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KBS 2TV (digayakan sebagai KBS2, bahasa Korea: KBS 제2텔레비전) adalah saluran kedua dari Korean Broadcasting System yang menayangkan acara hiburan, drama Korea, animasi, anak-anak, current affairs, dan sedikit acara berita dan olahraga. Selain itu, KBS 2TV juga menayangkan drama yang ditayangkan dari KBS 1TV.
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Negara | Korea Selatan |
Wilayah siaran | Korea Selatan |
Slogan | TV는 2TV, 재밌다. (TV itu menyenangkan, di 2TV.) |
Bahasa | Bahasa Korea |
Pemilik | Korean Broadcasting System |
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KOREALIVE | Click on KBS2 채널7 |
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Drama Senin-Selasa (21:55)
- Salut D'Amour (사랑의 인사; 1994)
- Look Back in Anger (성난 얼굴로 돌아보라; 2000)
- Autumn Fairy Tale (가을동화; 2000)
- Mina (미나; 2001)
- Winter Sonata (겨울연가; 2002)
- Summer Scent (여름향기; 2003)
- Sang Doo! Let's Go to School (상두야, 학교가자!; 2003)
- Sweet 18 (낭랑18세; 2004)
- Forbidden Love (구미호외전; 2004)
- Oh Feel Young (오!필승 봉순영; 2004)
- I'm Sorry, I Love You (미안하다,사랑한다; 2004)
- Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang (쾌걸 춘향; 2005)
- 18 vs. 29 (열여덟, 스물아홉; 2005)
- Wedding (웨딩; 2005)
- A Love to Kill (이 죽일 놈의 사랑; 2005)
- Spring Waltz (봄의 왈츠; 2006)
- The Vineyard Man (포도밭 그사나이; 2006)
- Cloud Stairs (구름계단; 2006)
- The Snow Queen (눈의 여왕; 2006)
- Hello! Miss (헬로 애기씨; 2007)
- Conspiracy in the Court (한성별곡; 2007)
- Bad Love (못된 사랑; 2007)
- Single Dad in Love (싱글파파는 열애중; 2008)
- Strongest Chil Woo (최강칠우; 2008)
- The World That They Live In (그들이 사는 세상; 2008)
- Boys Over Flowers (꽃보다 남자; 2009)
- The Slingshot (남자이야기; 2009)
- He Who Can't Marry (결혼 못하는 남자; 2009)
- Invincible Lee Pyung Kang (천하무적 이평강; 2009)
- Master of Study (공부의 신; 2010)
- Becoming a Billionaire (부자의 탄생; 2010)
- Sungkyunkwan Scandal (성균관 스캔들; 2010)
- Marry Me, Mary! (매리는 외박중; 2010)
- Dream High (드림하이; 2011)
- Detectives in Trouble (강력반; 2011)
- Baby Faced Beauty (동안미녀; 2011)
- Spy Myung-wol (스파이 명월; 2011)
- Poseidon (포세이돈; 2011)
- Brain (브레인; 2011–2012)
- Dream High 2 (드림하이 2; 2012)
- Love Rain (사랑비; 2012)
- Big (빅; 2012)
- Haeundae Lovers (해운대 연인들; 2012)
- Ohlala Couple (울랄라 부부; 2012)
- School 2013 (학교 2013; 2012–2013)
- Ad Genius Lee Tae-baek (광고천재 이태백; 2013)
- Queen of the Office (직장의 신; 2013)
- Shark (상어; 2013)
- Good Doctor (굿 닥터; 2013)
- Marry Him If You Dare (미래의 선택; 2013)
- Prime Minister and I (총리와 나; 2013-2014)
- The Full Sun (태양은 가득히; 2014)
- Big Man (빅맨; 2014)
- Trot Lovers (트로트의 연인; 2014)
- Discovery of Love (연애의 발견; 2014)
- Cantabile Tomorrow (내일도 칸타빌레; 2014)
- Healer (힐러; 2014)
- Blood (블러드; 2015)
- Who Are You: School 2015 (학교 2015; 2015)
- Hello Monster (너를 기억해; 2015)
- The Virtual Bride (별난 며느리; 2015)
- Cheer Up! (발칙하게 고고; 2015)
- Oh My Venus (오 마이 비너스; 2015-2016)
- Moorim School (무림학교; 2016)
- Baby Sitter (베이비시터; 2016)
- My Lawyer, Mr. Jo (동네 변호사 조들호; 2016)
- Becky's Back (백희가 돌아왔다; 2016)
- Beautiful Mind (뷰티풀 마인드; 2016)
