सभी प्राचल

सामान्य तथ्य name, जन्म ...
जन्म birth_name
मौत death_date
मौत की वजह death_cause
समाधि resting_place
आवास residence
राष्ट्रीयता nationality
उपनाम other_names
नागरिकता citizenship
शिक्षा education
शिक्षा की जगह alma_mater
पेशा occupation
कार्यकाल years_active
संगठन employer
गृह-नगर home_town
पदवी title
वेतन salary
ऊंचाई height
भार weight
प्रसिद्धि का कारण known_for
अवधि term
पूर्वाधिकारी predecessor
उत्तराधिकारी successor
राजनैतिक पार्टी party
बोर्ड सदस्यता boards
जीवनसाथी spouse
साथी partner
बच्चे children
माता-पिता parents
संबंधी relatives
कॉल-दस्तखत callsign
आपराधिक मुकदमें criminal_charge
पुरस्कार awards
बंद करें
{{ज्ञानसन्दूक व्यक्ति
|name          = 
|image         = 
|image_size    = 
|caption       = 
|birth_name    = 
|birth_date    = {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} <!-- If linked with wiki-data use {{Wd|properties|references|P569}}, automatically retrieves date from data base.  -->
|birth_place   = <!-- If linked with wiki-data use {{Wd|properties|linked|references|linked|P19}} , automatically retrieves place of birth from data base.  -->
|death_date    = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|death_place   = 
|body_discovered = 
|death_cause   = 
|resting_place = 
|resting_place_coordinates = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LONG|display=inline,title}} -->
|residence     = 
|nationality   = 
|ethnicity     = 
|citizenship   = 
|other_names   = 
|known_for     = 
|notable_works =
|education     = 
|alma_mater    = 
|employer      = 
|occupation    = 
|years_active  = 
|home_town     = 
|salary        = 
|networth      = 
|height        = 
|weight        = 
|title         = 
|term          = 
|predecessor   = 
|successor     = 
|party         = 
|opponents     = 
|boards        = 
|religion      = 
|spouse        = 
|partner       = 
|children      = 
|parents       = 
|relations     = 
|callsign      = 
|awards        = 
|signature     = 
|website       = 
|footnotes     = 
|box_width     = 


Do not use all these parameters for any one person. The list is long to cover a wide range of people. Only use those parameters that describe why the person is notable. Any parameters left blank or omitted will not be displayed. If a data field has more than one parameter name which can be used, the preferred name is listed first in bold print.

अधिक जानकारी Parameter, Explanation ...
Parameter Explanation
nameekram Common name of person (defaults to article name if left blank; provide birth_name (below) if different from name).
image Image name: abc.jpg, xpz.png, 123.gif, etc. If an image is desired but not available, one may add "yes" to the "needs-photo" section of the Template:WPBiography on the talkpage. Do not use Image:Replace this image male.svg, Image:Replace this image female.svg or other placeholder images; the proposal to use such placeholders has been rejected by the community.
Size to display image: 200px (set width), or 200x300px (max width & max height). This defaults to 225px if empty or omitted.
caption Caption for image, if needed. Try to include date of photo and the photographer.
birth_name Name at birth, if different from name.
birth_date Date of birth: {{birth date and age|1930|1|15}} (if living) or {{birth date|1930|1|15}} (if dead). See Template:Birth date for details.
birth_place Place of birth: city, administrative region, sovereign state.
death_date Date of death: {{death date and age|1995|10|9|1930|1|15}} (if birth date is known) or {{death date|1995|10|9}} (if birth date unknown). See Template:Death date for details.
death_place Place of death: city, administrative region, sovereign state.
body_discovered Place where the body was discovered (If different from place of death).
death_cause Cause of death.
resting_place Place of burial, ash-scattering, etc.
resting_place_coordinates Coordinates for place of burial, ash-scattering etc. Use {{coord}} template.
residence Location(s) where the person notably resides/resided, if different from birth place.
nationality Nationality. May be used instead of citizenship (below) or vice versa in cases where any confusion could result. Should only be used with citizenship when they somehow differ.
ethnicity Ethnicity.
citizenship Citizenship. See usage notes for nationality.
other_names Other notable names for the person, if different from name and birth_name.
A brief description of why the person is notable.
notable_works Title(s) of notable work(s) (publications, compositions, sculptures, films, etc.) by the subject, if any. Produces the label Notable work. May be overridden by |credits=, which produces Notable credit(s); or by |works=, which produces Works; or by |label_name=, which produces Label(s).
  • The |notable_works=, |credits=, and |label_name= parameters are intended to be (at most) short inline lists.
  • The |label_name= variant is used for one or more record labels with which a performer is associated, or a fashion label in which a designer has been heavily involved or for which they are well known. Remember that this parameter is an alternative to the others mentioned here and is not used along with them.
  • The |works= variant is intended to link to a specific list article for a larger body of work (not all of which may be individually notable).
education Education.
alma_mater Alma mater
employer Employer.
occupation Occupation.
home_town The place where the person was raised and matured, if different from birth place and residence.
salary Annual salary or compensation.
networth Current estimated net worth.
height If person was notable for their height.
weight If used, this should also include the date.
title Multiple uses:
  • Formal title, such as First Lady of Japan for Akie Abe.
  • Awarded title, such at Mr. Olympia for Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Job title, such as President of Calvin College for Anthony Diekema.
  • A combination of the above, such as Professor of Mathematics and Fellow of the Royal Society for Bill Parry
term Years the person held the title listed above.
predecessor Person who previously held the title listed above.
successor Person who subsequently held the title listed above.
party Field labeled Political party.
boards Field labeled Board member of.
religion Field labeled Religion.
spouse Name of spouse(s), followed by years of marriage. Use the format Name (1950-present) for current spouse and Name (1970-1999) for former spouse(s). Separate entries with a line break (<br/>).
partner Use same format as spouse.
children Number of children (i.e. 3), or list of names if notable. Separate entries with a line break (<br/>).
parents Names of parents, if notable. Separate entries with a line break (<br/>).
Names of siblings or other relatives, if notable. Include the relationship in parentheses after the name (sister, uncle, etc). Separate entries with a line break (<br/>).
callsign Amateur radio call-sign.
awards Notable awards
signature An image of the person's signature. Image is displayed at a width of 128px, same format as {{Infobox Writer}}, {{Infobox Officeholder}} and {{Infobox Philosopher}}.
website Official website only. Unofficial websites should be placed under ==External links== in the body of the article.
footnotes Notes about any of the infobox data.
box_width The infobox width, such as: box_width=220px (default: 22em). Space character between the number and the unit of measurement breaks the parameter.
बंद करें


