File:Fa-F.PNGDescriptionFa-F.PNG The musical note F3 (Fa3) Made with GNU LilyPond. Code: \version "2.3.25" tune = \relative c' { \clef treble f1 \bar "" \clef alto f \bar
File:F-Schluessel.pngMezzofortist 1219×342× (2754 bytes) Verschiedene F-Notenschlüssel English Dutch Diverse F-sleutels (fa) hoge noot. German Verschiedene F-Notenschlüssel
File:Clef de fa 4 nom des notes.png\Score timing = ##f } \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } } \relative c, { \clef bass c4_"do" d_"ré" e_"mi" f_"fa" g_"sol" a_"la" b_"si"
File:Lax monoidal funct assoc.png\xymatrix{ (FA\bullet FB)\bullet FC\ar[d]_{\phi_{A,B}\bullet 1}\ar[r]^{\alpha_\D}&FA\bullet(FB\bullet FC)\ar[d]^{1\bullet\phi_{B,C}}\\ F(A\otimes B)\bullet
File:Hseries.pngwikipedia em inglês feb-05-2006 - Corrected the 11th harmonic (F# instead of F)/ 05/fev/2006 corrigido o 11º harmônico (Fá# ao invés de Fá). English