Fájl:Neptune.jpgDescriptionNeptune.jpg Deutsch: Der Planet Neptun, aufgenommen von der Raumsonde Voyager 2 im August 1989 English: Neptune Original Caption Released with
Fájl:Neptune Wide Field (NIRCam).jpgWebb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), a smattering of hundreds of background galaxies, varying in size and shape, appear alongside the Neptune system.
Fájl:Neptune Full.jpgEnglish Voyager 2 space probe passed 3,000 miles above Neptune's north pole in August 1989, sending this image back to Earth. Simplified Chinese
Fájl:Neptune-Int.jpglink:http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/Neptune_Int.jpg) Derivative works of this file: Neptune-Int-sv.jpg English applies to jurisdiction: United States