- Love in the Moonlight (구르미 그린 달빛; 2016)
- Sweet Stranger and Me (우리집에 사는 남자; 2016)
- Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (화랑; 2016)
- Ms. Perfect (완벽한 아내; 2017)
- The Happy Loner (개인주의자 지영씨, 2017)
- Fight for My Way (쌈 마이웨이; 2017)
- School 2017 (학교 2017; 2017)
- Girls' Generation 1979 (란제리 소녀시대; 2017)
- Witch at Court (마녀의 법정; 2017)
- Jugglers (저글러스; 2017)
- Radio Romance (라디오 로맨스; 2018)
- The Miracle We Met (우리가만난기적; 2018)
- Are You Human Too? (너도 인간이니; 2018)
- Lovely Horribly (러블리 호러블리; 2018)
- Matrimonial Chaos (최고의 이혼; 2018)
- Just Dance (땐뽀걸즈; 2018)
- My Lawyer, Mr. Jo 2 (동네 변호사 조들호 2; 2019)
- My Fellow Citizens (국민 여러분; 2019)
- Perfume (퍼퓸; 2019)
- I Wanna Hear Your Song (너의 노래를 들려줘; 2019)
- The Tale of Nokdu (조선 로코 - 녹두전; 2019)
- How to Buy a Friend (계약우정; 2020)
- Born Again (본 어게인; 2020)
Drama Rabu-Kamis (21:55)
- Papa (파파; 1996)
- Empress Myeongseong (명성황후; 2001)
- April Kiss (4월 키스; 2004)
- Full House (풀하우스; 2004)
- Emperor of the Sea (해신; 2004)
- Resurrection (부활; 2005)
- My Rosy Life (장밋빛 인생; 2005)
- Golden Apple (황금사과; 2005)
- Goodbye Solo (굿바이솔로; 2006)
- Great Inheritance (위대한 유산; 2006)
- Hwang Jini (황진이; 2006)
- Dal-ja's Spring (달자의 봄; 2007)
- The Devil (마왕; 2007)
- Capital Scandal (경성스캔들; 2007)
- Hong Gil-dong (쾌도 홍길동; 2008)
- One Mom and Three Dads (아빠셋 엄마하나; 2008)
- The Kingdom of The Winds (바람의 나라; 2008–2009)
- The Accidental Couple (그저 바라 보다가; 2009)
- My Fair Lady (아가씨를 부탁해; 2009)
- Iris (아이리스; 2009)
- The Slave Hunters (추노; 2010)
- Cinderella's Sister (신데렐라 언니; 2010)
- King of Baking, Kim Takgu (제빵왕 김탁구; 2010)
- The Fugitive: Plan B (도망자: Plan B; 2010)
- President (프레지던트; 2011)
- The Thorn Birds (가시나무새; 2011)
- Romance Town (로맨스 타운; 2011)
- The Princess' Man (공주의 남자; 2011)
- Glory Jane (영광의 재인; 2011)
- Wild Romance (난폭한 로맨스; 2012)
- Man from the Equator (적도의 남자; 2012)
- Bridal Mask (각시탈; 2012)
- The Innocent Man (세상 어디에도 없는 착한 남자; 2012)
- Jeon Woo-chi (전우치; 2012–2013)
- Iris II (아이리스 2; 2013)
- The Fugitive of Joseon (천명; 2013)
- The Blade and Petal (칼과 꽃; 2013)
- Secret Love (비밀; 2013)
- Pretty Man (예쁜남자; 2013)
- Inspiring Generation (감격시대; 2013)
- Golden Cross (골든 크로스; 2014)
- Gunman in Joseon (조선총잡이; 2014)
- Blade Man (아이언맨; 2014)
- The King's Face (왕의 얼굴; 2014–2015)
- Unkind Ladies (착하지 않은 여자들; 2015)
- Masked Prosecutor (복면검사; 2015)
- Assembly (어셈블리; 2015)
- The Merchant: Gaekju 2015 (장사의 신 – 객주 2015; 2015-2016)
- Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예; 2016)
- The Master of Revenge (마스터 – 국수의 신; 2016)
- Uncontrollably Fond (함부로 애틋하게; 2016)
- On the Way to the Airport (공항 가는 길; 2016)
- My Fair Lady (오 마이 금비; 2016-2017)
- Naked Fireman (맨몸의 소방관; 2017)
- Good Manager (김과장; 2017)
- Queen of Mystery (추리의 여왕; 2017)
- Queen for Seven Days (7일의 왕비; 2017)
- Manhole (맨홀: 이상한 나라의 필; 2017)
- Mad Dog (매드독; 2017)
- Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me (흑기사; 2017-2018)
- Queen of Mystery 2 (추리의 여왕 2; 2018)
- Suits (슈츠; 2018)
- Your House Helper (당신의 하우스헬퍼; 2018)
