Figure MiniatureSisters of Battle SquadGames Workshop
Best Vehicular MiniatureCall of Cthulhu RoadsterRAFM
Best Historical Miniatures RulesFlint & SteelClash of Arms Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesDeadlands: The Great Rail WarsPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best New Play-by-Mail GameMiddle-earth PBM Fourth Age Circa 1000Game Systems
Best Ongoing Play-by-Mail GameStar WebFlying Buffalo
1998[54][55] Best Abstract Board GameWhat Were You Thinking?Wizards of the Coast
Best Historical Board GameGreat War at Sea: Plan OrangeAvalanche
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameCrimson SkiesFASA
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameCrimson SkiesFASA
Best Action Computer GameStar Wars: Rogue SquadronLucas Arts
Best Roleplaying Computer GameBaldur's GateInterplay
Best Strategy Computer GameStarCraftBlizzard / Havas
Best Amateur Game MagazineMythic Perspectives: An Ars Magica MagazineGnawing Ideas
Best Professional Game MagazineKnights of the Dinner TableKenzer & Company
Best Trading Card GameDeadlands CCGWizards of the Coast
Best Traditional Card GameGuillotineWizards of the Coast
Best Card Game Expansion or SupplementSaga di Urza (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card GameDeadlands CCGWizards of the Coast
Best Game-Related NovelThe Silent BladeWizards of the Coast
Best Game-Related Short WorkLeftoversPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Roleplaying AdventureReturn to the Tomb of HorrorsWizards of the Coast
Best Roleplaying SupplementGreyhawk: The Adventure BeginsWizards of the Coast
Best Roleplaying GameStar Trek: The Next Generation RPGLast Unicorn Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementDragonlance BestiaryWizards of the Coast
Best Historical Figure Miniatures Series25mm Darkest AfricaGuernsey Foundry
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Figure MiniatureHangin's JudgePinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Vehicular MiniatureVelocipedePinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Historical Miniatures RulesMedieval WarfareTerry Gore
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesBattletech Master RulesFASA
Best New Play-by-Mail GameDungeonMadhouse USA
Best Ongoing Play-by-Mail GameMiddle-earth PBM Fourth Age Circa 1000Game Systems
1999[56][57] Best Abstract Board GameButton MenCheapass Games
Best Action Computer GameMechWarrior 3MicroProse
Best Amateur Game MagazineAlarums & ExcursionsLee Gold
Best Card Game Expansion or Supplement7th Sea: Strange VistasAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Game-Related NovelDelta Green: The Rules of EngagementPagan Publishing
Best Game-Related Short WorkJust a Tad Beyond InnsmouthChaosium
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameButton MenCheapass Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card Game or Supplement7th Sea: No Quarter!Alderac Entertainment Group
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementDark*MatterWizards of the Coast
Best Historical Board GameGreat War at Sea: 1904-1905, The Russo-Japanese Naval WarAvalanche Press
Best Historical Figure Miniatures SeriesGerman Assault SquadEasy Eight Enterprises
Best Historical Miniatures RulesArmies of AntiquityWarhammer Historical Wargames
Best Ongoing Play-by-Mail GameMiddle-earth PBM Fourth Age, circa 1000Game Systems
Best Professional Game MagazineKnights of the Dinner TableKenzer & Company
Best Roleplaying AdventureBeyond the Mountains of MadnessChaosium
Best Roleplaying Computer GameBaldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastInterplay Entertainment
Best Roleplaying Game7th SeaAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Roleplaying SupplementDelta Green: CountdownPagan Publishing
