Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey; 1945—22 Mei 2022)[2][3] adalah pengarang anarkis Amerika Serikat yang dikenal sebagai penggagas konsep zona otonom sementara. Ia sosok yang kontroversial di kalangan anarkis karena mendukung pedofilia.

Fakta Singkat Lahir, Meninggal ...
Peter Lamborn Wilson
Lahir1945 (1945)
Meninggal22 Mei 2022(2022-05-22) (umur 76–77)
EraFilsafat abad ke-20
KawasanFilsafat Barat
AliranPasca-anarkisme, anarkisme individualis[1]
Minat utama
Penolakan kerja, masyarakat pasca-industri, mistisisme, utopianisme, pederasti
Gagasan penting
Zona otonom sementara
  • Michael Muhammad Knight
Salinan Pirate Utopias yang ditandatangani Wilson

Teori khas

Anarki ontologis

Dalam kumpulan esai berjudul "Immediatism",[4] Wilson menjelaskan konsepsi anarkisme dan anarki yang ia sebut "anarki ontologis". Ia juga membahas hubungan individu dengan dunia luar menurut indera serta teori pembebasan yang ia beri nama imediatisme (immediatism) atau kesegeraan.


  • The Winter Calligraphy of Ustad Selim, & Other Poems (1975) (Ipswich, England) ISBN 0-903880-05-9
  • Science and Technology in Islam (1976) (bersama Leonard Harrow)
  • Traditional Modes of Contemplation & Action (1977) (disunting bersama Yusuf Ibish)
  • Nasir-I Khusraw: 40 Poems from the Divan (1977) (penerjemah dan penyunting bersama Gholamreza Aavani) ISBN 0-87773-730-4
  • DIVAN (1978) (syair, London/Tehran)
  • Kings of Love: The Poetry and History of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order of Iran (1978) (penerjemah dan penyunting bersama Nasrollah Pourjavady; Tehran)
  • Angels (1980, 1994) ISBN 0-500-11017-4 (edisi baru: ISBN 0-500-81044-3)
  • Weaver of Tales: Persian Picture Rugs (1980) (bersama Karl Schlamminger)
  • Loving Boys: Semiotext(e) Special (1980) (disunting bersama Hakim Bey; Semiotext(e) (New York))
  • Divine Flashes (1982) (oleh Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, diterjemahkan bersama William C. Chittick; Paulist Press (Mahwah, New Jersey)) ISBN 0-8091-2372-X
  • Crowstone: The Chronicles of Qamar (1983) (nama pena Hakim [Bey])
  • CHAOS: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism (1985) (nama pena Hakim Bey; Grim Reaper Press (Weehawken, New Jersey))
  • Semiotext(e) USA (1987) (disunting bersama Jim Fleming)
  • Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy (1988) (Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 0-936756-15-2
  • The Drunken Universe: An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry (1988) (penerjemah dan penyunting bersama Nasrollah Pourjavady) ISBN 0-933999-65-8
  • Semiotext(e) SF (1989) (disunting bersama Rudy Rucker dan Robert Anton Wilson)
  • The Universe: A Mirror of Itself (1992?) (Xexoxial Editions (La Farge, Wisconsin))
  • Aimless Wanderings: Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics (1993) (nama pena Hakim Bey; Xexoxial Editions (La Farge, Wisconsin))
  • Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam (1993) (City Lights Books (San Francisco)) ISBN 0-87286-275-5
  • The Little Book of Angel Wisdom (1993, 1997) ISBN 1-85230-436-7 ISBN 1-86204-048-6
  • O Tribe That Loves Boys: The Poetry of Abu Nuwas (1993) (penerjemah dan penyunting, nama pena Hakim Bey) ISBN 90-800857-3-1
  • Pirate Utopias: Moorish Corsairs and European Renegadoes (1995, 2003) (Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 1-57027-158-5
  • Millennium (1996) (nama pena Hakim Bey; Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York) and Garden of Delight (Dublin, Ireland)) ISBN 1-57027-045-7
  • "Shower of Stars" Dream & Book: The Initiatic Dream in Sufism and Taoism (1996) (Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 1-57027-036-8
  • Escape from the Nineteenth Century and Other Essays (1998) (Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 1-57027-073-2
  • Wild Children (1998) (disunting bersama Dave Mandl)
  • Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggle in the City & the World (1999) (disunting bersama Bill Weinberg) ISBN 1-57027-092-9
  • Ploughing the Clouds: The Search for Irish Soma (1999) ISBN 0-87286-326-3
  • TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, Second Edition (2003) (nama pena Hakim Bey; mengandung seluruh teks CHAOS dan Aimless Wanderings; Autonomedia (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 1-57027-151-8
  • Orgies of the Hemp Eaters (2004) (disunting dengan nama pena Hakim Bey bersama Abel Zug) ISBN 1-57027-143-7
  • rain queer (2005) (Farfalla Press (Brooklyn, New York)) ISBN 0-9766341-1-2
  • Cross-Dressing in the Anti-Rent War (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs chapbook, 2005)
  • Gothick Institutions (2005) ISBN 0-9770049-0-2
  • Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology; (bersama Christopher Bamford dan Kevin Townley, Lindisfarne (2007)) ISBN 1-58420-049-9
  • Black Fez Manifesto nama pena Hakim Bey (2008) ISBN 978-1-57027-187-8
  • Atlantis Manifesto (edisi kedua, 2009) Shivastan Publishing limited edition
  • Abecedarium (2010) ISBN 978-0977004980
  • Ec(o)logues (Station Hill of Barrytown, 2011) ISBN 978-1-58177-115-2
  • Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist (2014) ISBN 978-1620490563
  • Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist (2014) ISBN 978-1620490549
  • Riverpeople (2014) ISBN 978-1570272608
  • Opium Dens I Have Known bersama Chris Martin (2014) Shivastan Publishing
  • Anarchist Ephemera (2016) ISBN 978-1620490709
  • False Documents (Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc., 2016) ISBN 978-1581771404
  • Heresies: Anarchist Memoirs, Anarchist Art (2016) ISBN 978-1570273001
  • School of Nite with Nancy Goldring (2016) ISBN 978-1941550823
  • Night Market Noodles and Other Tales (2017) ISBN 978-1570273162
  • The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis (2017) ISBN 978-1570272875
  • Vanished Signs (2018) ISBN 978-0999783115
  • Lucky Shadows (2018) ISBN 978-1936687435
  • The New Nihilism (Bottle of Smoke Press, 2018) ISBN 978-1937073725
  • Utopian Trace: An Oral Presentation (2019) ISBN 978-0578491103
  • The American Revolution as a Gigantic Real Estate Scam: And Other Essays in Lost/Found History (2019) ISBN 978-1570273575
  • Cauda Pavonis: Esoteric Antinomianism in the Yezidi Tradition (2019) ISBN 978-1945147401


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