Trust mozgova (iz engl. think tank) je oblik neprofitne organizacije čiji se članovi bave istraživačkim radom, obrazovnim radom o određenoj politici ili raznim pitanjima.

Organiziranjem okruglih stolova, izdavačkim i publikacijskim djelovanjem think-tank pokušava biti i stvaratelj novih ideja i političkih razvitaka.

Skupinim djelovanjem ekonomista, sociologa, (bivših) političara, ili poduzetnika djelovanjem kroz think tank zajedno rade na razvoju i promicanju političke, društvene i gospodarske politike i strategije za razvoj te odgovarajuće javne rasprave.

Poznati think tank-ovi

  • Albanian Liberal Institute
  • American Enterprise Institute
  • Aspen-Institut
  • Atlas Institutes
  • Brookings Institution
  • Cato Institute
  • Centre for Independent Studies
  • Centre for Policy Studies
  • Chatham House
  • Club of Budapest
  • Club of Rome
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Eudoxa
  • European Council on Foreign Relations
  • Fabian Society
  • Ford Foundation
  • Foreign Policy in Focus
  • Fraser Institute
  • Hayek Foundation
  • Heritage Foundation
  • Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace (Stanford, USA)
  • Ifo Institut
  • Institución Futuro
  • Institute for Policy Studies
  • Institute of Economic Affairs
  • International Institute for Strategic Studies
  • International Strategic Studies Association
  • Lowy Institute for international policy – Sydney
  • Lithuanian Free Market Institute
  • Manhattan Society
  • Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
  • RAND Corporation
  • SateNet
  • Stockholm Network
  • T.I.G.R.A. ThinkTank for International Governance Research Austria
  • World Watch
  • The Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM)
  • Third Way (USA)
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Avenir Suisse
  • Swisspeace
  • Denknetz

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