Porta (jaringan komputer)
titik komunikasi untuk sebuah operasi sistem komputer Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas
Dalam protokol jaringan TCP/IP, sebuah porta adalah mekanisme yang mengizinkan sebuah komputer untuk mendukung beberapa sesi koneksi dengan komputer lainnya dan program di dalam jaringan. Porta dapat mengidentifikasikan aplikasi dan layanan yang menggunakan koneksi di dalam jaringan TCP/IP. Sehingga, porta juga mengidentifikasikan sebuah proses tertentu di mana sebuah server dapat memberikan sebuah layanan kepada klien atau bagaimana sebuah klien dapat mengakses sebuah layanan yang ada dalam server. Porta dapat dikenali dengan angka 16-bit (dua byte) yang disebut dengan Port Number dan diklasifikasikan dengan jenis protokol transport apa yang digunakan, ke dalam Port TCP dan Port UDP. Karena memiliki angka 16-bit, maka total maksimum jumlah porta untuk setiap protokol transport yang digunakan adalah 65536 buah.
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Dilihat dari penomorannya, port UDP dan TCP dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, yakni sebagai berikut:
- Well-known Port: yang pada awalnya berkisar antara 0 hingga 255 tetapi kemudian diperlebar untuk mendukung antara 0 hingga 1023. Port number yang termasuk ke dalam well-known port, selalu merepresentasikan layanan jaringan yang sama, dan ditetapkan oleh Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA). Beberapa di antara porta-porta yang berada di dalam rentang Well-known port masih belum ditetapkan dan direservasikan untuk digunakan oleh layanan yang bakal ada pada masa depan. Well-known port didefinisikan dalam RFC 1060.
- Registered Port: Porta-porta yang digunakan oleh vendor-vendor komputer atau jaringan yang berbeda untuk mendukung aplikasi dan sistem operasi yang mereka buat. Registered port juga diketahui dan didaftarkan oleh IANA tetapi tidak dialokasikan secara permanen, sehingga vendor lainnya dapat menggunakan port number yang sama. Rentang registered port berkisar dari 1024 hingga 49151 dan beberapa porta di antaranya adalah Dynamically Assigned Port.
- Dynamically Assigned Port: merupakan porta-porta yang ditetapkan oleh sistem operasi atau aplikasi yang digunakan untuk melayani permintaan dari pengguna sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dynamically Assigned Port berkisar dari 1024 hingga 65536 dan dapat digunakan atau dilepaskan sesuai kebutuhan.
Well-known port
Berikut ini berisi well-known port:
Porta | Jenis porta | Kata kunci | Digunakan oleh |
0 | TCP, UDP | T/A. | Dicadangkan, tidak digunakan. |
1 | TCP, UDP | TCPmux | TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
2 | TCP, UDP | compressnet | Management Utility |
3 | TCP, UDP | compressnet | Compression Process |
4 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
5 | TCP, UDP | rje | Remote Job Entry |
6 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
7 | TCP, UDP | echo | Echo |
8 | TCP, UDP | T/A | |
9 | TCP, UDP | discard | Discard;alias=sink null |
10 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
11 | TCP, UDP | systat | Active Users; alias = users |
12 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
13 | TCP, UDP | daytime | Daytime |
14 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
15 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan (sebelumnya: netstat) |
16 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
17 | TCP, UDP | qotd | Quote of the Day; alias = quote |
18 | TCP, UDP | msp | Message Send Protocol |
19 | TCP, UDP | chargen | Character Generator; alias = ttytst source |
20 | TCP, UDP | ftp-data | File Transfer Protocol (default data) |
21 | TCP, UDP | ftp | File Transfer Protocol (control), connection dialog |
22 | TCP, UDP | SSH | Putty |
