
dùthaich ann an Afraga a Tuath From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'S e dùthaich ann an Afraga a tha ann an Aildiria [1] (Arabais: لجزائر, Al Jaza'ir IPA: ɛlʤɛˈzɛːʔir; Cànan Bherber: , Dzayer IPA:ldzæjər). Ach tha ainm Gàidhlig eile oirre:

  • Ailgeria[2]
  • Ailgear[3]
  • Tìr’n Aildìr[4]
  • Algeria[5][6]
  • Ainm oifigeil: Sluagh-phoblachd Dheamocratach Aildiria[1]
Quick Facts Pàirt de, Cur air cois ...
stàit neo-eisimeileach, Mediterranean country, people's republic, dùthaich
Pàirt deAfraga a Tuath, Muslim world, Arab world, An Fhraing 
Cur air cois3 dhen Iuchar 1962 
Nameالجزائر, Algeria, Algeria 
Ainm oifigeilاَلْجُمهُورِيَّة اَلْجَزَائِرِيَّة اَلدِّيمُقرَاطِيَّة اَلشَّعبِيَّة 
Ainm dùthchasachالجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية, الجزائر 
Ainm goirid🇩🇿 
Participant inSand War 
Cànan oifigeilArabais, Standard Algerian Berber 
Cultureculture of Algeria 
MottoBy the people and for the people 
Mottoبالشّعب وللشّعب 
Faisg air an uisgeAm Muir Meadhan-thìreach 
Domhan-leud is -fhad 
Coordinates of easternmost point 
Coordinates of northernmost point 
Coordinates of southernmost point 
Coordinates of westernmost point 
Puing as àirdeMount Tahat 
Lowest pointChott Melrhir 
Basic form of governmentsemi-presidential system 
Oifis aig ceann-stàitePresident of Algeria 
Ceannard na stàiteAbdelmadjid Tebboune 
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltaisPrime Minister of Algeria 
Ceannard an riaghaltaisNadir Larbaoui 
Executive bodyGovernment of Algeria 
Legislative bodyParliament of Algeria 
Highest judicial authoritySupreme Court of Algeria 
Central bankBank of Algeria 
Ball deNa Dùthchannan Aonaichte 
CurrencyAlgerian dinar 
A’ gabhail a-steachEl Mouradia Palace 
Driving sideright 
Electrical plug typeType E, Schuko, Europlug 
TachartasAlgerian War, Sand War, Algerian Civil War, Evian Accords 
Cuspair eòlaisAlgerian studies 
Top-level Internet 
Main regulatory textConstitution of Algeria 
Bratachflag of Algeria 
Gearradh-armEmblem of Algeria 
Geography of topicgeography of Algeria 
Feartnot-free country 
History of topichistory of Algeria 
Official religionIoslam 
Railway traffic sideleft 
Economy of topiceconomy of Algeria 
Demographics of topicdemographics of Algeria 
Mobile country code603 
Country calling code+213 
Emergency phone number14, 17, 1548, 1055 
GS1 country code613 
Licence plate codeDZ 
Maritime identification digits605 
Stack Exchange tag 
Caractar Unicode🇩🇿 
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Algeria 

'S e Aildiria an dàrna dùthaich as motha air feadh Afraga .[7] Tha crìochan aice san ear-thuath le Tuinisia, san ear le Libia, san ear-dheas le Nìgeir, san iar-dheas le Màili agus Moratainia agus le Maroco san iar-thuath. Tha i suidhichte air a’ Mhuir Mheadhanach. 'S e Algiers prìomh-bhaile na dùthcha.Tha mòran àitichean ann an Aildiria a tha dìonta mar Làrach Dhualchas na Cruinne leis an UNESCO:

  • Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad, a ciad prìomh-bhaile aig àm Impireachd Hammadid
  • Tipasa, baile bho àm nam Poenicianaich
  • Djémila, tobhta bho àm nan Ròmanaich
  • Timgad, tobhta eile bho àm nan Ròmanaich
  • M'Zab Valley, Gleann
  • Tassili n'Ajjer, ruith-beanntain

‘S e caisteal cliùiteach a tha ann an Casbah Aildiria.


Bha Aildiria na phàirt Impireachd nan Otomanach ro 1830.

Fhuair Aildiria neo-eisimeileachd às an Fhraing ann an 1962 an dèidh do dh'aramach leis an FLN. Bha cogadh sìobhalta eadar an riaghaltas agus bun-chreidmhich Ioslamaich eadar 1991 is 2002.[8]


Ceangal a-mach

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