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameOrcs at the GatesJolly Roger Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Figure MiniatureTogashi YokuniAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesDiskwarsFantasy Flight Games
Best Strategy Computer GameSid Meier's Alpha CentauriFiraxis
Best Trading Card Game7th Sea: No Quarter!Alderac Entertainment Group
Best Traditional Card GameChez GeekSteve Jackson Games
Best Vehicular MiniatureBabylon 5 StationAgents of Gaming
2000[58][59] Best Historical Figure SeriesHammer’s Hellhounds (US Paratroopers)Easy Eight Enterprises Hammer's
Best Abstract Board GameIcehouse: The Martian Chess SetLooney Labs
Best Amateur Game PeriodicalAlarums & ExcursionsLee Gold
Best Card Game Expansion or SupplementBRAWL: Club FoglioCheapass Games
Best Game Aid or AccessoryThe Munchkin's Guide To PowergamingSteve Jackson Games
Best Game-Related NovelDragons of a Fallen SunWizards of the Coast
Best Game-Related Short WorkMatt and Gilly's Big DateDork Storm Press
Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or SupplementManuale dei MostriWizards of the Coast
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameThe Hills Rise Wild!Pagan Publishing
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card GameBRAWL: Club FoglioCheapass Games
Best Historical Board GameAxis & Allies: EuropeAvalon Hill
Best Historical Figure Miniatures SeriesHammer's Hellhounds (US Paratroopers)Easy Eight Enterprises
Best Historical Miniatures RulesFields of HonorPinnacle Entertainment Group
Best Ongoing Play-by-Mail GameStarwebFlying Buffalo
Best Professional Game PeriodicalPyramidSteve Jackson Games
Best Roleplaying AdventureDeath in FreeportGreen Ronin Publishing
Best Roleplaying GameDungeons & DragonsWizards of the Coast
Best Roleplaying SupplementGURPS SteampunkSteve Jackson Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameThe Great Brain RobberyCheapass Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Figure MiniatureBeholder Wizards of the Coast
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesMage Knight: RebellionWizKids
Best Trading Card GameSailor Moon Collectible Card GameDart Flipcards
Best Traditional Card GameChrononautsLooney Labs
Best Vehicular MiniatureShadowsword Titan HunterForge World
2001[60][61] Best Game AccessoryD20 System Character Record FolioGreen Ronin Publishing
Best Amateur Game PeriodicalAlarums & ExcursionsLee Gold
Best Professional Game PeriodicalDork TowerDork Storm Press
Best Play-By-Mail GameMiddle Earth FA 1000Game Systems
Best Game-Related NovelClan War 7th Scroll: The LionWizards of the Coast
Best Game-Related Short WorkPrometheus UnwoundEden Studios
Best Historical Miniatures RulesFear God and Dread NoughtClash of Arms Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesD&D Chainmail MiniaturesWizards of the Coast
Best Historical Figure Miniature SeriesWorld of the GreeksWargames Foundry
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy MiniatureMage Knight Great Fire DragonWizKids
Best Vehicular MiniatureMage Knight Atlantis War Machine: The Fist of FezkWizKids
Best Abstract Board GameCosmic CoastersLooney Labs
Best Historical Board GameAxis & Allies: PacificAvalon Hill
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameRisk 2210Hasbro / Avalon Hill
Best Card Game Expansion or SupplementApples to Apples: Expansion Set 3Out of the Box Publishing
Best Trading Card GameThe Lord of the Rings TCGDecipher
Best Traditional Card GameMunchkinSteve Jackson Games
Best Graphic Presentation of a Board GameZombi!!!Journeyman Press
Best Graphic Presentation of a Card GameThe Lord of the Rings TCGDecipher
Best Graphic Presentation of a Book ProductCall of Cthulu 20th Anniversary EditionChaosium
Best IllustrationDork ShadowsDork Storm Press
Best Role-Playing Game AdventureUnseen MastersChaosium
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementForgotten Realms AmbientazioneWizards of the Coast
Best Role-Playing GameAdventure!White Wolf
