'S e gille-ruith às an Itiop a tha ann an Haile Gebrselassie. Rugadh e air 18 an Giblean 1973.
Quick Facts Beatha, Breith ...
Haile Gebrselassie |
Beatha |
Breith |
Asella (en) , 18 dhen Ghiblean 1973 |
Dùthaich |
An Itiop |
Àite-fuirich |
Asella (en) |
Dreuchd |
Dreuchd |
marathon runner (en) , long-distance runner (en) agus lùth-chleasaiche |
- 1992 World Junior Championships in Athletics – men's 5000 metres (en) (1.)
1992 World Junior Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 1993 World Championships in Athletics – men's 5000 metres (en) (2.) 1993 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 1995 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 1995 IAAF Grand Prix Final (en) (1.) athletics at the 1996 Summer Olympics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 1997 IAAF World Indoor Championships – men's 3000 metres (en) (1.) 1997 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 1998 IAAF Grand Prix Final (en) (1.) 1 500 mètres masculin aux championnats du monde d'athlétisme en salle 1999 (mul) (1.) 3 000 mètres masculin aux championnats du monde d'athlétisme en salle 1999 (mul) (1.) 1999 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) athletics at the 2000 Summer Olympics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (1.) 2001 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (3.) 2001 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships (en) (1.) 3 000 mètres masculin aux championnats du monde d'athlétisme en salle 2003 (mul) (1.) 2003 World Championships in Athletics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (2.) athletics at the 2004 Summer Olympics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (5.) Amsterdam Marathon (en) (1.) athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics – men's 10,000 metres (en) (6.)
Cuideam |
56 kilogram |
Àirde |
169 centimetre |
Duaisean a fhuaras |
- Track & Field News Athlete of the Year (1995)
Bislett medal (1997) Track & Field News Athlete of the Year (1998) Princess of Asturias Award for Sports (2 dhen t-Sultain 2011)
Ainmeachadh airson duaisean |
- [[Best Male Track Athlete ESPY Award (en) ]]
IMDb |
nm0311405 |
Bhuannaich e dà bhonn òir aig na Olympics ann an 1996 agus 2000 airson 10,000 m. Ann an 2004, thàinig e a-steach anns a' chòigeamh àite. Bhuannaich a co-thìreach, Kenenisa Bekele am bonn òir na aite. 'S e prìomh co-fharpaiseach ann an eachdraidh de ruith gu fada a th 'ann.
Tha Haile ag ràdh iomadach tursan gu bheil e ag iarraidh a bhith na cheann-suidhe na h-Itiop nas fhaide na bheatha.