- The Ghost Detective (오늘의 탐정; 2018)
- Feel Good to Die (죽어도 좋아; 2018)
- Liver or Die (왜그래 풍상씨; 2019)
- Doctor Prisoner (닥터 프리즈너; 2019)
- Angel's Last Mission: Love (단, 하나의 사랑; 2019)
- Justice (저스티스; 2019)
- When the Camellia Blooms (동백꽃 필 무렵; 2019)
- Woman of 9.9 Billion (99억의 여자; 2019-2020)
- Forest (포레스트; 2020)
- Welcome (어서와; 2020)
- Soul Mechanic (영혼수선공; 2020)
Drama Sabtu-Minggu (19:55)
- First Love (첫사랑; 1996)
- Love in 3 Colors (유정; 1999)
- Bodyguard (보디가드; 2003)
- Precious Family (부모님 전상서; 2004-2005)
- A Happy Woman (행복한 여자; 2007)
- Daughters-in-Law (며느리 전성시대; 2007)
- Mom's Dead Upset (엄마가 뿔났다; 2008)
- My Precious You (솔약국집 아들들; 2009)
- My Too Perfect Sons (솔약국집; 2009)
- Three Brothers (수상한 삼형제; 2009)
- Ojakgyo Family (오작교 형제들; 2012)
- My Husband Got a Family (넝쿨째 굴러온 당신; 2012)
- Seoyoung, My Daughter (내 딸 서영이; 2012)
- You're the Best! (최고다 이순신; 2013)
- Wang's Family (왕가네 식구들; 2013)
- Wonderful Days (참 좋은 시절; 2014)
- What Happens to My Family? (가족끼리 왜 이래; 2014-2015)
- House of Bluebird (파랑새의 집; 2015)
- All About My Mom (부탁해요, 엄마; 2015-2016)
- Five Enough (아이가 다섯; 2016)
- The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop (월계수 양복점 신사들; 2016-2017)
- My Father is Strange (아버지가 이상해; 2017)
- My Golden Life (황금빛 내 인생; 2017-2018)
- Marry Me Now? (같이 살래요; 2018)
- My Only One (하나뿐인 내편; 2018-2019)
- Mother of Mine (세상에서 제일 예쁜 내 딸; 2019)
- Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life (사랑은 뷰티풀 인생은 원더풀; 2019-2020)
- Once Again (한 번 다녀왔습니다; 2019-2020)
Drama Sabtu-Minggu (21:30)
- The Great King, Sejong (대왕 세종; 2008; Episode 27-86)
- Empress Cheonchu aka The Iron Empress (천추태후; 2009)
Antologi Sabtu (23:15)
- Drama City (드라마시티; 1984–2008)
- What Should I Do? (어떡하지?; 2004-11-07)
- Drama Special (드라마 스페셜; 2010–present)
- Pianist (피아니스트; 2010-11-27)
Antologi Minggu (23:15)
- Drama Special Series (드라마 스페셜 연작시리즈; 2010–present)
- White Christmas (화이트 크리스마스; 2011)
- Happy Sunday (해피선데이), 2 Days & 1 Night atau 1 Night & 2 Days (1박2일)
- Imagination Plus (상상 플러스)
- Invincible Youth (청춘불패)
- Win Win
- VJ's on the scene (VJ 특공대)
- Entertainment Weekly
- Emergency Escape Number 1
- Golden Bell Challenge
- Giving Back The Love)
- Love Letter by Yun Do-hyeon (윤도현의 러브레터)
- Music Bank (뮤직뱅크)
- Quiz Daehanminguk (berarti 'Kuis Korea Selatan', acara kuis terbesar di negara itu. Hadiah tertinggi adalah 60,000,000 Won.)) (퀴즈 대한민국)
- Vitamin (비타민)
- Let's Go Dream Team! Season 2 (출발 드림팀 시즌2)
- You Hee-Yeol's Sketchbook (유희열의 스케치북)
- Top Band (탑밴드)
- Saturday Freedom (자유선언 토요일)
- Star Golden Bell (스타 골든벨)
- Immortal Songs 2 (불후의 명곡 2)
- Triumphantly (승승장구)
Berita dan current affairs
Berita (sebagai KBS Newstime)
- KBS Morning Newstime (Program berita pagi)
- Global News (Program berita dunia)
- KBS 1500 Newstime (Program berita sore)
- Integrated Newsroom Economy Today (Berita ekonomi)
Current affairs
- Good Morning Korea Live (Program current affairs pagi)
- KBS Disaster Information Center
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