Game of the YearHackmasterKenzer & Company
2002[62][63] Best Game-Related PeriodicalDork TowerDork Storm Press
Best Abstract Board GameKingdomsFantasy Flight Games
Best Historical Board GameSid Meier's Civilization: The BoardgameEagle Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board GameMarvel HeroClix: Infinity ChallengeWizKids
Best Board Game Expansion or SupplementMarvel HeroClix: Clobberin' TimeWizKids
Best Card Game Expansion or SupplementMunchkin 2: Unnatural AxeSteve Jackson Games
Best Trading Card GameIl Trono di Spade: Westeros EditionFantasy Flight Games
Best Traditional Card GameStar MunchkinSteve Jackson Games
Best Game Aid or AccessoryGamemastering SecretsGrey Ghost Press
Best Game-Related Fiction, Graphic FormUnderstanding GamersDork Storm Press
Best Game-Related Fiction, Long FormGhost WarROC
Best Game-Related Fiction, Short FormEnemy HealerWizKids
Best Graphic Presentation Of A Board Game ProductMage Knight DungeonsWizKids
Best Graphic Presentation Of A Book Format ProductNobilis, 2nd EditionHogshead Publishing
Best Graphic Presentation Of A Card Game ProductChez GreekSteve Jackson Games
Best IllustrationMechwarrior: Dark Age Starter BoxesWizKids
Best Historical MiniatureBoeing B-52 Stratofortress 1:1250 Scale Noble Miniatures
Best Historical Miniatures SeriesCrusader RangeGriffin Miniatures
Best Historical Miniatures RulesKampfgruppe CommanderSovereign Press
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy MiniatureMarvel HeroClix SentinelWizKids
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures SeriesMechwarrior: Dark AgeWizKids
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures RulesThe Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersGames Workshop
Best Play-By-Mail GameButton Men Web GameCheapass Games
Best Role-Playing Game AdventureCity of the Spider QueenWizards of the Coast
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementCeltic AgeAvalanche Press
Best Role-Playing GameThe Lord of the Rings Role-Playing GameDecipher
Game of the YearMechwarrior: Dark AgeWizKids
2003[64][65] Game of the YearIndy HeroClixWizKids
Best Abstract Board GameZendoLooney Labs
Best Board Game ExpansionZombies 3: MallwalkersTwilight Creations
Best Card Game ExpansionGame of Thrones: Ice & Fire ExpansionFantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Miniatures RulesWarmachinePrivateer Press
Fantasy Miniatures SeriesWarmachinePrivateer Press
Long FictionBook of Final FleshEden Studios
Short FictionPodo and the Magic ShieldWizKids
Graphic FictionEverybody Loves GillyDork Storm Press
PeriodicalDragonPaizo Publishing
Book DesignRedhurst Academy of MagicHuman Head
Card DesignBang!Mayfair Games
Board Game DesignIl Trono di SpadeFantasy Flight Games
Historical Board GameAttack!Eagle Games
Historical Miniatures RulesEl CidWarhammer Historical
Historical Miniatures Series28mm Ancient CeltsRenegade Miniatures
Miniatures Accessories or TerrainAurora Class Drop ShipWizKids
Play By MailStarwebFlying Buffalo
Role-Playing Game AdventureBlack Sails Over FreeportFlying Buffalo
Role-Playing GameAngelEden Studios
Role-Playing Game SupplementRedhurst Academy of MagicHuman Head
Science Fiction Miniatures RulesShadowrun DuelsWizKids
Science Fiction Miniatures SeriesMechwarrior Liao IncursionWizKids
Tradeable Card Game.hack//enemyDecipher
Traditional Board GameIl Trono di SpadeFantasy Flight Games
Traditional Card GameBang!Mayfair Games
2004[66][67] Best Play-By-Mail GameFall of RomeEnlightened Age Entertainment
Best Historical Board GameSword of RomeGMT Games
Best Historical Miniatures LineWWI: Western Front 28 mmBrigade Games
Best Historical Miniatures GameDawn of the Rising Sun: The Russo Japanese War 1904-1905Clash of Arms Games
Best Board GameTicket to RideDays of Wonder
Best Miniatures GameAttack Vector: TacticalAd Astra Games
Best Miniature LineElmore DragonsDark Sword Miniatures
