Ahmed Sekou Toure

Presiden pertama Guinea pada 1958–1984 Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas

Ahmed Sekou Toure

Ahmed Sekou Toure (9 Januari 1922  26 Maret 1984 ) adalah Presiden pertama Guinea. Ia menjadi presiden pada periode 1958-1984.

Fakta Singkat Presiden Guinea Pertama, Perdana Menteri ...
Ahmed Sékou Touré
Presiden Ahmed Sékou Touré dari
Republik Guinea tiba di Andrews
Air Force Base
di Maryland selama kunjungan ke
ke Washington DC. (Juni 1982)
Presiden Guinea Pertama
Masa jabatan
2 Oktober 1958  26 Maret 1984
Perdana MenteriLouis Lansana Beavogui
Tidak ada (jabatan baru dibentuk)
Informasi pribadi
Lahir(1922-01-09)9 Januari 1922
Faranah, Guinea Prancis
Meninggal26 Maret 1984(1984-03-26) (umur 62)
Cleveland, Ohio,
Amerika Serikat
Partai politikPartai Demokrat Guinea
Suami/istriMarie N'Daw (1947-1952)
Andrée Touré (1953-1984)
Sunting kotak info L B

Pada Oktober 2021, pada peringatan 50 tahun pembantaian Oktober 1971, kerabat dari 70 orang Guinea yang dieksekusi di bawah rezim Sekou Touré meminta Presiden Mamady Doumbouya untuk rehabilitasi dan pemakaman yang bermartabat bagi para korban.


  • Henry Louis Gates, Anthony Appiah (eds). Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African. 'Ahmed Sékou Touré pp1857–58. Basic Civitas Books (1999). ISBN 0-465-00071-1
  • Molefi K. Asante, Ama Mazama. Encyclopedia of Black Studies. Sage Publications (2005) ISBN 0-7619-2762-X
  • (Prancis) Ibrahima Baba Kake. Sékou Touré. Le Héros et le Tyran. Paris, 1987, JA Presses. Collection Jeune Afrique Livres. 254 p
  • Lansiné Kaba. From Colonialism to Autocracy: Guinea under Sékou Touré, 1957-1984; in Decolonization and African Independence, the Transfers of Power, 1960-1980. Prosser Gifford and William Roger Louis(eds). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.
  • Phineas Malinga. Ahmed Sékou Touré: An African Tragedy in African Communist. 1985 N° 100, pp. 56–64.
  • Baruch Hirson. Communalism and Socialism in Africa: The Misdirection of C.L.R . James. Communalism and Socialism in Africa, 1989.
  • John Leslie. Towards an African socialism, International Socialism (1st series), No.1, Spring 1960, pp.15–19.
  • (Prancis) Alpha Mohamed Sow, Conflits ethnique dans un État révolutionnaire (Le cas Guinéen), in Les ethnies ont une histoire, Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Gérard Prunier (ed), pp. 386–405, KARTHALA Editions (2003) ISBN 2-84586-389-6
  • Parts of this article were translated from French Wikipedia's fr:Ahmed Sékou Touré.