23 | TCP, UDP | telnet | Telnet |
24 | TCP, UDP | Any private mail system | |
25 | TCP, UDP | smtp | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; alias = mail |
26 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
27 | TCP, UDP | nsw-fe | NSW User System FE |
28 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
29 | TCP, UDP | msg-icp | MSG ICP |
30 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
31 | TCP, UDP | msg-auth | MSG Authentication |
32 | TCP, UDP | Belum ditetapkan | |
33 | TCP, UDP | dsp | Display Support Protocol |
34 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
35 | TCP, UDP | Any private printer server | |
36 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
37 | TCP, UDP | time | Time; alias = timeserver |
38 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
39 | TCP, UDP | rlp | Resource Location Protocol; alias = resource |
40 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
41 | TCP, UDP | graphics | Graphics |
42 | TCP, UDP | nameserver | Host Name Server; alias = nameserver |
43 | TCP, UDP | nicname | Who Is; alias = nicname |
44 | TCP, UDP | mpm-flags | MPM FLAGS Protocol |
45 | TCP, UDP | mpm | Message Processing Module |
46 | TCP, UDP | mpm-snd | MPM (default send) |
47 | TCP, UDP | ni-ftp | NI FTP |
48 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
49 | TCP, UDP | login | Login Host Protocol |
50 | TCP, UDP | re-mail-ck | Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
51 | TCP, UDP | la-maint | IMP Logical Address Maintenance |
52 | TCP, UDP | xns-time | XNS Time Protocol |
53 | TCP, UDP | domain | Domain Name System Server |
54 | TCP, UDP | xns-ch | XNS Clearinghouse |
55 | TCP, UDP | isi-gl | ISI Graphics Language |
56 | TCP, UDP | xns-auth | XNS Authentication |
57 | TCP, UDP | Any private terminal access | |
58 | TCP, UDP | xns-mail | XNS Mail |
59 | TCP, UDP | Any private file service | |
60 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
61 | TCP, UDP | ni-mail | NI MAIL |
62 | TCP, UDP | acas | ACA Services |
63 | TCP, UDP | via-ftp | VIA Systems – FTP |
64 | TCP, UDP | covia | Communications Integrator (CI) |
65 | TCP, UDP | tacacs-ds | TACACS-Database Service |
66 | TCP, UDP | sql*net | Oracle SQL*NET |
67 | TCP, UDP | bootpc | DHCP/BOOTP Protocol Server |
68 | TCP, UDP | bootpc | DHCP/BOOTP Protocol Server |
69 | TCP, UDP | TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
70 | TCP, UDP | gopher | Gopher |
71 | TCP, UDP | netrjs-1 | Remote Job Service |
72 | TCP, UDP | netrjs-2 | Remote Job Service |
73 | TCP, UDP | netrjs-3 | Remote Job Service |
74 | TCP, UDP | netrjs-4 | Remote Job Service |
75 | UDP | T/A | Any private dial-out service |
76 | TCP, UDP | T/A | Belum ditetapkan |
77 | TCP, UDP | Any private RJE service | |
78 | TCP, UDP | vetTCP | VetTCP |
79 | TCP, UDP | finger | Finger |
80 | TCP, UDP | www | World Wide Web HTTP |
81 | TCP, UDP | hosts2-ns | HOSTS2 Name Server |
82 | TCP, UDP | xfer | XFER Utility |
83 | TCP, UDP | mit-ml-dev | MIT ML Device |
84 | TCP, UDP | ctf | Common Trace Facility |
85 | TCP, UDP | mit-ml-dev | MIT ML Device |
86 | TCP, UDP | mfcobol | Micro Focus Cobol |
87 | TCP, UDP | Any private terminal link; alias = ttylink | |
88 | TCP, UDP | kerberos | Kerberos |
89 | TCP, UDP | su-mit-tg | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway |
90 | TCP, UDP | DNSIX Security Attribute Token Map | |
91 | TCP, UDP | mit-dov | MIT Dover Spooler |
92 | TCP, UDP | npp | Network Printing Protocol |
93 | TCP, UDP | dcp | Device Control Protocol |
94 | TCP, UDP | objcall | Tivoli Object Dispatcher |
95 | TCP, UDP | supdup | SUPDUP |
96 | TCP, UDP | dixie | DIXIE Protocol Specification |
97 | TCP, UDP | swift-rvf | Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol |
98 | TCP, UDP | tacnews | TAC News |