Best Collectible Card GameSeven Masters Vs. The UnderworldZ-Man Games
Best Traditional Card GameCthulhu 500Atlas Games
Best Role Playing GameArs Magica: 5th EditionAtlas Games
Best Role Playing Game SupplementEberron Campaign SettingWizards of the Coast
Best Fiction PublicationPath of the BoldGuardians of Order
Best Non Fiction PublicationPyramidSteve Jackson Games
Best Game AccessoryCardboard Heroes CastlesSteve Jackson Games
2005[68][69] Game of the YearWarmachine: ApotheosisPrivateer Press
Board Game of the YearParthenon: Rise of the AegeanSiren Bridge Publishing
Collectable Card Game or Expansion of the YearRavnica: Città delle Gilde (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Traditional Card Game of the YearGloomAtlas Games
Role-Playing Game of the YearArtesiaArchaia Studios Press
Role-Playing Game Supplement of the YearGURPS Infinite Worlds 4th EditionSteve Jackson Games
Miniatures Game or Expansion of the YearATZ - All Things ZombieTwo Hour Wargames
Miniatures of the YearWargods of AegyptusCrocodile Games
Historical Board Game of the YearLock 'N Load: Band of HeroesMatrix Games
Historical Miniature Game or Expansion of the YearGutshotHawgleg Publishing
Historical Miniatures of the Year10mm WWII Personality SetGame Figures
Nonfiction Publication of the YearHistorical Miniature Gamer MagazineLegio X
Game Accessory of the YearThe 13th Hour - Roleplaying SoundtrackMidnight Syndicate Soundtracks
2006[70][71] Play By Mail Game of the YearStarwebFlying Buffalo
Board Game or Expansion of the YearTreehouseLooney Labs
Miniatures Game or Expansion of the YearHordes: Monstrous Miniatures CombatPrivateer Press
Miniature or Miniatures Line of the YearColossal Red DragonWizards of the Coast
Non-Collectable Card Game or Expansion of the YearMunchkin ImpossibleSteve Jackson Games
CCG or Expansion of the YearPirates: Davy Jones' CurseWizKids
Game Accessory of the YearSettlers of Catan Event DeckMayfair Games
Fiction Publication of the YearDungeonPaizo Publishing
Non-Fiction Publication of the YearDragonPaizo Publishing
Roleplaying Game of the YearBurning EmpiresBurning Wheel
Roleplaying Game Supplement of the YearDeadlands ReloadedPinnacle Entertainment Group
Historical Miniature Game of the YearVlad the ImpalerWarhammer Historical
Historical Miniatures Line of the Year40mm American Civil WarlineSash and Saber
Historical Board Game of the YearCommands & Colors: AncientsGMT Games
2007[72][73] Miniatures Rules of the YearClassic BattletechCatalyst Game Labs
Miniature or Miniatures Line of the YearTitania's FuryDragonfire Laser Crafts
Collectible Card Game of the YearLegend of the Five RingsAlderac Entertainment Group
Historical Miniature Game of the YearCheck Your 6!Skirmish Campaigns
Historical Miniatures Line of the YearRomano-British 15mmSplintered Light Miniatures
Historical Board Game of the YearAge of Empires III: The Age of DiscoveryTropical Games
Non-Fiction Publication of the YearHobby Games: The 100 BestGreen Ronin Publishing
Fiction Publication of the YearAstounding Hero TalesHero Games
Game Accessory of the YearCall of Cthulhu Dice SetQ-Workshop
Roleplaying Game Supplement of the YearCodex ArcanisParadigm Concepts
Roleplaying Game of the YearAces & Eights: Shattered FrontierKenzer & Company
Traditional Card Game of the YearZombie FluxxLooney Labs
Board Game or Expansion of the YearStarCraft: The Board GameFantasy Flight Games
2008[74][75] Best Historical Miniature Figure or LineSS-Panzerdivision 'Das Reich' PanzerkompanieBattlefront Games
Best Historical Miniature Game Rules SupplementRise of Rome (per Field of Glory)Osprey Publishing
Best Collectible Card Game Rules or ExpansionFrammenti di Alara (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Best Historical Miniatures Rules (ex aequo)Field of GloryOsprey Publishing
Songs of Drums and ShakosGanesha Games
Best Historical Board GameConflict of Heroes: Awakening the BearAcademy Games
