Screw terminal, Terminal Blocks
कॉर्ड्स (Cords)
Cables with connectors or terminals at their ends
Power cord
Patch cord
Test lead
स्विच (Switch)
Components that may be made to either conduct (closed) or not (open)
स्विच - manually operated switch
Keypad - small array of pushbutton switches
रिले - Electrically operated switch. This is a mechanical component, unlike the Solid State Relay
Reed switch - Magnetically activated switch
Thermostat - Thermally activated switch
परिपथ विच्छेदक (Circuit Breaker) - Over-current activated switch
Limit switch - Mechanically activated switch
Mercury switch
Centrifugal switch
प्रतिरोधक (Resistors)
Components used to resist current.
See the Transducer section below for resistors used to sense environmental conditions (Thermistor, Photo resistor, RTD...)
See the Protection section below for resistors used for current or voltage limiting (MOV, Inrush Limiters...)
प्रतिरोधक - fixed value
Resistor network - array of resistors in one package
Trimmer - Small variable resistor
Potentiometer, Rheostat - variable resistor
Heater - heating element
Resistance wire - wire of high-resistance material, similar to heating element
Thermistor - temperature-varied resistor
Varistor - voltage-varied resistor
सुरक्षा सम्बन्धी अवयव (Protection devices)
Passive components that protect circuits from excessive currents or voltages
While these components technically belong to the Wire, Resistor and Vacuum classes, they are grouped here based on their use.
Active components that perform a protection function are in the Semiconductor class, below.
फ्यूज - Over-current protection, one time use
Resettable fuse (PolySwitch, self-resetting fuse)- Over-current protection, resettable
Metal Oxide Varistor, Surge Absorber (MOV) - Over-voltage protection. These are passive components, unlike the TVS
Inrush current limiter - protection against initial Inrush current
Gas Discharge Tube - protection against high voltage surges
परिपथ विच्छेदक - Over-current activated switch
Spark gap - two electrodes with a gap in between to create arcing
Filament lamp
विभिन्न प्रकार के संधारित्र
Components that store electrical charge in an electrical field.
Capacitors are used for filtration in the electronic circuits.
Capacitors in general pass changing (e.g. AC) and block unchanging (e.g. DC) voltage levels.
संधारित्र - fixed capacitance
संधारित्र नेटवर्क (array)
परिवर्तनशील संधारित्र (Variable capacitor) - change the capacitance
Varicap diode - variable capacitor come diode
चुम्बकीय अवयव (Magnetic (inductive) devices)
Electrical components that use magnetism
नेटवर्क (Networks)
Components that use more than one type of passive component
RC नेटवर्क - forms an RC circuit , used in Snubbers
LC नेटवर्क - forms an LC circuit , used in tuneable transformers and RFI filters
saurabh shakya
पीजोएलेक्ट्रिक अवयव (Piezoelectric devices, crystals, resonators)
दो प्रकार के क्रिस्टल कम्पनित्र
पीजोएलेक्ट्रिक प्रभाव का उपयोग करके कुछ पैसिव अवयव (Passive components) उपलब्ध हैं-
ऐसे अवयव जो उच्च आवृत्ति पैदा करते हैं या उच्च आवृत्ति को फिल्टर करते हैं-
क्रिस्टल - Is a ceramic crystal used to generate precise frequencies (See the Modules class below for complete oscillators)
सिरामिक अनुनादक (Ceramic resonator) - Is a ceramic crystal used to generate semi-precise frequencies
सिरामिक फिल्टर - Is a ceramic crystal used to filter a band of frequencies such as in radio receivers
सरफेस एकाउस्टिक वेव (SAW) फिल्टर
दाबविद्युत प्रभाव को यांत्रिक संसूचक की तरह प्रयोग करने वाले अवयव
पराश्रव्य मोटर (Ultrasonic motor) - Electric motor that uses the piezoelectric effect
पीजो-बजर पीजो-माइक्रोफोन
शक्ति स्रोत (Power sources)
Sources of electrical power
बैटरी - acid- or alkali-based power supply
ईंधन सेल (Fuel cell) - an electrochemical generator
विद्युत प्रदायी (Power supply) - usually a mains hook-up
Photo voltaic device - generates electricity from light
Thermo electric generator - generates electricity from temperature gradients
विद्युत जनित्र - an electromechanical power source
संसूचक आदि (Transducers, sensors, detectors)
Transducers generate physical effects when driven by an electrical signal, or vice-versa.
Sensors (detectors) are transducers that react to environmental conditions by changing their electrical properties or generating an electrical signal.
The Transducers listed here are single electronic components (as opposed to complete assemblies), and are passive (see Semiconductors and Tubes for active ones). Only the most common ones are listed here.
Audio (see also Piezoelectric devices)
लाउडस्पीकर - Magnetic or piezoelectric device to generate full audio
Buzzer - Magnetic or piezoelectric sounder to generate tones
Position, motion
Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) - Magnetic - detects linear position
Rotary encoder , Shaft Encoder - Optical, magnetic, resistive or switches - detects absolute or relative angle or rotational speed
Inclinometer - Capacitive - detects angle with respect to gravity
Motion sensor , Vibration sensor
Flow meter - detects flow in liquid or gas
Force, torque
Strain gauge - Piezoelectric or resistive - detects squeezing, stretching, twisting
Accelerometer - Piezoelectric - detects acceleration, gravity
तापयुग्म (Thermocouple), thermopile - Wires that generate a voltage proportional to delta temperature
थर्मिस्टर - Resistor whose resistance changes with temperature, up PTC or down NTC
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) - Wire whose resistance changes with temperature
Thermal cutoff - Switch that is opened or closed when a set temperature is exceeded
Magnetic field (see also Hall Effect in semiconductors)
Electromagnetic, light
Photo resistor - Light dependent resistor (LDR)
सॉलिड स्टेट / अर्धचालक अवयव (Solid State components, Semiconductors)
Electronic control components with no moving parts.
