Investments », 13 avril 2017. (en) National Statistics Office of Georgia : « GrossOutput, at current prices », 12 avril 2017. (en) National Statistics Office
éléments du tenseur a # Output: tensor(-2.1540) print(a[1,2]) # Affichage de l'élément de la 2ème rangée et de la 3ème colonne de a # Output: tensor(0.5847) print(a
change, as in other parts of Chin. Among the total 5,044 million yuan "grossoutput value of industry" in 2007, 33,1 percent was produced by state-owned
change, as in other parts of Chin. Among the total 5,044 million yuan "grossoutput value of industry" in 2007, 33,1 percent was produced by state-owned
Banque de données automatisée sur les médicaments BIOS : (en)Basic Input Output System BIPM : Brevet d'initiation au parachutisme militaire Bureau international