99 | TCP, UDP | metagram | Metagram Relay |
100 | TCP | newacct | (unauthorized use) |
101 | TCP, UDP | hostname | NIC Host Name Server; alias = hostname |
102 | TCP, UDP | iso-tsap | ISO-TSAP |
103 | TCP, UDP | gppitnp | Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net; alias = webster |
104 | TCP, UDP | acr-nema | ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 |
105 | TCP, UDP | csnet-ns | Mailbox Name Nameserver |
106 | TCP, UDP | 3com-tsmux | 3COM-TSMUX |
107 | TCP, UDP | rtelnet | Remote Telnet Service |
108 | TCP, UDP | snagas | SNA Gateway Access Server |
109 | TCP, UDP | pop2 | Post Office Protocol version 2 (POP2); alias = postoffice |
110 | TCP, UDP | pop3 | Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3); alias = postoffice |
111 | TCP, UDP | sunrpc | SUN Remote Procedure Call |
112 | TCP, UDP | mcidas | McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol |
113 | TCP, UDP | auth | Authentication Service; alias = authentication |
114 | TCP, UDP | audionews | Audio News Multicast |
115 | TCP, UDP | sftp | Simple File Transfer Protocol |
116 | TCP, UDP | ansanotify | ANSA REX Notify |
117 | TCP, UDP | uucp-path | UUCP Path Service |
118 | TCP, UDP | sqlserv | SQL Services |
119 | TCP, UDP | nntp | Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP); alias = usenet |
120 | TCP, UDP | cfdptkt | CFDPTKT |
121 | TCP, UDP | erpc | Encore Expedited Remote Procedure Call |
122 | TCP, UDP | smakynet | SMAKYNET |
123 | TCP, UDP | ntp | Network Time Protocol; alias = ntpd ntp |
124 | TCP, UDP | ansatrader | ANSA REX Trader |
125 | TCP, UDP | locus-map | Locus PC-Interface Net Map Server |
126 | TCP, UDP | unitary | Unisys Unitary Login |
127 | TCP, UDP | locus-con | Locus PC-Interface Connection Server |
128 | TCP, UDP | gss-xlicen | GSS X License Verification |
129 | TCP, UDP | pwdgen | Password Generator Protocol |
130 | TCP, UDP | cisco-fna | Cisco FNATIVE |
131 | TCP, UDP | cisco-tna | Cisco TNATIVE |
132 | TCP, UDP | cisco-sys | Cisco SYSMAINT |
133 | TCP, UDP | statsrv | Statistics Service |
134 | TCP, UDP | ingres-net | INGRES-NET Service |
135 | TCP, UDP | loc-srv | Location Service |
136 | TCP, UDP | profile | PROFILE Naming System |
137 | TCP, UDP | netbios-ns | NetBIOS Name Service |
138 | TCP, UDP | netbios-dgm | NetBIOS Datagram Service |
139 | TCP, UDP | netbios-ssn | NetBIOS Session Service |
140 | TCP, UDP | emfis-data | EMFIS Data Service |
141 | TCP, UDP | emfis-cntl | EMFIS Control Service |
142 | TCP, UDP | bl-idm | Britton-Lee IDM |
143 | TCP, UDP | imap2 | Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 |
144 | TCP, UDP | news | NewS; alias = news |
145 | TCP, UDP | uaac | UAAC Protocol |
146 | TCP, UDP | iso-ip0 | ISO-IP0 |
147 | TCP, UDP | iso-ip | ISO-IP |
148 | TCP, UDP | cronus | CRONUS-SUPPORT |
149 | TCP, UDP | aed-512 | AED 512 Emulation Service |
150 | TCP, UDP | sql-net | SQL-NET |
151 | TCP, UDP | hems | HEMS |
152 | TCP, UDP | bftp | Background File Transfer Program |
153 | TCP, UDP | sgmp | SGMP; alias = sgmp |
154 | TCP, UDP | netsc-prod | Netscape |
155 | TCP, UDP | netsc-dev | Netscape |
156 | TCP, UDP | sqlsrv | SQL Service |
157 | TCP, UDP | knet-cmp | KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol |
158 | TCP, UDP | pcmail-srv | PCMail Server; alias = repository |
159 | TCP, UDP | nss-routing | NSS-Routing |
160 | TCP, UDP | sgmp-traps | SGMP-TRAPS |
161 | TCP, UDP | snmp | Simple Network Management Protocol |
162 | TCP, UDP | snmptrap | SNMP TRAP |
163 | TCP, UDP | cmip-man | CMIP/TCP Manager |
164 | TCP, UDP | cmip-agent | CMIP/TCP Agent |
165 | TCP, UDP | xns-courier | Xerox |
166 | TCP, UDP | s-net | Sirius Systems |
167 | TCP, UDP | namp | NAMP |
168 | TCP, UDP | rsvd | RSVD |
169 | TCP, UDP | send | SEND |
170 | TCP, UDP | print-srv | Network PostScript |
