in Film Awards – Introduction". אורכב מ-המקור ב-3 באפריל 2011. נבדק ב-31 במרץ 2011. {{cite web}}: (עזרה) "23rdAnnual Young Artist
18th 2010 13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards Finalists, Uncharted 2, Flower, Assassin's Creed II Lead Finalists for the Tenth Annual Game Developers
America, ET Canada, 2017-09-29 GLAAD Announces Nominees For 23rdAnnual GLAAD Media Awards | GLAAD,, 2012-01-26 The 12 Greatest Female
America, ET Canada, 2017-09-29 GLAAD Announces Nominees For 23rdAnnual GLAAD Media Awards | GLAAD,, 2012-01-26 The 12 Greatest Female