Best Game-Related Book Non-FictionTour de Lovecraft: The TaleAtomic Overmind Press
Best Game-Related Book FictionWorlds of Dungeons & Dragons Volume 2Devil's Due
Best Game AccessoryD-TotalGamescience
Best Miniature Figure or LineStar Wars Miniatures: The Clone WarsWizards of the Coast
Best Miniature Game RulesClassic Battletech: Tactical OperationsCatalyst Game Labs
Best Role Playing Game SupplementSerenity AdventuresMargaret Weis Productions
Best Role Playing GameMouseguardArchaia Studios Press
Best Children's, Family or Party GameSay AnythingNorth Star Games
Best Traditional Card GameDominionRio Grande Games
Best Board GamePandemiaZ-Man Games
Best Play By Mail GameHyborian WarReality Simulations
2009[76][77] Best Historical Miniature Figure or LineWings of War: Albatross D. IIINexus Editrice
Best Historical Miniature Game Rules SupplementFlames of War: North AfricaBattlefront Miniatures
Best Historical Miniature Game RulesWings of War: WWII, Deluxe EditionNexus Editrice
Best Historical Board GameConflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel!Academy Games
Best Game-Related BookBattleTech: 25 Years of Art & FictionCatalyst Game Labs
Best Game AccessoryKnights of the Dinner TableKenzer & Company
Best Miniature Figure or LineMarvel HeroClix Hammer of Thor ExpansionWizKids
Best Miniature Game RulesBattleTech: Strategic OperationsCatalyst Game Labs
Best Role Playing Game SupplementBig Damn Heroes HandbookMargaret Weis Productions
Best Role Playing GameEclipse PhaseCatalyst Game Labs
Best Children's, Family or Party GameAre You The Traitor?Looney Labs
Best Traditional Card GamePooCatalyst Game Labs
Best Board GameSpace HulkGames Workshop
2010[78][79] Best Roleplaying GameThe Dresden Files RPG: Your StoryEvil Hat Productions
Best Roleplaying SupplementOur World (per The Dresden Files RPG)Evil Hat Productions
Best Board GameCastle RavenloftWizards of the Coast
Best Traditional Card GameBack to the Future: The Card GameLooney Labs
Best Family, Party or Children's GameZombie DiceSteve Jackson Games
Best Gaming AccessoryCthulhu Dice BagSteve Jackson Games
Best Miniatures RulesDC HeroClix Blackest Night Starter GameWizKids
Best Historical Board GameCatan Histories - I coloni d'AmericaMayfair Games
Best Game-Related PublicationShadowrun: Spells and ChromeCatalyst Game Labs
Best Play-by-Mail/Play-by-EmailThe One Ring (per Legends)Harlequin Games
2011[80][81] Best Roleplaying GameArcanisParadigm Concepts
Best Roleplaying Supplement or AdventureShadows over Scotland (per Il richiamo di Cthulhu)Cubicle 7
Best Board GameConquest of NerathWizards of the Coast
Best Traditional Card GameNUTS!Wildfire
Best Family, Party or Children's GameGet Bit!Mayday Games
Best Miniatures Figure or LineStorm StriderPrivateer Press
Best Miniatures Rules or ExpansionBattletech: The Wars of ReavingCatalyst Game Labs
Best Collectible Card Game or ExpansionInnistrad (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Best Game AccessoryShadowrun Runner's ToolkitCatalyst Game Labs
Best Game-Related PublicationThe Kobold Guide to Board Game DesignOpen Design
Best Historical Board GameStrike of the EagleAcademy Games
Best Historical Miniatures Rules or ExpansionFlames of War: CassinoBattlefront Miniatures
Best Historical Miniatures Figure or LineBolt Action WW2Warlord Games
Best Play by Mail or Correspondance GameHeroic FantasyFlying Buffalo
2012[82] Best Board GameLords of WaterdeepWizards of the Coast
Best Family, Party or Children's GameQuarriors! Dice Building GameWizKids
Best Card GameDoctor Who: The Card GameCubicle 7
Best Collectible GameLegend of the Five Rings: Embers of WarAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Role-Playing GameMarvel Heroic Roleplaying Basic GamesMargaret Weis Productions
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementMarvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War Essentials Edition Event BookMargaret Weis Productions