171 | TCP, UDP | multiplex | Network Innovations Multiplex |
172 | TCP, UDP | cl/1 | Network Innovations CL/1 |
173 | TCP, UDP | xyplex-mux | Xyplex |
174 | TCP, UDP | mailq | MAILQ |
175 | TCP, UDP | vmnet | VMNET |
176 | TCP, UDP | genrad-mux | GENRAD-MUX |
177 | TCP, UDP | xdmcp | X Display Manager Control Protocol |
178 | TCP, UDP | nextstep | NextStep Window Server |
179 | TCP, UDP | bgp | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) |
180 | TCP, UDP | ris | Intergraph |
181 | TCP, UDP | unify | Unify |
182 | TCP, UDP | audit | Unisys Audit SITP |
183 | TCP, UDP | ocbinder | OCBinder |
184 | TCP, UDP | ocserver | OCServer |
185 | TCP, UDP | remote-kis | Remote-KIS |
186 | TCP, UDP | kis | KIS Protocol |
187 | TCP, UDP | aci | Application Communication Interface |
188 | TCP, UDP | mumps | Plus Five’s MUMPS |
189 | TCP, UDP | qft | Queued File Transport |
190 | TCP, UDP | gacp | Gateway Access Control Protocol |
191 | TCP, UDP | prospero | Prospero |
192 | TCP, UDP | osu-nms | OSU Network Monitoring System |
193 | TCP, UDP | srmp | Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol |
194 | TCP, UDP | irc | Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Protocol |
195 | TCP, UDP | dn6-nlm-aud | DNSIX Network Level Module Audit |
196 | TCP, UDP | dn6-smmred | DNSIX Session Management Module Audit Redirector |
197 | TCP, UDP | dls | Directory Location Service |
198 | TCP, UDP | dls-mon | Directory Location Service Monitor |
199 | TCP, UDP | smux | SMUX |
200 | TCP, UDP | src | IBM System Resource Controller |
201 | TCP, UDP | at-rtmp | AppleTalk Routing Maintenance |
202 | TCP, UDP | at-nbp | AppleTalk Name Binding |
203 | TCP, UDP | at-3 | AppleTalk Unused |
204 | TCP, UDP | at-echo | AppleTalk Echo |
205 | TCP, UDP | at-5 | AppleTalk Unused |
206 | TCP, UDP | at-zis | AppleTalk Zone Information |
207 | TCP, UDP | at-7 | AppleTalk Unused |
208 | TCP, UDP | at-8 | AppleTalk Unused |
209 | TCP, UDP | tam | Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol |
210 | TCP, UDP | z39.50 | ANSI Z39.50 |
211 | TCP, UDP | 914c/g | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal |
212 | TCP, UDP | anet | ATEXSSTR |
213 | TCP, UDP | ipx | Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) |
214 | TCP, UDP | vmpwscs | VM PWSCS |
215 | TCP, UDP | softpc | Insignia Solutions |
216 | TCP, UDP | atls | Access Technology License Server |
217 | TCP, UDP | dbase | dBASE UNIX |
218 | TCP, UDP | mpp | Netix Message Posting Protocol |
219 | TCP, UDP | uarps | Unisys ARPs |
220 | TCP, UDP | imap3 | Interactive Mail Access Protocol versi 3 |
221 | TCP, UDP | fln-spx | Berkeley rlogind with SPX authentication |
222 | TCP, UDP | fsh-spx | Berkeley rshd with SPX authentication |
223 | TCP, UDP | cdc | Certificate Distribution Center |
224–241 | T/A | T/A | Tidak digunakan; dicadangkan |
242 | TCP, UDP | direct | Direct |
243 | TCP, UDP | sur-meas | Survey Measurement |
245 | TCP, UDP | link | LINK |
246 | TCP, UDP | dsp3270 | Display Systems Protocol |
247 | TCP, UDP | subntbcst_tftp | SUBNTBCST_TFTP |
248 | TCP, UDP | bhfhs | bhfhs |
249–255 | T/A | T/A | Tidak digunakan; dicadangkan |
345 | TCP, UDP | pawserv | Perf Analysis Workbench |
346 | TCP, UDP | zserv | Zebra server |
347 | TCP, UDP | fatserv | Fatmen Server |
371 | TCP, UDP | clearcase | Clearcase |
372 | TCP, UDP | ulistserv | UNIX Listserv |
373 | TCP, UDP | legent-1 | Legent Corporation |
374 | TCP, UDP | legent-2 | Legent Corporation |
375 | TCP, UDP | T/A | official & unofficial assignments, known security risks, trojans and applications use. |
376 | TCP, UDP | T/A | protocol and security warnings including related ports. |
377 | TCP, UDP | T/A |
443 | TCP,UDP | T/A | Secure world wide web HTTPS |
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