Henry Pelham

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Henry Pelham

B' e Prìomh-mhinistear am Breatainn a bh' ann an Henry Pelham (25 an t-Sultain 1694 6 am Màrt 1754).

Quick Facts member of the 7th Parliament of Great Britain (en), member of the 6th Parliament of Great Britain (en) ...
Henry Pelham
member of the 7th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

member of the 6th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

member of the 10th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

member of the 5th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

member of the 9th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

member of the 8th Parliament of Great Britain (en) Translate

Prìomh-mhinistear na Rìoghachd Aonaichte

27 dhen Lùnastal 1743 - 6 dhen Mhàrt 1754
Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington - Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1ad Diùc Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Ceannard Taigh nan Cumantan

27 dhen Lùnastal 1743 - 6 dhen Mhàrt 1754
Samuel Sandys, 1st Baron Sandys (en) Translate - Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grantham (en) Translate
Seannsalair an Iomhais

12 dhen Dùbhlachd 1743 - 6 dhen Mhàrt 1754
Samuel Sandys, 1st Baron Sandys (en) Translate - Sir William Lee (en) Translate
Breith Laughton (en) Translate, 26 dhen t-Sultain 1694 (Julian)
Dùthaich Rìoghachd na Breatainne Mòire
Bàs Lunnainn, 6 dhen Mhàrt 1754
Àite-adhlacaidh Sussex (en) Translate
Athair Thomas Pelham, 1ad Bharan Pelham
Màthair Lady Grace Holles
Cèile Catherine Manners (en) Translate  (29 dhen Dàmhair 1726 -
Bràithrean ⁊ peathraichean
Foghlam Colaiste Hertford
Sgoil Westminster
Colaiste an Rìgh
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd neach-poileataigs
Duaisean a fhuaras
Ballrachd An Comann Rìoghail
Creideamh Eaglais Shasainn
Pàrtaidh poileataigeach A' Chuigse

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