Bibliography of Walther's Printed Works.’ WesternEsotericism. Selected Papers Read at the Symposium on WesternEsotericism held at Åbo, Finland, on 15–17 August
a writer on an Indian esoteric system taking a name imbued with westernesotericism. The name at any rate seems to hint at initiations and the possession
chapter 1. The entry "Albertus Magnus", Dictionary of Gnosis & WesternEsotericism, 2006 Edition, p. 9 שם; שם. Francis J Kovach; Robert W Shahan, Albert
בינה, תשס"ח. Hanegraaff, Wouter J. (1998), New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought הרב אלעזר פלקלש, שו"ת תשובה