इस टेम्पलेट द्वारा उत्पादित एचटीएमएल मार्कअप में एचसीएडी माइक्रोफॉर्मैट शामिल है, जो व्यक्ति के विवरण कंप्यूटर द्वारा पार्स करने योग्य बनाता है, या तो विकिपीडिया में लेखों को कैटलॉग करने के लिए स्वचालित रूप से कार्य करता है या पाठक द्वारा संचालित ब्राउज़र टूल के माध्यम से (उदाहरण के लिए) विषय को किसी पते पर जोड़ता है किताब। विकिपीडिया पर माइक्रोफॉर्मेट्स के उपयोग के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया माइक्रोफॉर्मेट प्रोजेक्ट देखें।

जन्मतिथि ("बडे") जानकारी केवल माइक्रोफ़ॉर्मेट में शामिल की जाएगी अगर {{Birth date}} या {{Birth date and age}} (वैकल्पिक रूप से) {{birth-date}} infobox में उपयोग किया जाता है। (यदि तारीख १५८३ से पहले है तो इनका उपयोग न करें)। इनका उपयोग करने के बारे में सावधान रहें यदि व्यक्ति अभी भी जीवित है, प्रति डब्ल्यूपी: डीओबी। एक यूआरएल शामिल करने के लिए, उपयोग करें {{URL}}. कृपया इन उप-टेम्पलेट्स के उदाहरणों को न हटाएं।


एचकार्ड एचटीएमएल कक्षाओं का उपयोग करता है जिनमें शामिल हैं:

  • एडीआर
  • एजेंट
  • जन्मदिन
  • जन्मस्थल
  • वर्ग
  • देश का नाम
  • मौत की तिथि
  • मौत की जगह
  • विस्तारित-पता
  • परिवार का नाम
  • fn (अपेक्षित)
  • दिया गया नाम
  • संमानित-उपसर्ग
  • संमानित-प्रत्यय
  • लेबल
  • इलाके
  • n
  • उपनाम
  • ध्यान दें
  • org
  • भूमिका
  • यूआरएल
  • vcard

कृपया इन वर्गों का नाम बदलें या हटाएं और न ही उन घोंसले वाले तत्वों को ध्वस्त करें जो उनका उपयोग करते हैं।


सामान्य तथ्य एम. एस. सुब्बुलक्ष्मी, जन्म ...
एम. एस. सुब्बुलक्ष्मी
जन्म 16 सितम्बर 1916
मदुरई, मद्रास प्रेसीडेंसी, ब्रिटिश भारत
मौत दिसम्बर 11, 2004(2004-12-11) (उम्र 88 वर्ष)
चेन्नई, तमिल नाडु, भारत
जीवनसाथी कल्कि सदाशिवम (1940-मृत्यु)
पुरस्कार भारत रत्न
बंद करें
{{ज्ञानसन्दूक व्यक्ति
| name   = एम. एस. सुब्बुलक्ष्मी
| image     = Ms subbulakshmi.jpg
| birth_date  = {{birth date|1916|9|16|mf=y}}
| birth_place = [[मदुरई]], [[मद्रास प्रेसीडेंसी]], [[ब्रिटिश भारत]]
| spouse      = [[त्यागराजन सदाशिवम|कल्कि सदाशिवम]] (1940-मृत्यु)
| dead=dead
| death_date  = {{death date and age|2004|12|11|1916|9|16|mf=y}}
| death_place = [[चेन्नई]], [[तमिल नाडु]], [[भारत]]
| awards = [[भारत रत्न]]

Tracking categories


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