Best Miniatures Figure/LineMarvel HeroClix: Galactic GuardiansWizKids
Best Miniatures RulesThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Campaign Starter SetWizKids
Best Historical Board GameSamurai BattlesZvezda
Best Historical Miniatures Figure/LineAncient GreeksVictrix
Best Historical Miniature RulesFlames of War: Open Fire!Battlefront Miniatures
Best Historical Miniatures Rules SupplementFlames of War: NutsBattlefront Miniatures
Best Game AccessoryMetal Steampunk Dice SetQ-Workshop
Best Game-Related PublicationBattletech: Weapons FreeCatalyst Game Labs
2013[83] Best Board GameTrainsAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Family, Party or Children's GameThree Little PigsIello
Best Card GameLove LetterAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Collectible GamePokémon Black & White - Legendary TreasuresThe Pokémon Company
Best Role-Playing GameNumeneraMonte Cook Games
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementNight's WatchGreen Ronin Publishing
Best Miniatures Figure/LineMalifaux: The Guild's JudgementWyrd Miniatures
Best Miniatures RulesMarvel HeroClix: Avengers Vs. X-Men StartersWizKids
Best Historical Board Game1775 Rebellion: The American RevolutionAcademy Games
Best Historical Miniatures Figure/LineFate of a Nation: Arab Israeli WarsBattlefront Miniatures
Best Historical Miniature RulesFields of Fire 2nd EditionProving Ground Games
Best Game-Related PublicationTableTopGeek & Sundry
2014[84] Best Board GameSheriff of NottinghamArcane Wonders
Best Card GameSplendorSpace Cowboys
Best Children's, Family, & Party GameThe Hare and the TortoiseIello
Best Collectible GameI Khan di Tarkir (per Magic: l'Adunanza)Wizards of the Coast
Best Role-Playing GameManuale del GiocatoreWizards of the Coast
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementManuale dei MostriWizards of the Coast
Best Historical Board GameHeroes of NormandieIello
Best Historical Miniature Figure/LineSails of Glory Series 2Ares Games
Best Historical Miniature RulesSails of GloryAres Games
Best Historical Miniature Rules SupplementBolt Action: Battleground EuropeOsprey Publishing
Best Miniature Figure/LineDungeons & Dragons: Attack WingWizKids
Best Miniature Figure RulesGolem ArcanaHarebrained Schemes
Best Game AccessoryWings of Glory MatAres Games
2015[85] Game of the YearNome in codiceCzech Games Edition
Best Board GameStar Wars: Imperial AssaultFantasy Flight Games
Best Card Game7 Wonders DuelRepos Productions
Best Family GameNome in codiceCzech Games Edition
Best Miniatures GameStar Wars: ArmadaFantasy Flight Games
Best Collectible GameDC Comics Dice Masters: War of LightWizKids
Best Role-Playing GameStar Wars: Force and DestinyFantasy Flight Games
Best Game AccessoryTerrain TilesLost Battalion Games
2016[86] Game of the YearScytheStonemaier Games
Best Board GameScytheStonemaier Games
Best Card GameMystic ValeAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Family GameHappy SalmonNorth Star Games
Best Miniatures GameWarhammer 40.000 Kill TeamGames Workshop
Best Collectible GamePokémon XY - Steam SiegeThe Pokémon Company
Best Role-Playing GameNo Thank You, Evil!Monte Cook Games
Best Game AccessoryBlood Rage OrganizerThe Broken Token
2017[87] Game of the YearGloomhavenCephalofair
Best Board GameGloomhavenCephalofair
Best Card GameEx LibrisRenegade Game Studios
Best Family GameAzulPlan B Games
Best Miniatures GameWarhammer 40.000 8th EditionGames Workshop
Best Collectible GameStar Wars Destiny: Awakenings Booster PackFantasy Flight Games
Best Role-Playing GameAdventures in Middle-earthCubicle 7
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementDungeons & Dragons: Xanathar's Guide to EverythingWizards of the Coast
Best Game AccessoryTerraforming Mars OrganizerThe Broken Token
2019[88] Game of the YearRootLeder Games
Best Board GameRootLeder Games
