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(snout) rostro.

B. I. (n.)

bills payable - fakturi pagenda; konti pagenda.
bill payable at sight - fakturo pagenda ye vido.
bill of credit - letro di kredito.
receipted bill - fakturo / bilieto quitigita.
bill of cost - spensokonto, (legal) legala kusti.
bill of exchange - kambioletro, trato.
draw a bill on - tratar.
pass a bill - votar legoprojeto / edikto.
throw out a bill - (parl.) forjetar / refuzar legoprojeto.
bill of rights - deklaro di yuri.
handbill - anuncofolio; afisho.
bill sticking - afishigo, afishigado; afishoglutino, afishoglutinado.
bill sticker - afishisto.
bill board - afisheyo, afishotabelo.
post no bills - afishi-interdiktita.
bill of health - atesto di salubreso.
protest a bill - protestar bilieto.
bill broker - diskontisto; bilietokurtajisto.
make a bill payable to - facar bilieto / trato pagenda ad.
bill payable to bearer - bilieto pagenda a la portanto.
bill payable on demand - bilieto pagenda ye prizento.
we will draw on you a three months’ bill to be discounted by the bill brokers - ni tratos vi per bilieto pos tri monati diskontenda da la diskontisti.
bill of lading - konosmento, kargoletro.
bill of divorce - edikto di divorco.
bill of entry - doganodeklarajo / atestajo (di komercaji).


(on vartas traduko)

II. (v.)

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