\brɪŋk\ Bord, lisière, orée. The brink of a well. La margelle d'un puits. To be upon the very brink of a precipice. être au bord du précipice. To be upon the
le long de. (1) Anglais : exist alongside (en), pass alongside (en), borderupon (en), skirt the edge of (en) Italien : costeggiare (it), costeggiare (it)
king-size King's Norton king’s ransom Kings Sutton Kingston Kingston upon Hull Kingston upon Thames priest-king prom king monarch His Majesty prince princess
birthday present a waistcoat of purple tabinet, with little foxes's heads upon it, lined with brown satin and having round mulberry buttons. — (James Joyce
contrast-blue is not a colot that has any objective existence—it is only produced upon the retina as a side effect of yellow ; it cannot therefore be moved about