Best Card GameThe MindPandasaurus Games
Best Family GameThe Tea Dragon Society Card GameRenegade Game Studios
Best Collectible GameKeyForgeFantasy Flight Games
Best Role-Playing GameVampiri: la masquerade quinta edizioneModiphius Entertainment
Best Role-Playing Game SupplementDungeons & Dragons: Mordenkainen's Tome of FoesWizards of the Coast
Best Miniature Game (ex aequo)NecromundaGames Workshop
Star Wars LegionFantasy Flight Games
Best Game AccessoryDungeons & Dragons: Black Dragon Trophy PlaqueWizKids
2020[89] Game of the YearTiny TownsAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Board GameTiny TownsAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Card GamePoint SaladAlderac Entertainment Group
Best Family GameThe Quacks of QuedlinburgNorth Star Games
Best Digital AdaptationTsuro VRCalliope Games / Thunderbox Entertainment Digital
Best Collectible GameMarvel HeroClix: Avengers Black Panther and the Illuminati Booster BrickWizKids
Best Role-Playing GameTeens in SpaceRenegade Game Studios
Best Game AccessoryCitadel Contrast PaintGames Workshop
Best Miniatures GameWarcryGames Workshop
Best Historical Miniatures GameBolt Action: Campaign D-Day Operation OverlordOsprey Games / Warlord Games
Best Historical GamePandemic - La caduta di RomaZ-Man Games
2021-2022Non assegnati a causa della pandemia di COVID-19[90]
2023[91] Retailer Game of the YearBoopSmirk & Laughter Games
Board Games - Social/Light StrategyCreature ComfortsKids Table Board Gaming
Board Games - StrategyPlanet UnknownAdam's Apple Games
Board Games - ThematicDead ReckoningAlderac Entertainment Group
Card GamesScoutOink Games
Children's GameHonk!Sinister Fish Games
CollectablesMagic: the Gathering Universes Beyond Warhammer 40K Commanders DeckWizards of the Coast
Miniatures GameLion Rampant: Second EditionOsprey Games
RPG CoreCoyote & CrowCoyote & Crow
RPG SupplementsAgents of DuneModiphius
AccessoryDeluxe Board Game Train SetsLittle Plastic Train
2D Art & IllustrationCowboys With Big HeartsBully Pulpit Games
3D ArtFallout: Wasteland Warfare - Super Mutants: SwanModiphius
Graphic DesignPathfinder Savage Worlds Boxed SetPinnacle Entertainment Group
ReviewsMind MGMT ReviewBoard Game Quest
2024[92] Best Cooperative Board GameSky TeamScorpion Masqué
Best Gateway Board GameWandering TowersCapstone Games
Best Light Strategy GameLeafWeird City Games
Best Thematic Board GameFreelancers: A Crossroads GamePlaid Hat Games
Best Heavy Strategy GameDune: Imperium - UprisingDire Wolf
Best Party/Social Board GameSmug OwlsRunaway Parade Games
Best Solo Board GameLegacy of YuRenegade Game Studios
Best Children's & Family Board GameDiced VeggiesKTBG
Best Fixed Constructible GameMagic: The Gathering Universes Beyond - The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander DecksWizards of the Coast
Best Randomized Constructible GameMagic: The Gathering Universes Beyond The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Collector BoosterWizards of the Coast
Best Miniatures Game ProductStar Wars: ShatterpointAtomic Mass Games
Best Puzzle GameThreads of FatePost Curious
Best Role-playing Game AdventureHeckna! Deluxe Box SetHit Point Press
Best Role-playing Game Core ProductDie: The Roleplaying GameRowan, Rook and Decard
Best Role-playing Game Starter ProductDreams and Machines: Starter SetModiphius Entertainment
Best Role-playing Game SupplementDune: Power and PawnsModiphius Entertainment
Best Dice/Dice Related AccessoryGlyphic Blind Dice Bags Series 3.5Level Up Dice
Best Game AccessoryD&D Icons of the Realms: Adventure in a Box - Mind Flayer VoyageWizKids
Best 2D ArtworkEmpire's EndBrotherwise Games
Best 3D ComponentThreads of Fate - Puzzle BoxPost Curious
Best Game Related WritingShadow in the Night Part 2, Cozy Companion MagazineSnowbright Studio
Best Media ProductionMaking Board Games - The CGE DocumentaryEleni Papadopoulou



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