Artikel Berita

  • New West Africa Union Sealed By Heads of Ghana and GuineaBy THOMAS F. BRADY Special to The New York Times. May 2, 1959, Saturday Page 2, 339
  • GUINEA SHUNS TIE TO WORLD BLOCS; But New State Gets Most Aid From East—Toure Departs for a Visit to the U. S. By JOHN B. OAKES, The New York Times, October 25, 1959, Sunday Page 16, 576 words
  • Red Aid to Guinea Rises By HOMER BIGART Special to The New York Times. March 6, 1960, Sunday Page 4, 608 words
  • HENRY TANNER. REGIME IN GUINEA SEIZES 2 UTILITIES; Toure Nationalizes Power and Water Supply Concerns—Pledges Compensation, Special to The New York Times. February 2, 1961, Thursday, Page 3, 336 words
  • TOURE SAYS REDS PLOTTED A COUP; Links Communists to Riots by Students Last Month. (UPI), New York Times. December 13, 1961, Wednesday, Page 14, 247 words
  • Toure's Country--'Africa Incarnate'; Guinea embodies the emphatic nationalism and revolutionary hopes of ex-colonial Africa, but its energetic President confronts handicaps that are also typically African. Toure's Country--'Africa Incarnate' By David Halberstam July 8, 1962, Sunday The New York Times Magazine, Page 146, 3783 words
  • GUINEA RELAXES BUSINESS CURBS; Turns to Free Enterprise to Rescue Economy. (Reuters), The New York Times, December 8, 1963, Sunday Page 24, 333 words
  • U.S. PEACE CORPS OUSTED BY GUINEA; 72 Members and Dependents to Leave Within a Week By RICHARD EDER Special to The New York Times, November 9, 1966, Wednesday, Page 11, 655 words
  • Guinea Is Warming West African Ties, The New York Times, January 26, 1968, Friday Page 52, 578 words
  • ALFRED FRIENDLY Jr. TOURE ADOPTING A MODERATE TONE; But West Africa Is Skeptical of Guinean's Words. New York Times. April 28, 1968, Sunday, Page 13, 525 words
  • Ebb of African 'Revolution', The New York Times, December 7, 1968, Saturday Page 46, 305 words
  • Guinea's President Charges A Plot to Overthrow Him, (Agence France-Presse), The New York Times, January 16, 1969, Thursday Page 10, 139 words
  • Guinea Reports 2 Members Of Cabinet Seized in Plot, (Reuters), The New York Times, March 22, 1969, Saturday Page 14, 146 words
  • 12 FOES OF REGIME DOOMED IN GUINEA Special to The New York Times May 16, 1969, Friday Page 2, 213 words
  • Guinea Reports Invasion From Sea by Portuguese; Lisbon Denies Charge U.N. Council Calls for End to Attack Guinea Reports an Invasion From Sea by Portuguese By The Associated Press, The New York Times, November 23, 1970, Monday Page 1, 644 words
  • Guinea: Attack Strengthens Country's Symbolic Role, The New York Times, November 29, 1970, Sunday, Page 194, 717 words
  • GUINEAN IS ADAMANT ON DEATH SENTENCES, The New York Times, January 29, 1971, Friday. Page 3, 145 words
  • Guinea Wooing the West In Bauxite Development; GUINEA IS SEEKING HELP ON BAUXITE, The New York Times, February 15, 1971, Monday Section: BUSINESS AND FINANCE, Page 34, 897 words
  • Political Ferment Hurts Guinea, The New York Times, January 31, 1972, Monday Section: SURVEY OF AFRICA'S ECONOMY, Page 46, 464 words
  • GUINEAN, IN TOTAL REVERSAL, ASKS MORE U.S. INVESTMENT By BERNARD WEINRAUB, The New York Times,, ; Foreign Desk July 2, 1982, Friday Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 3, Column 5, 592 words
  • GUINEA IS SLOWLY BREAKING OUT OF ITS TIGHT COCOON By ALAN COWELL, The New York Times,, ; Foreign Desk, December 3, 1982, Friday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 2, Column 3, 1098 words
  • IN REVOLUTIONARY GUINEA, SOME OF THE FIRE IS GONE By ALAN COWELL, The New York Times,, ; Foreign Desk, December 9, 1982, Thursday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 2, Column 3, 1181 words
  • GUINEA'S PRESIDENT, SEKOU TOURE, DIES IN CLEVELAND CLINIC By CLIFFORD D. MAY, The New York Times,, ; Obituary, March 28, 1984, Wednesday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 1, Column 1, 1253 words
  • THOUSANDS MOURN DEATH OF TOURE By CLIFFORD D. MAY The New York Times, ; Foreign Desk, March 29, 1984, Thursday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 3, Column 1, 591 words
  • AHMED SEKOU TOURE, A RADICAL HERO By ERIC PACE The New York Times, ; Obituary, March 28, 1984, Wednesday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 6, Column 1, 1249 words
  • IN POST-COUP GUINEA, A JAIL IS THROWN OPEN. CLIFFORD D. MAY. Special to The New York Times. Foreign Desk, April 12, 1984, Thursday, Late City Final Edition, Section A, Page 1, Column 4, 1336 words.
  • TOPICS; HOW TO RUN THINGS, OR RUIN THEM, The New York Times, March 29, 1984.
  • Guinea Airport Opens; Capital Appears Calm, The New York Times, April 7, 1984.
  • Guinea Frees Toure's Widow, REUTERS, The New York Times, January 3, 1988.
  • How France Shaped New Africa, HOWARD W. FRENCH, The New York Times, February 28, 1995.
  • Conversations/Kwame Ture; Formerly Stokely Carmichael And Still Ready for the Revolution, KAREN DE WITT, The New York Times, April 14, 1996.
  • Stokely Carmichael, Rights Leader Who Coined 'Black Power,' Dies at 57, MICHAEL T. KAUFMAN, The New York Times, November 16, 1998.
  • 'Mass graves' found in Guinea. BBC, 22 October 2002.
  • Stokely Speaks (Book Review), ROBERT WEISBROTThe New York Times Review of Books, November 23, 2003.

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