Fluvio Jalne

fluvio in China From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fluvio Jalne

Le Fluvio Jalne (in lingua chinese: Huáng Hé 黃河T/黄河S) es le secunde fluvio le plus longe de China, post le Fluvio Azur. Illo nasce in le plateau tibetan, in le provincia de Qinghai, e flue a traverso septe provincias e duo regiones autonome, terminante in le Mar de Bohai. Le Fluvio Jalne debe su nomine al grande quantitate de sedimento mineral que illo contine, le qual da un color bruno-jalnastre characteristic a su aquas.

Factos in breve
Fluvio Jalne
Instantia de: fluvio
Coordinatas: 36°7'27.1"N, 116°5'51.6"E
Affluentes: Duo Qu[*], Bai He[*], Black River (in Sichuan)[*], Qushian River[*], Daxia River[*], Huangshui River[*], Datong River[*], Tao River[*], Zhuanglang He[*], Zuli He[*], Qingshui River[*], Dustin He[*], Wujia River[*], Daheihe[*], Wuding River[*], Yan River[*], Fen River[*], Sushui He[*], Wei River[*], Qin He[*], Yiluo River[*], Daqing River[*], Dawen River[*], Jishui[*], Q20019976[*], Jindi He[*]
Continente: Asia
Paises: China
ID VIAF: [244966404]
ID GeoNames: [1807482]
Commons: Yellow River

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