George Gordon Noel Byron, 6. Baron Byron (* 22. Janewoore 1788 uun London; † 19. April 1824 uun Messolongi, Griichenlun), bekäänd üs Lord Byron, wiar en britisken dachter faan't ingelsk romantik. Hi wiar di aatj faan Ada Lovelace an hää för't greks rewolutsion streden. Sodenang hää hi uk Harro Harring käänenliard.

Tekst üüb Öömrang

Lord Byron, 1813

Staken (ütjwool)

  • Fugitive Pieces. 1806.
  • Poems on Various Occasions. Hours of Idleness. 1807.
  • Epitaph to a Dog. 1808.
  • English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 1809.
  • Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. Cantos 1–2. 1812.
  • The Giaour. The Bride of Abydos. 1813.
  • The Corsair. Lara. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1814.
  • Hebrew Melodies. 1815.
  • The Prisoner of Chillon. 1816.
  • When in pain. 1816.
  • The Siege of Corinth. Parisina. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto 3. The Prisoner of Chillon. 1816.
  • Manfred. 1817.
  • Beppo. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto 4. 1818.
  • Mazeppa. Don Juan. Cantos 1–2. 1819.
  • Marino Faliero. Don Juan. Cantos 3–5. Cain. The Two Foscari. Sardanapalus. 1821.
  • Vision of Judgement. 1822.
  • Don Juan. Cantos 6–14. 1823.
  • Don Juan. Cantos 15–16. 1824.

Luke uk diar

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