sign function. The following functions are also not smooth: Tangent (non-continuous) Cotangent Secant Cosecant Exsecant Excosecant Epitrochoid Epicycloid
केल्विन या -273.16 डिग्री सेल्सियस अवशोषण वर्णक्रम (absorption spectrum) A continuous spectrum interrupted by dark lines or bands that are characteristic of
(फंक्शन) की समानता के अनुसार व्यवस्थित किये गये हैं। Centrifugal casting Continuous casting Die casting Evaporative-pattern casting Full-mold casting Lost-foam
ATM machine (IBM 2984) IBM 1973 Josephson junction IBM 1973 Tunable continuous-wave laser Bell Labs 1973 Ethernet Metcalfe 1973 Mobile phone John F. Mitchell