Active components
A device which conducts electricity in only one direction.
डायोड , ऋजुकारी , [[सेतु ऋजुकारी (Bridge Rectifier)
शॉटकी डायोड - super fast diode with low forward voltage drop
जेनर डायोड - lets electricity flow "backwards" if it is suitably high in voltage
Transient Voltage Suppression Diode (TVS), Unipolar or Bipolar - used to block high-voltage spikes
Varactor, Tuning diode, Varicap, Variable Capacitance Diode - A diode come capacitor
प्रकाश उत्सर्जक डायोड (LED) - A diode which gives out light
LASER Diode - A laser LED
Photodiode - Only passes power when in light
Solar Cell, photovoltaic cell, PV array or panel
Avalanche Photodiode
Diode for Alternating Current (DIAC, Trigger Diode, SIDAC)
धारा स्रोत (Current source) Diode
Peltier cooler
Bipolar transistors
बीजेटी (BJT, "transistor") - NPN or PNP
Darlington transistor - NPN or PNP
Sziklai pair (Compound transistor, complementary Darlington)
Field effect transistor (FET)
Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) - N-CHANNEL or P-CHANNEL
Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET) - N-CHANNEL or P-CHANNEL
MEtal Semiconductor FET (MESFET)
High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)
UniJunction Transistor (UJT)
Programmable UniJunction Transistor (PUT)
एससीआर (SCR)
Static Induction Transistor/Thyristor (SIT, SITh)
TRIode for Alternating Current (TRIAC)
Composite transistors
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)--
Hall effect sensor - Senses a magnetic field
धारा संसूचक (Current sensor) - Senses a current through it
संकर परिपथ (Hybrid Circuits)
प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी (Optoelectronics)
Opto-Isolator, Opto-Coupler, Photo-Coupler - Photodiode, BJT, JFET, SCR, TRIAC, Zero-crossing TRIAC, Open collector IC, CMOS IC, Solid State Relay (SSR)
Opto Switch, Opto Interrupter, Optical Switch, Optical Interrupter, Photo switch, Photo Interrupter
LED Display - Seven-segment display , Sixteen-segment display , Dot matrix display
प्रदर्शक अवयव (Display technologies)
विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रकाश उत्सर्जक डायोड (LED)
Filament lamp (indicator lamp)
Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) (preformed characters, 7 segment, starburst)
Cathode ray tube (CRT) (dot matrix scan (eg computer monitor ), radial scan (eg radar ), arbitrary scan (eg oscilloscope )) (monochrome & colour )
एलसीडी (LCD) (preformed characters, dot matrix) (passive, TFT ) (monochrome, colour)
नियान (individual, 7 segment display)
प्रकाश उत्सर्जक डायोड (LED) (individual, 7 segment display, starburst display, dot matrix)
Flap indicator (numeric , preprinted messages)
Plasma display (dot matrix)
पुरानी (Obsolete):
Filament lamp 7 segment display (aka 'minitron')
Nixie Tube
Dekatron (aka glow transfer tube)
Magic eye indicator
Penetron (a 2 colour see-through CRT)
वाल्व आदि (Thermionic Valve, Vacuum Tube)
Active devices that operate in vacuum
माइक्रोवेव (Microwave)
प्रकाशीय (Optical)
फोटोडायोड (Photodiode)
कैथोड किरण नलिका (Cathode ray tube / (CRT))
Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD)
फोटोमल्टिप्लायर नलिका
एक्स-रे नलिका
डिस्चार्ज युक्तियाँ (Discharge devices)
Mercury arc rectifier
Voltage regulator tube
Nixie tube
असेम्बली आदि (Assemblies, modules)
Multiple electronic components assembled in a device that is in itself used as a component
Display devices
Liquid crystal display (LCD)
Elemental dipole
Phased array
Magnetic dipole (loop)
Parabolic dish
Feedhorn , Waveguide
प्रोटोटाइप के लिये सहायक अवयव (Prototyping aids)
यांत्रिक सहयुक्तियाँ (Mechanical accessories)
पीसीबी (Printed circuit board)
अप्रयुक्त (Obsolete):
Carbon amplifier (see Carbon microphones used as amplifiers )
Carbon arc (negative resistance device)
Dynamo (historic rf generator)
मानक संक्षेपण (Standard abbreviations)
उद्योगजगत में प्रयुक्त एलेक्ट्रानिक अवयवों के नामों के संक्षिप्त रुप
AE: aerial, antenna
B: battery
BR: bridge rectifier
C: capacitor
CRT:cathode ray tube
D or CR: diode
DSP:digital signal processor
F: fuse
FET:field effect transistor
GDT: gas discharge tube
IC: integrated circuit
J: wire link ("jumper")
JFET: junction gate field-effect transistor
L: inductor
LCD:Liquid crystal display
LDR: light dependent resistor
LED: light emitting diode
LS: speaker
M: motor
MCB: Miniature circuit breaker
Mic: microphone
MOSFET:Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
Ne: neon lamp
OP: Operational Amplifier
PCB: printed circuit board
PU: pickup
Q: transistor
R: resistor
RLA: RY: relay
SCR: silicon controlled rectifier
SW: switch
T: transformer
TFT:thin film transistor(display)
TH: thermistor
TP: test point
Tr: transistor
U: integrated circuit
V: valve (tube)
VC: variable capacitor
VFD: vacuum fluorescent display
VLSI:very large scale integration
VR: variable resistor
X: crystal, ceramic resonator
XMER: transformer
XTAL: crystal
Z or ZD: Zener diode